Another Encouraging Angle Of The Recent Work In Nepal...

From the first of October to the fifth, we had a youth Bible camp at the Nepal Centre for Biblical Studies (NCBS). We had youth from all over the country including some from India. We had around sixty people or more. The camp was really encouraging as well as fun for all the youth. We had some of the youth give classes at the camp. Including myself, some of the other youth that gave the Bible lessons were Prakash and Mithun (current student at NCBS). Brother Gajendra also gave some lessons. The camp was very much appreciated by all the youth and there was a positive response from all those attending the camp. Most of the youth were in tears at the end of the camp when it was time to return home.

About a week after the Bible camp, Barsha Rajani and I traveled to East Nepal to visit as well as have Bible studies at the homes of the various youth that attended the camp. On October 15, the three of us took a bus to Surunga, Jhapa. We arrived at the home of Brother Bharat around 9:30 pm and stayed there the night. The next morning, we went to brother Shanti’s house in Birtamod for Bible class. There we met up with brothers Gajendra, Surya, Parsuram and Deepak, who had traveled earlier to India for Bible classes. That evening we had an evening devotion at brother Bharat’s nephew’s home. The next morning, we had a Bible encouragement class at the same place. There were a lot of non- Christians too so we got share the Gospel with them. We also visited some wonderful places in Surunga.

On October 18, Saturday, the three of us along with the brothers from Kathmandu, traveled to Dharan. We got to visit some beautiful places in Dharan that day. That evening, we had a Bible class at the home of one of the youth that attended the youth camp. The next morning we had our Sunday worship at the Church building in Dharan. We spent the day with all the children that we met at the youth camp. That evening we had bible study at the home of another youth who attended the camp.

Early the next morning, the rest of us took a bus to Rajni’s house at Lalbandhi. We visited her family and had a devotion class that evening. We stayed there one night and then we traveled to Hetauda the next day to Arun’s (former student of NCBS, currently taking a Bible course in India) house. We had a family Bible class there as well.

On October 22, Wednesday, we traveled by bus to the home of brother Chandra Prakash (former student at NCBS) in Kalikatar. On the way, we also stopped at Sauraha, Chitwan for a boat ride and a short tour of the jungle. We arrived at Kalikatar in the late evening. The next day we had Bible class at the Church building at Kalikatar. That afternoon, Brother Gajendra and I also went higher up in the hills to the village of some of the current students at NCBS( Dil Bahadur, Surendra, Khadka Bahadur and Imm Bahadur). We met their families and returned back to brother Chandra Prakash’s house.

On October 24, Friday, we headed back home to Kathmandu. 

The trip was a wonderful and encouraging experience for the three of us. We had a lot of fun traveling to various beautiful places, meeting youth from various parts of the country along with their families, and especially being able to have bible classes at different places. We look forward to doing this again in the future if God is willing. I have attached a few pictures of our trip along with this report.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters in Christ in Bear Valley for their continued support and encouragement. This trip would not have been possible without your help. May God bless all of you. 

Thank you all very much,
Roshan Rana

Posted on November 9, 2014 .