The Lord's Church Grows Despite Muslim Dominance...

By the grace of the Almighty God, [SIBS] has entered her fourth quarter now, and we are gradually receiving recognition among the brotherhood.

Classes in October went on as scheduled. However, concerns were raised in connection with the punctuality of two students – Mark Ohene, and Foster Adzamoa. Mark was absenting himself from classes from time to time, while Foster complained of agitating family problems which was receiving his serious attention from school. The two, however, continued to receive encouragement from both the school administration and staff.

Student Campaigns
One of the primary objectives of [SIBS], is to be engrossed in mission work.  Accordingly, our students have been divided into four groups who travel to nearby congregations on weekends, most often on Sundays, to worship and work with them. Of course, some of the students also get involved in the work during the holidays. This last holiday period in October was no exception. Four of our students –Augustine Antwi, Emmanuel Appiah Kubi, Emmanuel Kwarfo and Alex Osei including two instructors –Amoo-Gyimah, and Gyan Mante were on a mission trip as far as to Bole, in the Northern region. This was a first time visit, or feasibility study trip to know the town, the people, and most importantly, the possibility of establishing the Lord’s church in this town. On this trip, a good number of people, especially from the denominational groups were contacted, although the town is predominantly Muslim. The team worshipped with four Christians located here, and report that, despite the Muslim dominance, the possibility of establishing the Lord’s church here is great, especially due to the high receptivity of the people. Although the trip was sponsored by a sister from one of the congregations down here in the south, next proclamation and persuasive campaign in this town cannot be ruled out.  

Please, remember always to keep [SIBS] in your thoughts and prayers. God bless.

Seth Osae-Larbi

Posted on November 23, 2014 .