The Kisongo Church Is Blessed For Several Reasons...

Dear brethren,

I hope this report finds you doing well. I thank God for all who are seeking first the kingdom and supporting Tanzania Missions. Your dedication to the task given to us by the Lord is heartwarming and greatly encourages us.

The Lord’s church in Kisongo (located at the back of the ACSOP campus) has been abundantly blessed this month and we have enjoyed some significant spiritual growth. With our close proximity to ACSOP we are fortunate to be blessed by:

1.    A large number of the student body while they attend ACSOP.

2.    The many talented instructors, from all over the world, who teach at ACSOP and in turn, preach and teach at Kisongo. 

3.    Our well planned, local outreach. The Kisongo congregation is very diligent in seeking out the lost and encouraging the weak. Members are also active in attending conferences, campaigns and seminars – anything that will help them grow.

4.    The work and advice provided by the Tanzania Missions missionary team.

We had the privilege of hosting the East Africa gospel meeting August 4-10. This annual meeting rotates countries each year. We had many brethren, and ACSOP graduates, from all over East Africa attend. The meeting was a great blessing! Each day we would enjoy sermons in the morning and then we spent the afternoon doing door-to-door evangelism. This effort resulted in 90 new souls hearing the gospel and 5 being added to the Lord’s kingdom. We solicit your prayers as we work hard to follow up and that God will open more doors.

May God continue to bless you where you are laboring for Him.

In Christ,

Ahimidiwe Kimaro
ACSOP, Assistant Director

Posted on August 24, 2014 .