Restoring The Unfaithful To The Lord...

Dear brethren,

It is my hope that you are all doing very well in your service to our Lord. All is well in Arusha and we are very busy at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Currently, I am proofing the translation of Growing in Christ. I have been translating this material into Swahili over the past several weeks.

For the past two weeks I have benefited greatly from instruction given by Jerry Bates in our ACSOP graduate classes. He has done a great job teaching Advanced Hermeneutics and New Testament Criticism. We have covered so much material that is new and helpful to me. I can’t wait to share it with other brethren.

Over the past several days, Isaac Kusupa, and I have been visiting a number of backsliding members of the Arusha congregation. One such visit was with our brother John Mpapa and his family. John has not been to services since 2010. We spent a great deal of time studying Luke 15 and explaining to John how much God loves him and that He is always anxious to accept His children back when they repent. We thank God that John came to bible class on Wednesday night and repented before the congregation. The whole church welcomed him with open arms and rejoiced at his return to the Lord. Please pray for him and his family that they will stay faithful.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers on behalf of the work in Tanzania. We pray God continues to bless you as you labor daily in His kingdom.

In Christ,

Godfrey Mngoma
Student Dean-ACSOP

Posted on August 24, 2014 .