Approaching Graduation Anticipates Great Attendance In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. God is faithful to us. We are doing great here, even though many are sick because of the change in climate now.

Our students continue to grow and they make their preparation for graduation. Many of our students have made invitation cards for their graduation.

This year we are expecting a big crowd because of the number of those who will be graduating. During the alpha graduation, we graduated 17 students and those that came to attend the graduation was 1352 people. This year we are going to graduate 26 students, by the grace of God, and 23 new students may be the population we are expecting if the economic hardship of Cameroon will not stop many to attend from distance places.

As I write this report, our students who went out for weekend evangelism are back, as they reached out to souls and also use that opportunity to give out their invitations to invite many to come to Wotutu.

God continues to bless the prison ministry as two souls were added today again. Wow, the brethren are still eager to get some correspondent courses, as they prepare themselves for study in the school of preaching.

We are able to show the work here, as many continue to grow in our congregation and work. This month we are dealing with the theme “Spiritual Check-Up,” giving opportunity to our Christians to check themselves again and again (2 Co. 13:5).

We are making preparation for the annual Bible lectureship of the churches of Christ in Cameroon, which will take place the 25th to the 30th of November, but our congregation and students will return to Wotutu on the 28th because elder Randy and wife will be entering Cameroon on the 29th to teach “The Pastoral Epistles,” which will be the last course for our students before going into the field. Keep the students in your prayers and elder Randy and their trip to Cameroon.

God bless you and keep you strong. Thanks for all that you do towards the growth of the work here.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on November 9, 2014 .