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Wayne Burger, brought a lesson in chapel to encourage the students and staff to always stand for the truth!

In 1 Kings 22, the king of Israel consults 400 prophets about whether he should go to war against Aram. They all tell him what he wants to hear and that the Lord will give him the victory. It is not until he asks Micaiah, a prophet of the Lord, , PROPHET #401, that the king is told the truth and warned that if he wars against Aram he will be defeated and killed.

Micaiah could have gone with the crowd and told the king what he wanted to hear, but he preached the truth instead. Even when it isn’t popular - even when it isn’t what people want to hear - BE PROPHET #401 - preach the truth. Stand with God against the crowd.

Listen to Wayne’s lesson here - BE PROPHET #401!
