Bear Valley Bible Institute Lesotho

Maseru, Lesotho


Bear Valley Bible Institute in Lesotho began May 4, 2019. The school meets at the facilities of the Maseru church of Christ in Lesotho. BVBI-Lesotho is an extended program operating on weekends and other public holidays. The students are currently employed full time. 

The director of the school is Tawanda Mwadiya a Zimbabwean missionary to Lesotho. The school has two additional instructors, Vincent Shata a preacher and elder in the local church and Robert Likhang a Certified Public Accountant and preacher.


Bear Valley Bible Institute-Lesotho
Cathedral Area
Maseru, Lesotho 100
PO Box 1437
Tawanda Mwadiya: tawazmwadiya@gmail.com

Stateside Coordinator:
Donnie Estep
PO Box 313
Ragland, WV 25690
Home ph: 304-475-3906
Office: 606-237-4673
Email: donnieestep@wv.net