I take this opportunity to share with you the joy of 8 souls that were baptized through the preaching school students going out to evangelize in the local congregations for the past 4 Sundays. Some students even organized with the church preachers to conduct door to door evangelism with the result that many Bible studies were established. We are excited at the zeal to spread the gospel being shown by these men. The is knowledge put to practice.
Phabian Paul, a former student at ACSOP in Arusha, Tanzania, is teaching the book of Isaiah during this quarter and after him we look forward to having Mike Reese and Denny Petrillo teaching two short courses from February 24 through March 7. We will also have six students from Uganda and Kenya coming for two masters class at KSOP. It’s a great honor to have foreign teachers come to teach and get involved with the Lord’s work.
We are also expecting a team from the US, led by elders of Charlotte Avenue Church of Christ, SC. They will lead gospel campaigns in various areas in Western Kenya. Together we will lead the preaching students to Ndwara for a three day gospel campaign from February 20 -23. We look forward to a fruitful week during the campaign to help the new congregation reach out. We pray for your safety as you prepare to fly.
The school is growing steadily and stronger every quarter and we thank all who take time to pray for us, generously supporting the school and offering advice and encouragement. Join us in prayers to buy land for the school; I know this will come to pass. Do not therefore “…grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
His servant and yours,
Charles Ogutu