Practical teaching in Zambia

November 2024 Report


We are sending our seasonal greetings to you all brothers and sisters our fellow laborers in His vineyard. It is our honor to be servants in His kingdom and we continue in our determination to achieve for Jesus. The month of November 2024 continued to be very fruitful especially after twelve trained preachers were released in His vineyard after October 5th 2024. The following are some of the happenings that were recorded during the month of November 2024 here at Bear valley Bible Institute Zambia.

Work in northern province

So far we have four of our former students working in the Northern part of Zambia and we have great news, from Reuben and Levy up north in Mbala and Mpulungu districts. The two brothers have combined forces in order to strengthen the two congregations they are working with. They had at one time met with a brother from Burundi in Mpulungu and now intending to cross over for the same work.

We have in Mporokoso the two brothers Ishmael Kanyangala and Mike Kanyangala working together and have Baptized seven souls just within the month of November. Their father is an elder and preacher too. We believe as we expand in training more preachers from the Northern and Muchinga Provinces will be covered well. 

Churches of Christ on the copper belt province:

 We saw a good representation of Churches of Christ here on the copper belt province on our fourth graduation ceremony and we are making steady progress in the way the school is interacting with the church on the copper belt. One of the elders who spoke on behalf of those who were present said we pledge to work with these evangelists being trained here and we have welcomed the School here. He even asked Donnie as the coordinator to pass the information to brothers and sisters in the U. S. A.

Speaking at the same function brother Kennedy Mukuka gave charge to the graduates and encouraged the church to remain united and the message was a great encouragement to all who were present.  We the administrations of BVBI-Zambia with twenty-six leaders from different congregations here on the Copper belt met to strengthen our work relationship and meeting went on very well. call from D.R Congo – below we have attached the picture of the congregation that is growing and are very eager to meet the team from BVBI-Zambia. We have been working with this congregation through one of our former student Joseph Ilunga. The congregation reduced in number from fifteen to six and eight before our involvement, but now through our support the congregation attendance has gone up to twenty three and thirty. We have three brothers who are prospective students to our school, brother Tressor, Augaustin and Kamimbi. We supported their Trip for evangelism and the results were very encouraging, they baptized four men and three women. We want to do more but we are still very limited in terms of finances.

They are now calling to meet the team from BVBI-Zambia that more can be trained from there please pray for us that their dream may become a reality.

Practice what you preach!

As Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 2:1 “you know, brothers and sisters that our visit to you was not without results.” Every time we come in contact with our fellow Christians we become encouraged to do good and for better results. Our students are not spared and are providing a good example in many communities where they are serving. After graduation our former students are very anxious to win many souls to Christ by putting into practice the survival skill they acquired during their training at BVBI-Zambia. In the picture attached you see Brother Cephas Mwamba working with our former students in building (to add to their ministry as to what Paul called Tent making) they are doing this in order to preach they have become examples to others.

We have two of our former students studying medicine and still doing very fine in preaching the gospel to others. We attach a picture of Simon who recently did practical work in Mumbwa district of Lusaka and worked with a congregation there. We had a good recommendation from one of the leader where he did the work. We are so proud of Him. We also have Sthembiso Magawa who worked in Eastern part of Zambia and we received a from one of the elders asking the school to help in evangelism for a week.

Baptisms recorded:

What a joy it was to see Getrude Mweshi, Jane kaonga, mulenga Naomy, fridah Mavy  obey and put on Christ in Baptism in the month of November. We also recorded three baptisms from Mporokoso through Ishmael and one from Mbala through Levy. We also recorded two baptism in Kitwe through Jally, Boyd nad Gershom, the three are working together to help the congregation get well established.  We have in total of Ten (10) souls Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they began new life with Jesus, 

Restorations recorded

We have recorded thirteen restorations of which seven came through Granton Mwela who is working with Central congregation in Mansa, six from southern through Tryvin and Abiton and four on the copper belt Luanshya District.      


We continue to work and pray diligently that all the work of God be a success and for you brethren “but as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good” 2 Thessalonians 3:13. May the God of Heaven, the shepherd of our souls, bless our relationship and may we grow together in grace as we work together to the glory of God.  

In His service

Cephas and Fred

Posted on December 9, 2024 .

Great plans lead to great results in Zimbabwe

                                        NOVEMBER 2024 NARRATIVE REPORT


At the end of each month, we look back and see that the hand of God continues to be with BVBIZ in the process of advancing His Kingdom. A lot was done in the month. The term came to an end successfully. BVBIZ organisational structures continue to function. The goal to have proper classrooms and offices remains alive. These and more are covered hereunder.


The second term ended successfully. Exams were written successfully as well. Grading is in progress. The following subjects were taught and completed in the term; Homiletics I, Hermeneutics I, Galatians, Godhead, Acts of the Apostles, Old Testament History, horticulture,  and Music (on going). Two workshops took place. The first was a sustainable agriculture workshop facilitated by Healing Hands International whilst the second was on Chaplaincy Studies facilitated by the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS). Great appreciation goes to the teachers and students for the effort they put in to make this term a success. Students are now on a well-deserved break.


As students returned home, the school expects them to be active in church in their home congregations. Four students chose not to go home and are attached at various congregations for holiday preaching. These students are attached as follows

Name of Students                                      Congregation                                   Mentor

Tafadzwa Matanhike                             Beitbridge                                        Paul Tendaupenyu

Tobias Mureyatu                                   Beitbridge                                        Paul Tendaupenyu

Blessing Gonye                                        Riverside, Chivi                                Isheanesu Masvaya

Sumali Dinner                                       Rupange, Murewa                          Adrian Phiri


In October, the school hosted the Annual General Meeting, the Preacher’s Retreat, Graduation and Fundraising program. Whilst the board and management played different roles in making these programs a success, another wing left attendees in awe.  Many were asking, “Who are these people?” These are the BVBIZ provincial ambassadors. These have been part of BVBIZ’s success story and BVBIZ story cannot be mentioned without mentioning this wing. The team directed the preacher’s Retreat besides shaping and directing it. The team was also heavily involved in the running of the both the graduation ceremony and the fundraising program. HATS OFF TO THEM! The following is the list;

Name                                                   Province

George Muhura                                 Mashonaland West

Charles Jokonya                                 Mashonaland East

Tinashe Mazhambe                           Mashonaland East

Nqobani Ndlovu                                 Bulawayo

Method Moyo                                    Bulawayo

Simangaliso Jamela                           Matabeleland South

Dzingai Mugova                                 Masvingo

Isheanesu Masvaya                           Masvingo

Ovious Kufa                                        Midlands

Godwin Marandure                           Chitungwiza

Nyasha Mukondwa                           Harare

Tawanda Chimedza                           Manicaland

James Abraham                                  Manicaland


As we look back into the progress made in the month, great appreciation is extended to you for your spiritual, moral, financial and material support that continue to be extended to BVBIZ. This support has enabled training and development of God’s workers to continue. May God continue to bless you all?

Posted on December 9, 2024 .

Adding To The Family

Greetings to all who are in Christ. This is a report from Siem Reap Bible School, Cambodia. We truly thank God for the work being done in Cambodia that God has given us as a part and thank you for remembering us all the time.

IBISR’s Academy: 

We continue to train our students in The book Genesis and How to study the Bible. Darat Run and I are the teachers of those classes. Our students are happy and satisfied with their studies in those subjects.

Camping :

We joined our annual Christian Camp in Kampong Speu. During that event we gained a lot of knowledge about God's words through teachers who served in different churches. It helped us to build more confidence and understanding of what we have been believing so that we can explain to someone who asks about our faith. We got to know each other better, and we learned how to be united in Christ and in teamwork. We also offered all camp members counseling and fellowship with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and problems. This years best program was the topics we learned together "Your role and responsibilities in the Church". We also created a new program; where couples get together to discuss and share experiences in marriage with each other. We also thank Brother Wes Autrey for making the logo for us every year.

Adding to the Family!
It was with much happiness that we saw 3 souls put on Christ in baptism! It is always such a joy to see souls added to our family. All of them were from Hannah's Hope Children's Home. Please pray for these new babies in Christ so that they may grow in the image of His Son Jesus Christ.

Prayer :
We still ask everyone to remember us in your prayers that we are the servants of God in Cambodia. As the leaders of the school and church, we ask for your prayers for wisdom to serve God in the best way possible. And remember the new souls who are baptized to Jesus Christ. 

Thanks :
Last but not least we would love to say thank you for your support and kindness for our work in Cambodia. We've truly enjoyed and appreciate your time, money, and motivation. As we all serve our true God and our Lord Jesus will be with us all the time.

Servants of Jesus Christ.

Piseth Rin and Darat Run.

Co-Directors of IBISR.

Posted on December 6, 2024 .

Students learn in classroom and in the field in Tirupati

Reporting Letter for the month of October-2024

Date:- November 1 , 2024

Respected   director Mr.Keith Kasarjian and our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners - greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray that this letter may serve us to find you good health. We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI-extension centre at Tirpati, Andhra Pradesh India. We would like to submit our October -2024 report briefly.

Weather :-  Unfortunately in the month of October  there was cyclone effect in our area, we had continual rains. Some of our members are working for the daily bread, those people whenever they don’t get work due to cyclone effect suffer a lot for the daily bread. We  have done follow-up work to check with such a families to assist them as much as possible. We taught the students how to care for the members during the disaster.

Baptism:-  We  are happy to report you that six souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ in the month of October . We request you to pray for these newly baptized souls so that they grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

Death:- There are few families from our local church who are living in the jungles, they are tribal people.  One of the widow sister Santhamma from this colony passed away on October 19th, 2024.  We were able to prepare the coffin and honorably do the funeral. Please pray for the family members.  Our students learned how to involve with families who are sad.

Youth class:-  Each week after the Sunday worship service  youth class students are given homework . In the month of October first week they have memorized  names of  the Old Testament books and during the, second week names of New Testament books. The third week them memorized the love chapter (1 Corinthians 13). We educate the BVBI students to learn how to help the children and youth to grow spiritually.

Members :-  each week after the Sunday worship service  all the members are given the homework . They need to write all the scriptures that were quoted in the Sunday sermon.  Bear Valley Bible Institute students witness how the members are growing spiritally.

Pinchinayudpalli-Village :- We have visited Pinchinayudpalli-Village,  this is newly planted local congregation.

Bangalore :- on first Sunday we have visited one local church in Bangalore and encouraged them. The preacher is known to our family for several years. He has been expecting us to visit them for several years. By the grace of God we were able to visit them on October 6th, 2024.  This is the preacher requesting the extension centre at Bangalore city.

Midweek Bible study:- Our midweek bible study is much useful for our spiritual growth. Last couple of weeks we are studying the parables of Jesus Christ. We request you to pray for our classes.   All the students of BVBI participate in the midweek bible study.

Zoom Meeting: - On every Thursday we conduct zoom meeting, we have completed the book of Acts, Philippians and the book of Ephesians we are studying.

Guests;- In the month of October Mr.Eno and his wife Nadine Damo could able to visit our place from Canada. They spent two weeks with us. They taught these subjects - Spiritual growth, how to handle the conflict, doing great work by humble beginning, Bible is  the inspired word of God, the importance of the women in the sight of God etc..Bear Valley Bible Institute students were inspired and motivated by their visit.

Staff meeting:-  In the month of October we had our staff meeting and discussed several agendas for the better development of the students.  We focus on these three areas for the students . Giving them information, helping them to feel and watching them how they behave. By the grace of God each student is growing.

Village ministry:- We continually visit different villages and proclaim the gospel of Christ. These are the villages we have planted village congregations. 1. Poolathota-Village, 2.Aruru -Village, 3.Microtower colony- Village,4.Jangalapalli- Village, 5.Chittedu- Village, 6.Nancharampeta- Village,7.Gunapadu- Village,8.Bathlapuram- Village, 9. Kota- Village,10.Thinnelapudi- Village etc.. We teach our BVBI students how to do the church planting ministry.

We thank you for your continual prayers and encouragement.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar and Staff from BVBI-Extension Centre, Tirupati-INDIA.

Posted on November 29, 2024 .

Classes resume in Accra

Monthly report- October 2024

Southern institute of Biblical studies



October was a productive month for the southern institute of Biblical studies, marked by two significant short courses and a campaign to attract new students. These initiatives are aimed at enhancing our academic offerings and expanding our student body.

School resumed on 7th October, 2024 which is the last term for most of the students marking the end of their two years of biblical academic pursuit by the end of December. We are happy to report that there has been much improvement in their personal and academic lives as compared to previous. 

The school reopened on Monday 7th October. The quarter started with a staff meeting to discuss the way forward. 

Classroom activities

Staff meeting: following the vacation and most students to complete their courses coming December, our staff convened to deploy campaign messages to attract more student for the next academic term. 

This quarter lectures started with Bible geography with Bro. Shadrack Oppong from 7th -12th October as a short course. Bro. George Osafo continued the second week with another short course on Research and writing from 14th -18th October. 

The normal class sessions proceeded and following courses were taught; second Corinthians, the New Testament Greek, Homiletics 2, Old Testament 3, Information Technology. 

New students: we are happy to announce that two new students have been admitted this quarter due to the tireless efforts and the initiatives deployed by the staff.

Radio program: As it has been our custom to reach large audience with the gospel, the radio session also continued this month on the topic the church of the Bible. 

We remain grateful to our partners, alumni, and friends’ prayers, encouragement, and financial contributions.

May the Lord bless our endeavors as we strive to fulfill our mission

By E.O. Larbi

Posted on November 18, 2024 .

Many accomplishments in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus.

Greetings from students and staff of Bear Valley Bible Institute Nigeria and Southwest School of Evangelism Ibadan located in Butu -London, Butubutu village via Badeku/Jago ,Ona-Ara Local Government Area ,Oyo State ,Nigeria .

Below are the report of some of our activities for the month of October 2024.






The BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN concluded all first semester lectures on October 11, marking the start of a four-week Vocational Training program for the first-year students. During this time, second-year students begin their practical assignments on Monday(October 14), working with congregations across the Western States of Nigeria that have requested their services.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Brother Chad Wagner and his associates, Brother Keith Kasarjian, BVBID USA, Larry and Patty Goodin and Tulare community Church of Christ, Dorman and Donna Lough, Sister Cherry Lloyd, Zach and Kim Van Tassel, Gahana -Jefferson Congregation, Bro. Jerry Bates and VOTI crew, Doug and Diane Wheeler, Bro and Sister Bill Pennell and all our stakeholders for their continued support. May the Lord bless all our efforts together in Christ Jesus' name. Amen.

Second semester classes are scheduled to begin, God willing, on November 11, 2024.


On October 13, a significant event took place in the history of the Lord's Church in Mile 12, Lagos State. Three brothers—Michael Akerele, Olukunle Odebode, and Adetunji Oni—were ordained as elders, while seven brothers—Okedara Bode, Oyeleke Gbenga, Onaolapo Ninyo, Adegboyega Akinbade, Christian Idenu, Olaolu Olowoyo, and Abiodun Adisa—were ordained as deacons.

The ceremony was officiated by myself, Makinde Ebens, alongside Bro. Ayobami Akanji, an elder from the Lord's Church in Isheri-Oshun, Bro. Biodun Owolabi, President of WNCC & SBS in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Bro. Adisa from Onipanu COC, and Bro. Jeremiah Taiwo, Bro. Emmanuel Oguntade, among others.

The event was attended by over 300 brethren from various congregations within and beyond Lagos State. 

We pray that the Lord grants these newly ordained elders and deacons divine guidance as they lead the church in Mile 12.


Sister Akanmu Temitope Abigail is one of our first-year students. She hails from Butubutu Village in Ibadan, Oyo State, and was born in 1995 to a prominent native doctor, Suleman Olugbode. She is married to Pastor Akanmu Abayomi Solomon, a former denominational pastor, and they are blessed with two children.

Sister Temitope and her husband converted to Christianity in 2020. The couple was admitted to our Ministerial Program in 2022. She holds a school certificate and is currently studying NAPPMEG (Selling of Pharmaceuticals) to support her family while they engage in ministry. 

Her husband is currently serving as an evangelist with the Lord's Church in Ajia Town, Ona-Ara Local Government Area, Oyo State.


i- A three days Mass Evangelism Outreach and Open -Air Bible Lectureship at Ijero -Ekiti, Ekiti State from November 15-17,2024. Ijero -Ekiti is one of the Lord's church the Lord restored through our efforts in year 2022.

ii- A four days Mass Evangelism Outreach and Open -Air Bible Lectureship at Kuta in Osun State from November 21-24, 2024 with the aim of planting of the Lord's church in that town.

In Conclusion, we appreciate you all for your wonderful contributions towards the growth of the Lord's church in Africa most especially in Nigeria. May the Lord continue to bless all our work together in Christ Jesus name, amen.

Sincerely yours in His Grace & Love as a servant,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi 

The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN and WBSFUW 

Posted on November 18, 2024 .

Reaching the lost in Ghana




We give thanks to the Almighty God for His grace and continual blessings upon us. We have come to the successful end of another month by His mercies.

Studies continued for the courses we started last month. Students were given various topics to prepare on and present in class. This is the last term for most of them and we want to make sure that they are really ready to go out there to preach and defend the truth. The world religions instructor gave them an assignment on how to convert a Muslim to Christ. In Christian ethics, each student was given two ethical topics to research on, prepare an outline and was given 30 minutes each to present to the entire class. After the presentation, questions are asked to the speaker. The instructor for the book of revelation also gave a series of assignments on various topics in the book to them. Overall it has been a really intensive month for the students and we are convinced that they are ready for the work ahead of them. 

The part-time class also continued successfully in the just ended month. Currently, they are studying only two courses. These courses are Christian Ethics and the epistles of Peter which are taught by Douglas Armah and Samuel Owusu – Afari respectively.  

With the Christian Ethics, the students each presented a 20-minute lesson on “whether all men are amenable to God’s moral laws” in the last meeting of the month.


The good news about the Savior was sent out to the world in the month. Current and past students are actively involved in the spreading of the gospel. Some of our current students go out on weekends to propagate the message of the cross to nearby towns. Our alumni on the field are also actively defending the faith against error within and without the brotherhood.

The television evangelism by the school also continued in the month. 

Posted on November 18, 2024 .

Evangelism in Malawi

What a month! What a great joy to share! What a blessing! It is always a great joy to share the good news after an excellent event. Bear Valley Bible lnstitute Ekwendeni Malawi is thrilled with joy after being visited by four great men of God, namely, brother Dr Denny Petrillo, Donnie Esteep, Tim Murray and Mike Kidwell

Our visitors arrived through Kamuzu International Airport on the 6th of October. From the 7th to the 12th of October, it was a busy week whereby Donnie was in class for the whole week teaching World Religion course while Denny, Tim, and Mike were teaching Bible classes in village congregations. We had 3 places we visited in villages; from the 8th to the 9th of October we were at Kafukure church of Christ where about 17 local congregations sent atleast 5 people to represent the church at the Bible class. _The last classe the attendance was 84,_ including Denny, Mike, Tim, and Ephron. On the 10th, we were at Chinungu church where and on the 11th, we were at katoto Church. In all these places, brothers Denny, Mike, and Tim had to teach one after another, and Ephron translated. 

Finally, on the 12th was another busy day of graduation ceremony and farewell speeches from both visiting teachers (brothers), local directors, chiefs, and students. What a day, what an event it was. In all these things, joy was the sermon of the day . After the graduation we had to drive about 6 hours to a lodge near the airport in Lilongwe. God made everything possible .

 *Graduates on Fire!* 

After graduation ceremony ended, all the students left for their homes but just after two days, we started receiving good news from the students; William Msutu baptized 2 souls just two days after the graduation, Blessings Kavuta reported 2 souls saved, after three days of graduation Webster Zgambo reported 3 souls saved. This is proving to us that the students are putting into use what they have been entrusted by both local and international teachers. This is very encouraging news to us as teachers. Very interestingly, William had to dig a well to baptize the two souls as in his home area, there's not enough water running in the rivers.

 *Extra news!* 

We also received good news from some of our way back graduates; Brother Shadreck Chitekwe reported 2 baptisms and 2 restorations; brother Mateyu Ching'oma reported 4 baptisms; brother Takesure Nkhoma reported 4 souls saved; brother Alex and Farawo reported 7 souls saved and 9 more restored. *This has brought in a total of 24 souls saved in October and 11 souls restored* . 

We are very thankful for the partnership between Bear Valley Bible lnstitute International and the church at Hillcrest. The strong bond is making things work for good at Bear Valley Bible lnstitute Ekwendeni - Malawi. We always keep you in our prayers. The world is still lost in sin and needs Christ. You on going involvement will bring in great change. _Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls_ !

Your fellow brothers in Christ, 

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on November 18, 2024 .

New School in Bor, South Sudan

Hope you are well. We are doing fine and the students and school is progressing well.


The students are doing very well and the weather is now conducive as soon we are going into winter from mid November to February. They only encounter cases of malaria, headaches, and fever, but we have medicines at the school, both antibiotic and painkillers, for them.


 At the opening we starts with The book of laws (GENESIS-DEUTERONOMY) and LIFE OF CHRIST (ONE) which all ended successfully and the students did performed very well with only one person who has low grade but we are trying to help him till end of first quarter to see his progress. Next lessons will be HOW WE GOT THE BIBLE and PERSONAL EVANGELISM (ONE).

In December the students will return back to their home congregations to help in doing church activities and participation, then return to school in January. 

We appreciate you and the Bear Valley team for the initiative and decision to make it possible for South Sudan to have a school....It will be a great boost and help to the growth of the new planted churches and maturing to the already churches.

Yours Faithfully,

Best Regards,

Jacob Ajak. M

Posted on November 13, 2024 .

News and Evangelism in Ukraine

Dear friends,

I would like to present my report for September and October. During these two months, there have been several changes at the Bible Institute, as well as important news from Ukraine, which I want to share with you.

News from Ukraine

First of all, we are witnessing a significant number of baptisms in Ukrainian churches. This is largely due to the large influx of humanitarian aid, which has encouraged many people to express their gratitude by studying the Bible, learning about Jesus Christ, and accepting baptism. While this is undoubtedly a positive development, it is crucial that these new believers are not only baptized but also guided in their spiritual growth, so that they can truly become a part of the Church and remain connected to it.

Bible Institute Updates

Currently, we have three students enrolled at the Bible Institute. In September, we had four students, but one brother, Viktor, found the pace of study challenging. The workload, which includes assignments, memorization of Scripture, and sermon planning, was too much for him, and unfortunately, he decided to discontinue his studies.

In late September, I taught a course titled The Intertestamental Period. For the first time, Oleg Fofanov also taught a new course for him called Christian Ethics. Additionally, Dmitriy Galyuk is currently teaching a course on Leadership. At the end of October, the students will have a week of Evangelism practice followed by a week of break, during which they will assist the congregations where they are currently serving.

Student Progress

We have positive news regarding one of our students, Brother Vadim. He and his family have moved to Poltava, where he will assist the local church. In the future, he may preach and serve there. Please continue to pray for him as he still has seven months of study remaining, during which he will be balancing his education and ministry in Poltava.

Master’s Program

In October, our graduates participated in a master’s program, which included 4 students. We are thankful to God for this opportunity, as the program allows our graduates to deepen their knowledge further. They recently completed a course on Old Testament Theology, which was taught by Harry Hill. The course was both insightful and enriching.

Prayer Requests for Ukraine

The war in Ukraine continues, and the country faces daily shelling and the loss of small portions of land, particularly in the Donetsk region. The outcome remains uncertain, and we ask for your continued prayers, especially for the churches and ministers serving in Ukraine.

Personal Update

Our family remains in Germany, and we are attending the Leipzig Church. Last Sunday, I traveled to Warsaw, Poland, where I preached and met with one of our instructors, Vladimir Paziy. We had a productive discussion, and I look forward to continued collaboration.

Thank you for your support and prayers. We appreciate your continued involvement in the work of the Bible Institute and in the mission field.


Director BVBIU Sopelnyk Denys

Posted on November 13, 2024 .

Successful Evangelistic Outreach through a troubling Rainy Season in Gueckedou, Guinea

Activity Operations Report for Sept. 2024 at the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute 

Our God deserves all praise having sustained our lives and that of yours to be able to reach this point of writing and sharing the report of activities which took place here at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute in Guinea. 

This report is for the month of September during which period several important and or interesting events occurred. These include classroom and outdoor activities of exams, lectures, great results of various evangelistic activities despite the heavy rains, restorations and various trainings of church leaders. No doubt, you will find these interesting as we unfold details preceeded by an introduction of each sub-heading.

First Term Exams:

Please be reminded that we stated in our last report that the students were going on a nearly 3 weeks break due to the heavy rains. This they did and upon their return on Monday, Sept. 2nd, they were allowed a 2 days of memory refresh period and were engaged in an entire week of exams resulting to a satisfactory work.


After the one week of Exams the students were taken into lectures by brother Balla Kamano on "the Scheme of Redemption and "Prison Epistles" almost to the close of the month. These were followed by another series of courses which soon entered October beginning with the New Testament Church by the Director. Students' participation was highly interesting.

Evangelistic Activities:

The were at least 3 different evangelistic activities each of which resulted to the conversion of souls. These were: 

a. Door to door preaching - by some of our former graduates and individual staff and students. We had in total 18 baptisms as a result of this activity in various localities, towns and villages such as Conakry and the villages of Bandikoulo and Botema.

Many of these conversions - 8 were the effort of some of our current students in 2 of their congregations. Also, the efforts of our former graduates now stationed in some congregations are to commended.

b. Radio broadcast - Another method of evangelism engaged in during September was the radio program. We broadcasted doctrinal and soul saving lessons which attracted our audience so that at least 2 persons amongst the callers obeyed the gospel. Some of these listeners and some members of the church are appealing to our donors to increase the air time from 30 minutes to at least an hour for a week. 

Indeed, we ourselves feel the need for additional time and we appeal to any volunteers to support this program. 

c. Evangelistic Teams Activity - Those of you who have followed with us know by this time that through the help and encouragement of brother Steven Ashcraft, Coordinator of the extended Bear Valley lnstitute in West Africa that there are evangelistic teams set up in the country. 

To you, the Bear Valley International Administration and other donors we wish to say that we are glad to partner with you in response to our Master's call, the Lord of the harvest to spread the gospel. Even though the wet season continues, especially again in September with very heavy rains that has caused floods leading to road blocks, yet our devoted men of the Gueckedou team by the grace of God have crossed great floods to reach the gospel to those who were truly hungry for it. In the village of Sanghaa 21 persons obeyed the gospel on the 15th of the month under review. Then on the 23rd of the same month another 16 persons were baptized in another village, Douadou

Some times the ground is difficult and hearts are unreceptive. That is what resulted when one of our teams, the Tekoulo team conducted an evangelistic campaign in the sous-prefecture head quarter of Tekoulo town. There were no immediate conversions, but the brethren will keep trying. 

Restoration of churches 

The same Tekoulo and then the Gueckedou teams were on the other hand able to restore 1 congregation at Thymolo and strengthen another on the Kissidougou high way at Yende respectively.

Church Leaders Training:

With the increase of congregations as a result of the various evangelistic activities the need also arise for additional man power to lead those churches. Hence, through brother Steven we were able to train 11 men some already leading congregations while others are prepared to take over or lead congregations soon to be planted.  This one week training involved the teaching of basic doctrinal and worship courses such as the NT church, NT worship, Bible study and Sunday preaching lessons with an encouragement to go help spread the gospel. On the afternoon of the last day we also invited sister Mary Musa to conclude our training by showing the men through practical examples how to prepare or bake the Lord's Supper bread for Sunday worship. It was such an interestingly involving activity as most of the men carried portions of the bread to their congregations.


We have crossed a difficult period as regarding the season. The month of September was such a troubling rainy season whose floods caused urgent students break period, road blocks and damages. Nevertheless, the Almighty was by our side so that we accomplished not only our classroom schedule, but beyond expectation also achieved most of our outdoor activities with a high number of conversions - 55 souls. In addition we are especially thankful for the church leaders training which was climaxed by how to prepare the Lord's Supper bread. 

Our appreciation to all of you for your prayers and support in whatever way. 

Until then, we remain trainers of evangelists and preachers of the gospel.

Posted on November 13, 2024 .

Schooling Updates and Lecturship Plans in Abia State, Nigeria

We are pleased to present this report for the the month of October 2024, on academic activities and some developmental projects being carried out. These activities and projects were made possible through your generous support and partnership.


The school resumed on October 9, 2024. All the students have resumed. We have ten (10) out of twelve (12) students the sat for the entrance exams present in year one, and six (6) students in year two.

Presently we have 16 students. And we will be graduating sixteen (16) students by January or February 2024. We have nine (9) regular teachers and one part-time Greek teacher.

All the teachers and other non academic staff are all committed to their work.


The school sent 13 students with some lecturers to a four (4) day Gospel campaign that started on October 31 and will end on November 3, 2024. One of our lecturers is hosting it (Evang. Orji Onyeanulam). We equally have an invitation from church of Christ, No.5/6 Ndoki Road Aba for a Gospel Campaign/possible Church planting on November 30-December 3. 

We are still supporting two preacher in new congregations, one in Ukwa Local Government and the other at Isialangwa, North Local Government Area.

In the congregation where our acting director B.N Esiaba serves, two souls were restored last month of October 2024.

We are initiating hospital ministry which may commence this month God's willing.

The students will go the Hospital to minister to the sick there.


The proposed lectureship slated to hold on December 14-16, 2024 was shifted to hold next year during Chad Wagner’s visit to Nigeria for him to witness what we are doing and also be a source of encouragement to the brethren. And also we will use the opportunity to unveil our new director by God's grace.


Work has started on one of the buildings, which is being renovated for our New substantive director. And by His grace it would be complicated on or before second week of December 2024.

5. We would be conducting interview for the position of the director of the school on November 16, 2024.

Ezeh Chijioke Shedrack

(Secretary NIATS/BVBI Board, Chairman Administrative Committee)

Posted on November 13, 2024 .

Updates from Lima, Peru

Greetings from a distance beloved brothers,

Once again we have the opportunity to share some brief notes on the progress of the Bible Institute here in Peru.
These have been two months of blessing and very productive, we have finished two more courses (The Epistle of James and the Epistle to the Romans), our teachers have been brothers Andres Nuñes and Abraham Alata respectively, and thank God, we have had a very good participation of students.

I share the notes from Brother Andres about his course:
“I thank God for the great opportunity to give this beautiful course on James, it has been an experience to give a book, which tells us about the life of the Christian put into practice, the students enjoyed seeing the great responsibility of each Christian at the time of our obedience, together with the duties to God and our brothers, including the people of the world.
In each part of the development of the book, we had a lot of participation from the students. This time we had more students who showed a great desire to learn, to know more, about the practical life of the Christian. Everyone completed their tasks, assignments, quizzes, and memory texts. They were very grateful for the materials provided for the development of the course.”

We have started two new courses, in fact, we are already in the second week of classes, I am referring to the Epistle of Hebrews and The Life of Jesus 4 with Abraham Alata and myself, Juan Abanto, as instructors in the last two months.

On the other hand, we have a plan for next year 2025 in which we are working with the objective of continuing to have a presence in the congregations as a training and facilitating institution, for this we are offering workshops, conferences, training, and digital production of literature.

Posted on November 13, 2024 .

Graduation in Luanshya, Zambia


Hearty greetings to you all brothers and sisters! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom. We are but mortal vessels who should strive to draw closer to God and imbibe on His eternal Word even as He uses us for His purpose. The month of October 2024 continued to be very fruitful as far as work in His vineyard is concerned. The following are some of the happenings that were recorded during the month October 2024 here at Bear valley Bible Institute Zambia.

Graduation ceremony

We held our fourth graduation ceremony at our school. The graduation ceremony was attended by many brethren around the copper belt and beyond. We were so delighted to receive Donnie Estep us our guest of honor who graced this momentous occasion. We also received seventeen leaders from nine congregations on the copper belt. We had other guest parents who came from Northern, southern and Lusaka provinces respectively. 

We had thirteen students who graduated (as attached to the pictures) and are now out in the field doing the work of our Master and savoir Jesus Christ All the students performed extremely well. Seven men graduated with distinctions and four others graduated with merits while only one graduated with a credit. We have seen a tremendous improvement in the passing rate of these students  

Meeting with BVBI-Zambia Exes

We are very happy to report that after our graduation ceremony we had enough time to meet with eleven of our former students. It was very fruitful meetings in which we discussed what they are doing and were they are. We are glad to report that all of them are preaching and some of them are advancing in other field of knowledge, we humbly solicit your prayers for all our alumni. They have remained faithful to the mission of Christ. We also intend to have fresher courses with our Alumni.  

Gospel meetings – we had a gospel meeting which was held at Church of Christ in Mufulira. It was held from 18th October, 2024 to 20th October, 2024. Seven congregations were represented during this meeting.  

Two lessons were taught. Brother Cephas and Brother Fred were tasked to teach the two lessons. Fred spoke on the subject “God wants a Family”. Cephas spoke on the subject “Family needs Guidance”. We had a very good attendance from these seven congregations and from the community nearby

New intake of 2025-26

After graduation our focus now is on recruiting a new intake of fifteen students. We are now in the process of interviewing and accepting new students. The whole month of November and part of December is about this recruitment. We open classes on 6th January 2025. We are expecting fifteen students for 2025-2026 class, we anticipate another good men to be trained for leadership and preaching.

We should also mention that we are expecting three brothers from Democratic Republic of Congo but we need to travel in order for us to meet them and recruit them from there. At least two or three of us should travel and we need extra funding for us to have this dream realized. We are already working with two congregations one in Kinshasa and the other one in Lububashi.

New births in Christ

We have recorded thirteen baptisms in the month of October; we had seven on the copper belt province, three from Luapula and three from Northern Province where Reuben Museka and Levy Silungwe are doing a great work. 


We can gladly report that we have recorded twenty two restorations, fourteen came from southern province of Zambia where six of our students worked together to achieve one goal for serving souls. Brother Cephas Mwamba met and worked with them. Our Alumni continue to unite in our mission. They met in a district bordering three countries namely Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Tryvin Siamachila and his Brother Abiton had opportunity to teach the youths     


Thank you kindly to all who have continued helping with the training of these men for the deep and meaningful task of preaching the Gospel. Special thanks go to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for their continued financial support, Bear Valley Bible Institute family and indeed everyone involved in this very important work. May our God continue to bless you all!  

In His service

Cephas and Fred

Posted on November 11, 2024 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe school celebrates graduation



The month of October was a busy month at BVBIZ. These included the Preachers’ Retreat, graduation, Annual General Meeting, graduation lecture and the fundraising program amongst others. Classes continued as well. These and more are covered below;


The Bear Valley Bible Institute International president, Denny Petrillo and our regional director, Donnie Estep visited the school from the 15thto the 19th of October. They interacted with the staff, students, board, and preachers who attended the Retreat. The also witnessed the school’s 4th graduation ceremony, Annual General Meeting and fundraising program. Dr. Denny Petrillo presented a lesson during the Retreat, was also guest speaker during graduation and fundraising ceremonies. A few hours prior to his departure, he also taught a Bible class at Bulawayo Central congregation.  It was a blessing to have these two brothers with us.


BVBIZ’s annual Preachers’ Retreat took place from the 16th to the 18th of October. The program ran under the theme, “Taking Pleasure in Self Development.” A number of topics were covered during the three-day meeting.


The school’s annual general meeting took place on the 18th of October. This meeting provides an opportunity for stakeholders to receive reports from the board and management. At the same time, questions and suggestions are made. The stakeholders received the board chairperson’s report, the director’s report and the treasurer’s report.

The tenure of the current board ends in October 2025. As a result, calls were made for a new board to come in to facilitate a smooth transition in 2025. From those who expressed interest prior to the AGM, four were chosen to be board members. These are brothers Nhamo Mandebvu, Mike Chivinge, Albert Masvisvi and Method Moyo. Five more slots remain and will be filled at the next AGM.  Great appreciation to all those who attended this important program.



On the eve of every graduation ceremony, BVBIZ hosts a graduation lecture code named the Isaiah Suwari memorial lecture. The session is a memorial to the late Isaiah Suwari whose vision and expertise saw the planting of BVBIZ. Unfortunately, he went to be with the Lord a few days before the official commencement of the school. During the lecture, an academic is called to give a final lecture to the graduates to be. The 2024 guest speaker was Theophilus Tanhera. He emphasized on the need of studying and for continual improvement on the part of preachers in view of the ever-changing environment that they will be working in. The message was adequately driven home. Besides the graduands, current students and preachers who had attended the Retreat benefited from the lecture as well.


The school’s fourth graduation ceremony took place on the 19th of October. Nineteen graduated on the day. Eight graduated from the parallel class whilst eleven were from the conventional class. Those in the parallel class took 4 years to complete their studies. The guest speaker was Dr Denny Petrillo, the Bear Valley Bible Institute International president. Dr. Daniel Gwini ordained the graduates for the work ahead. Great appreciation goes to all who made it possible for these graduates to reach this milestone. The following are now graduates of Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zimbabwe. They were officially ushered into the field on the 19th of October;

1.       Lewis Chibiku                                                   

2.       Mactivish Magadaire

3.       Lascious Kufa

4.       Chris Marunga

5.       Munyaradzi Muzoma

6.       Nhamo Mandebvu

7.       Nyevero Muhura

8.       Wilbert Manyati

9.       Fadzai Kufa

10.   Phillip Suwari

11.   Witness Masarakufa

12.   Maxwell Nyahuye

13.   Ruvarashe Manyara 

14.   Milton Ruredzo

15.   Hosea Mushaiwa

16.   Deron Kuwaza

17.   Perspective Zindoga

18.   Zivanai Mubi

19.   Carlos Chandipa


Several students received awards during the ceremony. The school wishes to thank all those who sponsored the various awards that were given to the graduates. This partnership is highly valued. These awards remain a motivational factor to all upcoming students. The following were the awards given.


October was indeed a month filled with too many activities for the school. Lectures continued well. A preacher’s retreat, graduation lecture, graduation, AGM, and fundraising program took place. The internet was dealt with. Great appreciation goes to the Woodland Oaks congregation for its unwavering support, and to everyone whose involvement, one way or another, made the October events and activities a success. To God be the glory?

Posted on November 11, 2024 .

New school begins in Nhowe, Zimbabwe



By Kudakwashe Madyira


The school has a mission to expand its borders to accommodate more servants in the church. In a bid to train more in the ministry, Macheke had been proposed for an establishment of an extension centre. The surrounding congregations will benefit from this establishment. The centre started as a learning point for the block classes at Nhowe Mission which is a church of

Christ Institution. As of October, we  now had 10 students registered for the class.


We started with 8 students but as of October, there were two more additions to the class. Of the 10, nine are males whilst one is female.


Though, officially, the Nhowe class began in August 2024, lessons had begun in March following the standards set up at Gweru and Harare. A number of subjects have been taught this far. The following subjects have been covered already;

 1.                 Old Testament Law/ Pentateuch –Ishmael  Mutichu

2.                 How we got the Bible –Mathew  Muchingami 

3.                 Christian Evidences – Kudakwashe Madyira

4.                 Scheme of Redemption – Kudakwashe Madyira Madyira 

5.                 Personal Evangelism – Lovemore Manyanhaire 

6.                 Public Speaking – Mathew Muchingami 

7.                 Life of Christ – Kudakwashe Madyira

8.                 Acts of Apostles – Kudakwashe Madyira

9.                 1 and 2 Corinthians – Kudakwashe Madyira

10.             Homiletics 1 – Ishmael Mutichu


The classes at Nhowe Extension have been designed to run through the year in clusters. Classes are done during the first and the third weekends of the month. Each weekend spans from Friday to Sunday with an average of 18 hours. This means that every month, an average of 36 hours are taken as lecture hours. During school breaks (when Nhowe High School students are on break) a block of ten days have been designed to advance other courses.

As opposed to a term system, BVBI-Nhowe uses a semester system just like the Harare class. A semester runs for 6 months without any break. This means that each year, there are two semesters. The first semester ended in September whilst the new semester began in October. With the current pace, it means that it shall take around 42 months (3 and half years) minimum to complete the entire course as we seek not to compromise on the number of hours needed per subject.


The following are currently teaching the Nhowe class as highlighted above;

  1. Kudakwashe Madyira

  2. Ishmael Mutichu

  3. Howard Suwari

  4. Lovemore Manyanhaire

  5. Mathew Muchingami


While students have been doing their practicum including during church services, supervised practicum is set to commence in December. As per the established standard, each student needs at least two years supervised practicum before graduation. Subsequent reports will be alluding to progress in this area.


We appreciate God’s grace in the progress of Bear Valley Bible Institute-Nhowe. The students are widely benefiting from the extension program at this place. Your hand in this work is greatly acknowledged. God Bless!

Posted on November 11, 2024 .

Graduation in Malawi!

Graduation time is always a special event to be remembered by the graduates, teachers, and guardians. On the 12th of October, 2024, we had a great graduation than before. This was a special graduation graced the even was the professor Dr. Denny Petrillo, our brother I'm Christ. We have known him as the president for BV 70 schools in the world before he became one of the elders at his home congregation. We were very honored to have him as the guest of honor along with the elders from Hillcrest church; Brothers Tim and Mike. The visitors also included Donnie, who is the coordinator for all the BV schools in Southern Africa. 

The ceremony started at 8Am and ended at 10Am it took about 2 hours to finish everything. 

We had about 6 men who spoke, and I will just mention the speeches made by only three people; The first to speak was the student's representative, he thanked God for their 2 years time at school where everyone enjoyed the classes and received everything at no cost. He also requested the BV international to consider Bachelors and Masters degree classes at the school since they still have hunger and thirst to learn more of God's words.

The second to speak was the chief of the area, who appreciated the coming of the school in the area as they have benefited greatly with clean water, which the school shares with them. But they noticed the many villagers who came to the school to get water and cause the environment to be conducive, and because of this, the chief asked if we could consider drilling another borehole in the area. After the chief representative, the director of the school, also spoke, then one the elders from Hillcrest church, the coordinator, and finally, our guest of honor concluded everything.

The speech of Brother Denny Petrillo emphasized using the knowledge they have been given. As follows of Christ, we always need to commit what we have been entrusted to other faithful men who could also be able to teach others - 2 Timothy 2:2. He also said, "Without using the knowledge given, it is a disaster"; "Without living a life demonstrating the knowledge given is a disaster" he encouraged the students to live a life worth the entrusted message of salvation - *the gospel !

We, as BV school staff here at Ekwendeni, are always thankful to God for the great partnership between the BV international and the eldership of the Hillcrest church. The cooperation has greatly changed the looks of many things at our school here in Ekwendeni, Malawi. We pray to God always for your families and the church thereto always consider us worthy of your support, kindness, and love. The world is still in sins, and we need to always consider the lost souls - Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Your brothers in Christ, 

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on October 21, 2024 .

Classes and conversions in Brazil

Here's what God has done in Brazil during this last quarter.

April - June 2024:

- Two courses offered (Christian Ethics [Class Picture Attached] and Christian Evidences]

- 20 students 

- God added 2 souls to His Kingdom through the lives of staff and students (Pictures Attached)

- BV Brazil platform (like Blackboard and Populi) launched. (Picture Attached)

I ask for continuous prayers for this ministry.

In Christ,

- Alex Girodo

Posted on October 17, 2024 .

First ever graduation in Philippines!

Capping-off and Starting Over Again in 2024

After 4 years of hard labor in accomplishing assignments, memorizing Bible verses, creating sermon outlines and research papers, studying class notes for quizzes and exams, our first batch of students have finally reached the finished line as they tackled the remaining two courses in July and August.

We have the opportunity to study on the Scheme of Redemption (Plan of Salvation) with brothers from the US, Greg Pollock and Jon Lucius on July 15-19,2024. A few young men and women from the neighboring island of Negros joined us as they audit this course together with few preachers from the Cebu. We all have enjoyed this class as we learn deeper God’s plan to save the world. Our students were fascinated to learn the truth about the plan of salvation which started before creation. It is always a great time to learn new things studying the scripture.

In August, we have another international instructor teaching our students the 2nd epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. Shane Fisher, with his wife Emily, visited our school and he shared his knowledge regarding 2 Corinthians. Shane and Emily are both working with the World Evangelism ministry in Winona, Mississippi and they also love singing. After our daily lectures, they have taught our students new church hymns, which were composed by him and one brother. We also have a few audit students coming from Dumaguete City, Negros island and few from Cebu as well.

After capping-off the curriculum by studying the Scheme of Redemption and 2 Corinthians, we have gone full circle and started again into our curriculum for the second batch of students. I have the opportunity again to teach the history of our Bible, “How We Got the Bible.” We had a great week studying this course in September and our students who only studied these things the first time were amazed with the transmission of the Bible, from the time it was written to the time it was copied and now translated to different languages in the modern period.  We greatly appreciate the people behind the efforts to bring the Bible to what it is now.

October is a special month to our school here in Bear Valley Bible Institute – Cebu, Philippines because we have another opportunity to learn from the Director of International Studies, Keith Kasarjian. Keith has done as always, a great job in teaching the course, Sermon Preparation and Development to another batch of Bible students. Another reason why this month is special because the 6 of our students  received their certificates on graduation day in October 11, 2024. Families and friends of our graduates join us on this joyous celebration. The WORD has now been entrusted to these faithful men, now it is their turn to teach Word of Christ to more faithful men.

Posted on October 17, 2024 .

Bear Valley at Cape Coast, Ghana




The Bear Valley Bible School in Cape Coast started in February of the year 2022. We have successfully completed over two and half years as a school. We are currently in our third year by the gracious mercies of God. The first set of students who were admitted have been ushered into what is hopefully their final years of studies if all things go according to plan. It has really been an exciting period of studies in the last few years since we started together. The school and rapport with staff and students is just amazing. Everything just keeps on getting better. 


The Cape Coast Study Center is arguably one of the best Bible School outlets in the region. It is expected to make serious inroads in the country by the time people start seeing and hearing our graduates preach and teach in the various congregations. Starting with just a little over ten students in February of the year 2022, the school keeps on attracting students from across the region. As at the end of the last quarter, our numbers stood at 38. Some of the students are not regular at school due to their work schedule and family and social commitments. Currently, two of our students have secured jobs outside the region. Another has travelled to be with the family and cannot continue to study with us. This has thus reduced our numbers to 35. 


We lost two of our students to other regions in the course of the third quarter. They secured jobs in the Ashanti and Greater Accra regions to begin continue their lives after national service. They are yet to secure permanent accommodations, so we have not been able to get them affiliated to other Bear Valley units yet. A third student has also stopped and joined the family in Accra. This reduced our numbers by three and as a result our total number of students now stands at 35. 

The school is constantly making a lot of advertisement and announcements at various church programs (funerals, weddings, naming ceremonies, etc), and we hope this will bring in more students to join our ranks. 

The improvement in our students’ enrollment is a testimony to the good works we are putting in here as we keep attracting interest and attention of the people of the central region. Brethren from all around the region keep calling to make inquiries about our programs and activities. And for this we have our students to thank for, as they have proven to be very good ambassadors to the school and the Bear Valley name.  


As at the end of September, the third quarter of the year 2024, we have successfully completed the following courses: THE GODHEAD, HYMNODY AND THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH.

We hope to continue with: ELEMENTARY GREEK, THE WISDOM BOOKS, THE GODHEAD AND HOMILETICS 2 in the next quarter.   

UPDATE ON EVANGELISM AT MANKOADZI (a town in the Effutu municipality of the Central Region)

Our planned evangelism which could not come off in the first quarter has finally taken place. In fact, it was a great success. A church has been planted in the community and one of our students, Brother Theophilus Buckman is in charge of this church. They have been meeting since then. The first church meeting recorded an attendance of ten people.


We have started with our visits to the local congregation of our students. The next visit comes off on the 20th of this month. We have discovered that it is an effective way to encourage the locals and also learn from them in different settings. 

We hope to welcome our external Greek Teacher to Cape Coast in October to commence with lessons in elementary Greek. Another visit has also been planned to visit the new church at Mankoadzi. We pray and hope that resources will be made available for all of these activities

Posted on October 13, 2024 .