48 Reasons To Read This Report...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

Thanks be to God for all He is, all He does and to all He has yet to do. Thank you all for your love and prayers for God’s work here in Tanzania. He continues to give the increase and He continues to open doors of opportunities. 

Wow, what a month! Our summer Safari for Souls campaign efforts are coming to a close. The follow-up work in underway and the good done and being done, only God knows the fullness of it. This much we do know, our short term co-workers have come and gone, hundreds of Bibles put into the hands of the people. Hundreds of one-on-one Bible studies were conducted and continue. Tens of thousands of Bible tracts handed out and hundreds of Bible Correspondence Courses signed up and on going. Many lives blessed by acts of love, food, one thousand mosquito nets, etc. 

Why all the work, simple, “For God so loved the WORLD, He gave.....” God gave and so should we. As a good brother once said, “the secret to successful evangelism in a word; WORK.” When God’s Word goes out to the people, it does not return void. God has blessed this summers SFS effort by increasing the ranks of the Kingdom by adding 48 SOULS. Restorations have also taken place and the congregations in the Arusha and Moshi area have been edified. 

A very special thanks to every campaigner and to all our good friends and supporters making it possible for each servant to come. We know we are able to return the good by our working together and by our creating (with God’s help) a conducive working environment. Lives are changed for the good and the Church in America is built up by the life changing trip to do God’s will here in East Africa. 

If you have ever considered going on a mission trip abroad, won’t you consider joining us next year, doing God’s will, saving souls, and changing lives eternally, including your own. 

Please remember our Elk City, OK group as they return home and also Jonathan Page who will travel this week to work with the Kilimanjaro congregation in Moshi. 

A Personal Plea: I will be coming to America for my Fall fundraising trip. I have also been invited to speak at Polishing The Pulpit on missions while in the States. I will also have the privilege of attending the Bear Valley Extension School retreat in Denver where reports on the various works are given and plans for future expansions are discussed. I request your prayers for my travels and for Stephanie and Granny while we are separated. I am also in need of travel funds, making this all possible. Any help toward this need of $3,500 would be greatly appreciated. 

Till all have heard....

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on June 29, 2014 .