Taking The Messiah To The Masai...

It is wonderful to see people responding to the gospel of Christ! Follow-up work continues in Ilkiurei and a campaign has wrapped up at Usa River. Over the past few weeks hundreds of Bible studies have been conducted and dozens of baptisms have resulted.  

Two of those baptisms were Masai men named Simon and Obeti. They were eager students of the word, and readily accepted what the Bible had to say. Some of our visiting campaigners were a little shocked when we had to spend time in serious Bible study with these men over the question of whether or not a Christian can drink blood. After all that's not a question that comes up very often back home in the States. They're not vampires, but part of traditional Masai culture is drinking a beverage that consists of cow's blood mixed with milk.  

These men had a great attitude and can't wait to share what they have learned with their family. One of them plans to enroll in Bible school, then go back to his home village to plant a congregation among his kinsmen. What a fantastic plan!

As we extend the invitation at the conclusion of services here, the process works a little differently than back home. Rather than coming to the front of the auditorium, he or she is asked to remain standing at the conclusion of the song as everyone sits down. The minister then comes to them to see what their need may be. 

Daniel Gaines

To see Daniel’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on June 29, 2014 .