Dearest in Christ,
Calvary greetings from Wotutu here in Cameroon. We are doing great in health and the work entrusted in our hands, except for some students who had malaria, but thanks to God we had drugs on campus that we administered to our sick students and some members of the congregation.
Last week in Cameroon is always different characterized with lots of activities as the 11th of February every year is a national holiday where both the French and English speaking Cameroonians in 1961 accepted to be one.
All other activities in CBIW are going on well. Students continue to grow in their studies and way of life to give glory to God. Keep them in your prayers.
Our students during the holiday marched pass government officials raising their Bibles up to show that lives on earth will not be meaningful if many continue to live their lives out of the norms of the Bible. Our early 5 am program is “Back to the Bible.” It continues to help expose the truth to many in our communities.
Our Christian elementary school school in Wotutu, Brightland, was also part of the celebration. What a great thing to colonize the minds of these young ones with the word. That is our aim in Brightland Christian Academy, to give the word of God to these young people and help them grow daily with the truth. Many of them come from unbelieving homes. Your prayers and support will do great things to this work. The motto is “Excellence and Trust Built in God.”
Our involvement in the holiday is of double purpose, as the government commands all schools to be actively involved and participate in the activities, like choral singing and other stuff. CBIW students will only march pass and spend the other time sharing the good news to many young people as it is an opportunity for many schools in the communities to come together. We do our best to transplant the truth which will grow in them and help them.
Brother Mokwe, in Koba village, obeyed the government with their instructions. Some CBIW students traveled to 7 different locations for weekend evangelism. Brother Mokwe Eugene was in Koba, my village, sharing the good news to the people on house to house. Keep my village congregation in your prayers as they have a lot of struggles to stand firm. There is no one to preach the word to them which made many fall from the grace. They have no building to worship God, which also presents a great challenge.
Brother Mokwe baptized sister Judith into Christ. He also baptized brother Modika and restored 8 souls into Christ. What a God we serve. Keep this work in your prayers as we are putting our interest as along as we have the means to send our students there on weekly basics, so that this congregation will get sound messages and get the backsliders who are in their number to come back to the Lord. Please, would you love to be part of this soul saving ministry?
One soul was added in Ediki, Dikome and a total of 5 precious souls were added into the church this weekend. Keep them in your prayers as we feed them with the spiritual milk that will help them grow.
The Koba congregation is under construction. We are fighting hard to get a wooden building and zinc on it before the rains comes Please keep this in your prayers. The old building sits beside the new one under construction
We continue reaching out to many communities weekly. Koba and Dikome have great interest.
The work in Dikome continues to grow and the Christians made an appeal for more Bibles, as they show their interest in studying more so as to share with others. They dominant population in that congregation are sisters and they are zealous.
God bless you for all that you are doing to the work here. God alone will bless you and reward you for your good heart. Continue so that you will get your reward in due season.
Do your best to share this report with others.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW