The First Graduating Class In Kenya...

It was all pomp and color as one by one people began trickle to the venue of the first graduation ceremony of Kenya School of preaching. The journey of training men to be preachers that began in October 1st 2012 came to an end with the conferment of diplomas on August 23rd 2014. Despite the limited space of 150 at the graduation venue, multitude of families, relatives and friends of graduates and KSOP defied capacity advice and arrived as early as 7:30 am to witness and congratulate their loved ones. Over 250 attended the ceremony. 

We began the training with 20 men from different parts of Kenya to be preachers and like in any other journey, 7 fell off along the way because the going got tough and they could not withstand the heat. During the two years the 13 men received the best training from qualified faculty who instructed them on 56 courses both textual and topical. Besides the 56 courses was a class on basic computer knowledge. The graduates learned how to become better students of God’s word, how to dig deeper, and how to think critically and now the things they believe they believe them more deeply and firmly.

August 23rd marked the culmination of two years of intense study for the 13 graduates who I had the pleasure to handover to Dr. Mike Reese the KSOP Coordinator and Professor at Amridge University USA who had the full authority to rightfully confer diplomas to the worthy and deserving graduates.

Dr. Mike Reese stirred the crowd when he gave each graduate a literal mango fruit with the piece of advice to either choose to eat the fruit and throw the seed or eat the fruit and plant the seed for more mangos, very practical illustration in Africa.

Each graduate was presented with NKJV study bible and another bible in one’s native language. To make mobility to preach the gospel easier, each graduate was also presented with a new bicycle. Truly much was being given to them and much shall be required of them.

Thanks to Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver Colorado for accepting our request for an extension school in Kenya with the aim of training men in their own culture to reach their own people. This is a realization of what Paul told the young evangelist Timothy in 2Tim 2:2, “…the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

We also acknowledge and thank the loyal assistance and generosity of Charlotte Avenue Church of Christ, Rock Hill SC which serves as the sponsoring congregation and the other many loyal supporters who make this work possible through their prayers, material and financial contributions. We thank the leadership of Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver Colorado and the elders of Bear Valley Church of Christ for the guidance and leadership in this great work. It has been a blessing working with you all.

We appreciate Dr. Reese for his leadership, making sure we get qualified short course teachers from USA and coming to Kenya twice annually to teach. Keep on keeping on. 

We also give special thanks to all the short course teachers from USA and Kenya who made this day a success by coming to teach periodically, Mike Rowand, Bob Turner, Cy Stafford, Dr. Denny Petrillo, Ralph Williams and Wayne Burger. Blessings!

We already have 39 applications from prospective students requesting for a place in the second intake (Beta Class). The KSOP faculty with the local preachers around will go through the applications and invite 20 if they qualify for the class beginning October 6th, 2014.

We request that you keep on praying and assisting the work to enable us keep training more faithful men. Thanks again and God bless you all.

With brotherly love and joy.

Charles Ogutu
KSOP - Director

Posted on August 31, 2014 .