Tract Distribution In Campaign Effort Yields Fruit In Togo...

Kpodzi Church of Christ Meets 
I had the opportunity to worship with the Kpodzi church of Christ on my recent visit to Kpalime. I thought the Bible class and David preached the sermon. I was impressed with David’s handling of the class especially with the interpretation of scripture. Brethren, the word is powerful in that it has completely turned David around. Prior to David coming to CBS, he was in a denomination with five branches and several members. Since they got this new place, those who at one time left because of a lack of place to worship are now coming back. This congregation has a great future. 

Tract Distribution During Kpalime Campaign 
We organized a three day campaign in the city center of Kpalime. We were able to take pictures showing how our new canopy was mounted for tract distribution. The theme for the campaign was “Delivered from the Power of Darkness.” Topics discussed included: Prophecies and Fulfillments of the Kingdom, What must I do to Become Part of the Kingdom, and How to Identify the Kingdom (Church) Today. 

The tracts were donated through George Funk of the Gospel Chariot Mission in South Africa. The church of Christ is reaching many through its outreach programs which include: tract distribution, radio program, Bible correspondence courses, house to house personal work, and public (open air) preaching. 

Worship At Nyiveme Church of Christ in Kpalime  
The Nyiveme church of Christ and the Eyoh church of Christ had a joint service to fellowship and encourage one another. The occasion was used by the daughter of brother and sister Hodanou. Brother Hodanou is the preacher at the Eyoh church of Christ near Kpalime. There were 81 in attendance during the service. 

Akalo Teaching A Class
Akalo preaches for a congregation in Tsevie and also is one of the instructors at CBS in Kpalime. Akalo started working with CBS at the very inception of the CBS in 2005. He travels on a motor bike almost three hours to teach each time he is scheduled to teach. Akalo needs a new motor bike to facilitate his movement since the one he is using now is very old. Contact me if you would like to bless Akalo. 

Leaders Meeting 
I met with preachers in the Kpalime area to assess the recent campaign and to plan the end of the year Bible camp in December. The occasion was used to discuss the operations of the Gospel Chariot and our next campaign. 

Hanyigba Work Progressing 
Jean Akli preaches for the Hanyigba church of Christ near Kpalime. Jean was one of our first graduates of CBS in Kpalime and is also a staff member. Jean is one of our dynamic preachers in the Kpalime area and his activities are having a positive influence on the work in Hanyigba. He has small group meetings scattered in the area and is involved in dawn preaching from 5:30 am to 6:00 am each day. He is also on the committee that oversees the Gospel Chariot in Togo. 

The Hanyigba Church of Christ is one of the congregations that benefited from the Adoption Program. 

Couple Added To Zomayi Church of Christ  
A man and the wife were converted during our recent campaign in Kpalime. They will be worshiping with the Zomayi church of Christ. 

Prospect Leads Daughter To Christ 
Mr. Ahadzi is a prospect whom we have been encouraging to put on Christ in baptism. Mr Ahadzi is a business man in Kpalime and a friend of church of Christ. He has expressed his love for the teachings of the church of Christ and is seriously considering his baptism. What we did not know was he has been using materials from the church to teach the daughter at home. During the campaign, he brought the daughter for further studies and subsequent baptism. The congregation in Yorkele was worshiping on one of his properties before they constructed their own shed. I was informed that he even supplied some of the wood used in the construction. This reminds me of the scripture, “praising God, and having favor with all the people” Acts. 2:47. 

Need For Mission Vehicle
About a year ago I embarked on fund raising to purchase a vehicle to replace the one I currently use. The vehicle is old due to frequent evangelistic trips in Ghana and Togo. I have tried to maintain it to the extent of rebuilding the engine, but I have still not been able to get it working properly. I have had to visit the workshop almost daily. This action has resulted in spending so much on buying parts and paying for labour. Though I am spending so much on the vehicle, for the fear of it breaking down, I not able to travel outside Accra with it, but resort to using public transport. It has therefore become necessary for me to acquire another vehicle to facilitate my mission trips. I am glad to inform you that my overseeing congregation, Blanco Church of Christ is donating $15,000 towards the purchase of vehicle. However, I need a total of $30,000. I am therefore using this medium to raise the additional $15,000 I need. 

NOTE: Please make checks payable to the Blanco Church of Christ and earmark Vehicle Fund for Gley/ Ghana & Togo Mission. 

Next Gospel Chariot Campaign
The next campaign in Togo is scheduled to take place at Avetonu from the 27th - 29th of November. 

Meeting With Student Body
I had the opportunity to meet the student body to remind them of the leadership structure we have in place for the smooth running of the school. 

Director--- H. Willie Gley
Principal—Cephas Nyemata Essotena
Dean Of Students- Jean Akli
Secretary – Pierre Attah
Advisors- All staff members
Student Leader – Daniel Yovo 

H. Willie Gley 
P.O. Box AN 19611 
Accra North, Ghana

Posted on November 23, 2014 .