Takoradi students reaching souls




The full- time students are on a one-month break. They have completed the required courses for the first term of the academic year. Examination has been conducted for all the completed courses. The examination was from 3rd – 7th April. It was followed by two weeks of short courses from 10th – 21st April. The short courses were the epistle of James and Personal evangelism.  In all, the students studied 8 courses in the just ended term.

We are also happy to report that we had a new student join us before the vacation. The break is from 21st April to 22nd May.

The part-time students are also progressing smoothly in their studies. They had a couple of examinations in the past month. Currently, they are studying the book of Jeremiah and the life of Christ – 4 (the gospel of John).


To get the message of Christ across to every creature is our aim, so with this in mind our students are trained to cease every opportunity to share the gospel everywhere they go. There were a lot of evangelistic efforts in and outside the country by both current and past students of the school.


There was a mission trip to Kenya by four of our past students including the Principal of the school, Brother Joshua Aidoo. As part of their schedule in Kenya, they engaged in lectureships and personal evangelism. They baptized 13 souls and restored 20 backsliders.

Thank you,


Posted on May 9, 2023 .

10 more baptisms in Guinea

Dear Brethren,

We salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is the report of activity for April 2023 of Bear Valley Bible Institute of Gueckedou, Guinea.


We are pleased to report to our donors all the activities carried out once again in anoher month, April which contributed to the blossoming of God's work in Gueckedou as well as in other areas of Guinea. See details of these under the subheadings that follow.

I-Teaching/ Class room:

It should be expected that there was no classroom teaching for the students in the regular two-year program during the month under review. This is because as indicated in our last report the students were on an evangelistic campaign which was followed by a 3 weeks break period. 

Il-Evangelism campaign

The first five days of the month were devoted to evangelism which was commenced in the previous month, but we were confronted with social constraints at the village of Yende Bawa where the Lord's Church is rapidly and amazing growing.

Nevertheless some other efforts were applied and the result of the different evangelistic sessions came up to 10 persons baptized for the remission of sins.

III-Radio program

The preaching team now led by brother Saa Robert KAMANO is still engagaged in a hard work to realize the broadcasting of the programs on the waves of 104.1 in frequency modulation. For this month, due to the demand of the listeners, the theme developed was on "the qualities of a good woman" and it has gone on well.

IV-Rapid Training 

Here is another strategy that contributes to the growth of servants or church leaders and the multiplication of local congregations for which they are trained. 

After realizing success of the first experiment last January, another team of 13 people were trained during the last two weeks of April 2023. This again is in the hope of planting new congregations where the trained leaders can serve and to strengthen older congregations.

The first result of this second batch of training was the obedience to the gospel of 2 persons who were yet unconverted among them.

It is also worth mentioning the presence of two brothers, Pokpa Kalivogui and Desire Sakouvogui from the city of Macenta through whom we will explore a new area.

The city center of Macenta and the village of Gbolonin are the two places at the top of the list for Evangelism that must follow the rapid training of churches leaders just completed .


Through this report we wish to convey to you the sentiments of satisfaction of the congregations receiving assistance for the construction of worship halls. There is a great amount of appreciation for this offer. We also appreciate this individual or persons for not differentiating between the Christians as God intended and reported by Paul in Galatians 3:27-28. 

For besides the congregations established by Bear Valley, other congregations across the country also benefit from this assistance in the construction and rental cost of buildings to worship our Lord like Kissidougou and Dabola.

Attached are photos of some of the buildings that are covered and others that are in the process of being built.

VI-Personal Profile.

In this section we present our brother in Christ Saa Robert KAMANO.

He is 70 years old. He spent 28 years in the Protestant church also serving as treasurer, before being converted to the Church of Christ in 2010 after attending correspondence courses conducted by Brother Francis Musa.

Although he is advanced in age, he had enrolled and followed the training at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Gueckedou from 2018-2020. With the love of saving lost souls and extending the kingdom of God, he established a congregation in Dento with the support of the Institute before the end of his training.

Because of his comprehension of the doctrine, dedication and ability, he was retained as a temporary teacher at the Institute .

He also leads the preaching team on the radio.

 May God grant him more healthy days to do his work.

VII-Suggestions and Recommendations

We ask all our donors, brothers and sisters from all parts of the world to pray for the unity of evangelists and members of the congregations in Guinea.



We thank God for all the good works we are doing under his control for the progress of the church in Guinea.

We thank Bear Valley International in general for their unconditional support and in particular our coordinator Steven Ashcraft for his good management in boosting God's work in Guinea.

Great thank for the person who support financialy the building of the worships halls.

We also thank Ken for his financial support of the radio program and all those who support God's work in Guinea.

May God bless us all in the Lord 


Posted on May 9, 2023 .

Making progress in Lagos


INTRODUCTION: According the Adeolu Akinyemi in his article on Nature’s insight titled “If you want to go far, go together.” Pando is a massive colony of quaking aspen trees located in Utah, USA. What's unique about Pando is that it is one interconnected organism, with all of the trees sharing the same root system. This makes Pando one of the largest and oldest living organisms on earth, estimated to be around 80,000 years old. Bear Valley Bible Institute is linking brethren from different parts of the world together to study the word of God. This goal is making this institution one of the greatest in our generation. God bless you all for this effort. Work is going on in the two centers I coordinate. We had three new students in Lagos Island. Also the students who started the program there have seven courses to complete their 52 courses required to obtain their certificate.

ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES IN SABO-ONIBA/LAGOS ISLAND: In Sabo-Oniba, Bro Etim Mfon took the Book of Romans, Bro Emmanuel Odoh from Agege came to teach Major Prophets which is part of OT series while in April Bro Suliman Yusuf taught How We God the Bible. The students are excited developing themselves in the word of God by the effort of this college. In Lagos Island, Bro Ani Augustine took a class in African Traditional Religion, Bro Luka James lead in Leadership class while Femi Adewuyi guided them in Life of Christ 3 (Book of Luke). We are having three new students in the center as stated above.

CAMPAIGN PROGRAM/MARKET EVANGELISM: Our Market evangelism has resumed. Two students and a staff are presently involved in the project. This is a new idea that is fascinating. Many are in their stores and office in the market. They listen to our message as we do Open Air preaching most of the time. We hope to add World Bible School lessons once we get a teacher or congregation that will be marking the lessons. Bro Chad is working to make sure we are on this very soon.

Both centers were in Ipara close to Badagry last week Saturday. It was a great outing as the local congregation were excited seeing us come to help them reach out in their area. We are also considering visiting some congregations that do not have Preachers in our area on Sundays. Two students will be worshipping with these churches once a month. That will increase our effort to encourage these young congregations.

LAGOS WBS WORK: The Online WBS Marking is still going on.

Lagos Team Work: None for these three months.

Online Students Activities: 163

 Online Students Active: 17

Under Follow Up: 1

Competed Lessons: 5135

Certificates Awarded: 1307

Baptism:  3


CONCLUSION: The work of the Lord will continue as he finds us worthy in His hand. Thank you all for your prayer and support in this work.

Thanks and God bless you all.

TIM IWE (Self Made Slave for Christ)

Sabo Oniba/Lagos Island Center Director

Posted on May 9, 2023 .

Graduation in Tamale




March 2023 was a blessed and a joyful month for us in Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies, Tamale, as it marks another milestone in the life of the Institute. It was a month of celebration for the immediate passed students and that of the current students and the instructors, coordinators and all who have interest in the development of the Lord’s Kingdom and the preachers’ training school in Northern Ghana.


We started the month with our usual visitation and church strengthening mission. In the month of March, Brother James Bisong Legend made a visitation journey to Kpinkpanyoung to participate in a preacher’s appreciation ceremony that was organized by the congregation. Brother James taught the adults Bible class as well as gave the sermon. This event took place on the 19th of March, 2023 which was the first day of the week. He taught a lesson entitled; “How the Christian should use their resources.” Brother James took his driving scripture from Psalm 24:1-2. The event was an inspiring one, which many brethren admitted that they were edified and needed to repent and redirect their resources towards the things of God as God is the owner of all things. Many of the brethren made different kinds of donations to support the efforts of their preacher and did also pledge to help him with his farming activities this year forth. An undisclosed amount of funds were also donated to support him. Brother Paul Laar is the preacher of the Kpinkpanyoung Church of Christ.

Brother James also did speak to the congregation to consider the possibility of supporting the preachers’ school in Tamale that produced Brother Paul, who has become a blessing to the church in Kpinkpanyoung and other congregations in the area. The church was so grateful to the school for its contribution to the Lord’s church and work in Northern Ghana.


One of the greatest events that took place in the month of March 2023 was the 7th graduation ceremony of the school which happened on the 29th of March, 2023.  Brethren of the Lord’s churches across Northern Ghana came together to celebrate with brothers who in the past two years dedicated themselves to studying the word of God, so they could become vessels for the Lord’s use. It was a great event, as it drew both Christians and non-Christians together to witness and celebrate this joyful moment. People from all the four regions in the North did participate in it.

The director, Daniel Adjei Mensah gave the opening address to begin the ceremony. He recounted the establishment road map of the school into the period of the graduating students. He also recounted the challenges encountered in recruiting the graduating batch as well as the loss of one of the students. A one minute silence was observed in memory of him (Brother Philemon).

Seven students graduated successfully. Five of them qualified and received a Diploma certificate from Bear Valley Institute of Biblical Studies. Two of these students however, could not meet the pass mark, hence, were given a leadership or recognition certificate from the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies.

Some great exemplary brethren who have laboured in the Lord’s field for several years were also present to grace the occasion. Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi, the Coordinator for Bear Valley Schools across Ghana was present. He has been a great blessing for the work of the Lord in Ghana and beyond.  Brother Steven Aschraft, who has consistently and sacrificially stood out for the work of the Lord was also present. But for Brother Steven, we cannot phantom how the Lord’s would have been in Ghana and precisely, Northern Ghana. He is indeed a game changer for the Kingdom of God in Northern Ghana where we have great knowledge of. His presence was greatly needed and he did fill in the gap as usual. He gave a brief and a simple sermon to charge the graduates and the preachers as well as all who participated in this event.

Delivering his charge, Brother Steven stood on the counsel Paul gave to Timothy the preacher in II Timothy 2:1-3 and II Timothy 4:1-5 respectively to stir up brethren. He stated the need for men who go through training to not go through it in vain. One cannot become a preacher or an evangelist just by name. Stating his point, he pointed out that, being a preacher or an evangelist is as a result of the work you do. Therefore, a preacher is simply a person who preaches Christ, likewise an evangelist. The evangelist simply evangelizes and not just possesses the name. Further illustrating his point for clarity's sake, he stated, by a rhetorical question, whether one can be called a farmer if the person doesn’t farm or has a farm. Indeed, this was a lively and a seasoned charge that was needed and was presented at the right time to the right audience. We give God the glory for his life.

All permanent staff of the school were present, including some of the short course instructors. We had a great and unique event.

Declaration by graduates and the students who matriculated were led by Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi (Ghana Coordinator). They affirmed by declaration that they will at all times preach and defend the doctrine of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Hallelujah.

Some awards were also given to deserving students by the school. Emmanuel Balefam claimed two prestigious awards; Best Student academic and Best Student overall. The best servant award went to Abraham Bambile, while the well behaved student award was received by Balaboni Npoanbeni Collins.

Demonstrating their appreciation to the school by the graduates, they presented some plastic chairs and two bags of maize to the school to support the feeding of the incoming batch of students. We praise the Lord for all that has happened in this special graduation and matriculation ceremony. We hope and pray things like this get better moving forward.


 The following day after the graduation, which was the 30th of March, with evangelism and souls being the driving force of all his actions, Brother Steven continues to create avenues in order to link up Bear Valley Schools and brethren together to collaborate to bring the Gospel to all men. With this in mind, Brother James Bisong Legend was taken to Togo, precisely, Kara, to have some healthy discussion with some of the brothers working with the schools in Togo for the purpose of coming up with ideas that will help promote church plantings between the border towns between Togo and Ghana.

One of the issues considered was also for him (James) to get some information on how the brethren in Togo do to convert denominational preachers into the church. Indeed, there was a very fruitful discussion and we are working on getting things in their rightful place. We thank the Lord for the life of Brother Steven and all who give a helping hand in his sacrificial efforts.

The Lord blesses us all,

Bear Valley, Tamale

Posted on May 9, 2023 .

Graduation in Accra

End of March Report, Accra 2023

Let's give thanks to God for a successful month of March. We have achieved a lot as an institute and I am grateful for your efforts and commitment.

End of Quarter:
The first quarter of the academic year has ended successfully. Congratulations to all of us for the hard work put in to achieve this milestone. We can now look forward to the second quarter with renewed energy.

Academic Activities:
All courses were taught with diligence and attention to detail, and we were privileged to have Mr E. O. Larbi teach the family life short course as the last course of the quarter.

School Building Project:
I am pleased to announce that the land boundaries for our school building project have been demarcated. This is an exciting development for the Institute, and we eagerly anticipate the next stages of the project.

Radio Programme:
We have recently secured one hour of airtime on Top Radio Station (103.1fm), which is a fantastic opportunity for us to share the word of God with a wider audience and also to promote our college. However, we need more funds to sponsor the programme, and we hope to get help in any way you can to ensure the continued success of this initiative. This will promote evangelism and edification.

On 25th March, our school held a graduation ceremony which was a huge success. Congratulations to all the graduates and I wish them all the best in their future endeavours. We are grateful to Steven Ashcraft who was instrumental during the graduation. They vacated on the 25th of March, 2023 and will resume on the 9th of March, 2023 to start the school term. There will be a campaign on the 10th of April, 2023 and wish you pray for its successful

As we look ahead to the next quarter, let us continue to strive towards our goals as a college and work together to achieve success. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication.

Posted on May 9, 2023 .

Lectureship in Peru

Our cordial greetings,

It is a pleasure to write these lines to update interested brothers regarding the progress of BVBI-Peru. The two courses that have been taught in this bimester have been "Historical Books of the AT." and "The life of Jesus II" we are one class away from finishing both courses, the first course has been in charge of this server (Juan Abanto) and the second in charge of Abraham Alata, attendance at both courses has improved and we hope in The Lord keep doing it. In both courses we have had 9 students.

In addition to the classes taught at the institute, we had our V Annual Bible Conference on April 8 in the city of Ica, the two congregations in that city participated in the event, including a group of brothers from Lima, it was a beautiful experience for us. as instructors, to share these teachings regarding "A church that perseveres: Contrast between the challenges of the church of the I Century and that of the XXI century". The instructors for this conference were the brothers Abraham Alata, Andres Nunes, Alejandro Berrío (graduate student) and Juan Abanto. We had an attendance of about 60 people.

We were blessed to participate in the evangelistic activity of the church where the conference was held and for the glory of God two souls were added to the kingdom of Christ. It really was 3 days of a lot of activity, fellowship, instruction and work. We hope in the Lord to be promoters of many more similar events in the future in many other congregations, both in the capital and in the provinces of our country.

I share some photos that somehow tell you this story visually.

May the Lord continue to bless your respective ministries.

Juan Abanto

Posted on May 9, 2023 .

More conversions in Chad



Mr. Coordinator of the Biblical Institute of the Bear Valley Moundou-Chad, on this occasion, we come to give you some information on the activities of the school.


We have just finished the second week of April.  The lessons went well.


  We had two (2) baptisms, one on the 9th and one on the 14th. The very good news is that the sentinel of the center of the Muslim confession converted to true Christianity. He is now a member of the Church of Christ. We glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


We have one case of illness. The student has been ill for two (2) weeks.  After some care administered by the center's nurse, he underwent medical scans on April 6th. He then took care for a week, but he continues to have stomach pains. I made him go home this morning to get a product from the village at his father's request. We pray for his speedy recovery.


By next weekend, students will go on evangelism. It is from April 24 to 28, 2023, according to the new calendar that you have developed for us.  This will be our first stage. Please pray a lot for us.

Here dear coordinator, is a brief report of our activities for the first half of April 2023.

May God bless you in Jesus Christ!


Posted on May 9, 2023 .

Some good news from Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,  as well as congregations,

We are grateful to God for His love and mercy He provides for us every day. The last couple of weeks the situation in the country remained very difficult, however, controlled. There's fierce warfare along the whole battle line and, sadly, both sides have a lot of fatalities. The freedom that Ukraine wants to defend is available only at the great cost. We ask for your to pray for us, for the Lord's church and for the peace in our country.

Bear Valley Bible Institute.

In the end of the last month our students had evangelical practice. It took place in the cities of Lviv and Chernivtsy. Viacheslav Shmakov and his wife went to Lviv where they helped the local congregation, taught lessons and preached at the Sunday services. The rest of the students body remained in Chernivtsy. They held Christian meetings for children, youth group meetings, paid visits to the members of the local congregation and served the refugees who had relocated to the city recently. In this way the students got a very good practical idea of what the ministry was like and how to be a part of the  process.

We have some good news. Our future graduate Alexander Radkevich will serve as the youth minister in Chernivtsy upon graduation. For the long time the congregation was getting ready for this important event and now the moment has come. You might remember that about a year ago I mentioned in my report that Alexander and Victoria had been married while our first year students. They are both young and full of energy, and  very excited to serve the Lord. The congregation in Chernivtsy will be their starting point where they can demonstrate their abilities. We are looking for some financial support on their behalf and if you are willing to help them or know someone who will be interested in sponsoring the ministry please get in touch with me.

The Church of Christ in Bela Tserkva.

During the last month we kept helping the relocated refugees. Usually we invite them to the Sunday service and when it's over we distribute the grocery care packages. This way we constantly have a circle of fellowship with the people who have needs.

Last week the Bela Tserkva church of Christ Minister Konstantin and I went to Kramatorsk to help out the local congregation with food packages. The church still meets there, about 10 Christians who  still can't evacuate from the city due to their personal reasons. The city is only about 12 miles from the front line and, as you can assume, the situation is critical. Major stores are closed down, and the smaller ones have raised the prices 1.2-2 times on all groups of merchandise. There are no jobs on the city and a lot of military personnel who use the city as their military base and move around the city from morning till night. A lot of times the city is attacked by the hostile artillery and there's not enough time for air raid sirens to react to the threat. Unfortunately, such as the life of many front line proximity cities where  hundreds of civilians still remain for various reasons. The government doesn't have funds to help with the resettlement in safer places and a very low income level for a large amount of the population makes people remain in the dangerous areas. We'd like to continue this ministry and we are looking for people  who'd like to financially support the project.

May God keep you and your families. Search for peace and remain in it. Thank you for your prayers and your help that you provide for our country and our congregations.

Your brother,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on May 9, 2023 .

Gweru, Zimbabwe school continues to make an impact



The month of April was a busy month at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zimbabwe. Students were on break for just two weeks but activities continued both on and off campus. The school continues to make a difference in both the church and within the student body. These activities are reported hereunder.


The school began its new term on the 24th of April. The following subjects are going to be under consideration; James, Romans, Church Growth, Christian Spiritual Formation, Major Prophets, Greek, Advanced Homiletics, Church Leadership and Church History. To enhance life survival skills on both the following seminars shall take place; Goat production, poultry production, sustainable gardens and Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation. On the practicum side at least two campaigns shall take place.


The school’s part time program is progressing well. This program takes longer than the ordinary full time program. It has 10 students and we can report on the following.  Classes are held during weekends whilst each holiday students camp at Gweru campus.


Students were in Gweru for their April block. The following subjects were under consideration Research Methods, Personal Work, James, Homiletics, Prison Epistles, Galatians, Wisdom literature and  How We Got the Bible. Some of the subjects are still ongoing. The guest teacher was Lovemore Manyanhaire who came to guide students through personal work theory and practical. Students did their presentations and began their practical by going around the Plasworth area spreading the Word.


From 1 May until graduation in late 2024, these students will be undertaking their practicum in different congregations. Reports of their efforts will be included in the subsequent reports. The practicum will run for 18 months minimum. The following is the list of students and their attached areas;

Nhamo Mandebvu                            Whitecliff

Nyevero Muhura                              Kadoma

Fadzai Kufa                                      Nashville

Witness Masarakufa                          Matove

Wilbert Manyati                               Concession

Maxwell Nyahuye                            Bindura

Rigason Nyakayaramba                    Bakasa

Benny Billiat  Snr                             Mutorashanga

Benny Billiat  Jnr                              Mutorashanga

Sharing the News of Bear Valley Bible Institute

The school has been slowly putting in place an advertisement wing, with its participants working on voluntary bases. This wing works alongside the Ambassadors wing to disseminate information and aiding in the school’s recruitment efforts. Their presence was felt at the Southern Africa International Lectureship which took place in Bulawayo between the 7th and 9th of April. Presentations have so far been done in Midlands, Masvingo, Mashonaland West and Makoni district.  


The Midlands Gospel Meeting took place in Gokwe from the 28th -30th of April. Preachers in Midlands had organized that there be an advance team to evangelize and prepare the area for the meeting. The BVBIZ team was there on ground as well. The campaign approach has been an enabler in helping students gain evangelism intelligence. Tapiwa Madamombe and Ovious Kufa, graduates of BVBIZ have consistently been active forces within this team. Batsirai Tengulachepa (2021 graduate) joined the school as well in Gokwe (25-28 April). The effort saw 12 baptisms taking place. The preachers are highly grateful to Brother Gideon Madyira, the preacher at Gokwe and the congregation for taking care of the team and hosting the lectureship. The Gospel Meeting left attendees spiritually fulfilled. The theme was “Content for the faith-Jude 3.” Three students preached whilst some were active one way or another.     


John Reese, the former World Bible School president visited the school on the 12th of April. This was his first ever visit. He had time of meeting with our part time students who were on ground undertaking their studies. The visit ended with him planting an orange tree whilst the students did the same as well. BVBIZ values these visits.


The school continues to trace the whereabouts of our graduates. This month we carry a brief report concerning Tomson and Victoria Mlawuzi (both 2018 graduates of BVBIZ). Please see their story at the end of this report.


As highlighted above, the month of April was a busy one at BVBIZ. Classes were held, evangelism done, sermons preached, visits made among other notables. May God continue to bless every one of you for playing your part in advancing the cause of Jesus. To God be the glory!


I am are proud to share my story starting from 2016 when grace found me. God works wonders starting from the day one when I enrolled at Bear Valley Bible Institute to start my course together with my wife Victoria. The journey was not easy but by God's grace and the support of the BVBIZ staff I am who I am today. I am a father of two and a minister of the gospel working with Hatcliffe church of Christ in Harare North.

After we graduated, God linked us to Kelvin Mhindirira and his wife where Kelvin was preaching at Hatcliff. I worked uner Brother Mhindirira  as the  junior preacher for six months. After that Kelvin moved to Domboshava to start a new work and left us at Hatcliffe. Hatcliffe church of Christ is a small congregation with a membership of 36 adults excluding children.

Besides being a preacher, I work as a translator for World Evangelism publications. My task is to translate the books and tracts into the Shina language.  I saw this need when I was a student at BVBIZ while doing my field attachment in the rural areas of Julena and Gokwe.  I and my wife used to move around with English tracts and books which were donated from well wishers from abroad. During our door-to-door evangelism most of the prospects requested Shona materials for further studies which were easy for their understanding. So after graduation I did not forget the importance of having materials in our native language. Currently I have translated 17 Tracts into PDF and 10 books. My target is to reach all corners of Zimbabwe with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Books translated so far are:

1. The Church of the Bible

2. New Testament Worship

3. The Gospel of Christ

4. Quran Unveiled

 5. Scriptural Organisation of the churches of Christ

6. Why We Believe What We Believe Volume 1 & 2

7. Jesus Christ Internal Sacrifice

8.  Role of Women

9. Spiritual Summarised

10. Questions About Doctrine of Mormon

Posted on May 8, 2023 .

Eric Lyons from Apologetics Press visits Arusha school

A.C.S.O.P  Weekly Update

March,  2023.


I hope all is well with you all. Please let me share with you a great blessing that God granted to ACSOP this month. Three short causes were taking place in this March, whereby brother Garry Fallis taught in the  Master’s program on Advanced Hermeneutics, and church planting, then brother Eric Lyons taught under graduate on Christian evidences.

Brother Eric Lyons is talented teacher, who for the first time came to join us at ACSOP. This was great blessings to have such a good teacher from Apologetics Press. I can remember his first passage he mentioned in the class. 1.Peter 3:15 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; Because of the importance of this class, and because both classes were to take the same course in the same time, we combined both classes. So, brother Eric had his class translated by brother Losotwa Michael.  Brother Michael was ready for dealing with Swahili class translation

Every student was very happy and excited due to good class and the way he taught his class.

Apart from teaching at ACSOP brother Eric Lyions, was welcomed at Kisongo church who were blessed to hear him preach on “church’ responsibility to God”.

What I realized from brother Eric was his desire to teach. He is well devoted to teach and his desire to come many times to teach at ACSOP.

I want to take this chance to thank him and all brothers that they are ready to give out their time and money to come to ACSOP. Eric has become a great inspiration to us. May our Lord give him more time and ability to serve Him.

Please continue to pray for this work that God can open more doors to His word to be preached. Thank you very much for reading and supporting this work.

In His Work.

Ahimidiwe Kimaro

Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on May 7, 2023 .

Abuja, Nigeria school records several baptisms


The year 4 continues with more activities for the final year students, as they look forward to successful graduation this year. They embarked on Internship Program and Research Project Work towards the successful completion of their program.


The school has an average of Thirty-Four regular students in both centers (Kado 19 & Nyanya 11).

Courses and Instructors:

The followings were the courses undertaken and instructors for the period under review:

·      The Preacher and his Work.        – Kennedy Abrotu            - August 2022

·      Advanced Hemeneutics.             – Dominic Dakup              - September 2022

·      Personal Evangelism III.             – Imoh Enang Atakpa       - October 2022

·      Introduction to Biblical Greek.      – Dominic Dakup              - November 2022

·      The Book of Hebrews.                - Felix Ekpeyong              - December 2022

·      Old Testament (Minor Prophets)   - David Akpata                 - January 2023

·      Research Project Work               - Supervisors: Dominic Dakup; Kennedy Abrotu; Imoh Enang Atakpa; Rupert

Evangelism Campaigns:

There were five evangelism campaigns in the period under review. They are Church of Christ Mararaba Lokotiye, Nasarawa (September); Church of Christ Kubwa (October); Church of Christ Galadimawa; Church of Christ Gbessa and Church of Christ, Asokoro, Abuja (December) by the centers.


During the student’s personal evangelisms in their various locations, there were Eight recorded baptisms, while the general evangelism had no baptism, but the gospel was well preached.

Congregational Visitations:

A total of Three (3) congregations were visited, they include the followings;

·      Church of Christ, Asokoro

·      Church of Christ, Gbessa

·      Church of Christ, Mararaba Lokotiye

Additional information:

Within the period under review, the school lost a student, late Bro Fred Mgboji from Kado center. He died on January 15th 2023 after a prolong sickness and was buried on 31st January 2023. May God console the family, the Church of Christ Kado and students of BVBI-Abuja. 

One of the students at Nyanya center, Bro Madalla Haruna was appointed the preacher of Church of Christ Auta Balefi, Nasarawa. The church has been blessed with baptisms upon baptisms upon his assumption as the preacher.

The final year students participated in an Internship Program, aimed at developing the students with practical works of the church, i.e evangelism, edification etc. There were good reports from the host congregations of positive contribution of the students during their work with them.

The faculty set up a graduation committee to work out the programs and arrangements for the first graduation ceremony of the school. The membership consists of both the faculty members and students representative.


We are grateful for the grace enjoyed to contribute to the development of the church, as well as appreciation to the Bear Valley Bible Institute, the Elders, the faculty and congregations who have plans to key into the vision.

Thanks and God bless.

Posted on May 5, 2023 .

Enugu, Nigeria school carries on


Jan. to March 2023 Report

 The year 2023 kicked off with lots of expectations among the students and every other related persons, as the students will graduate this year. The center started last year with 10 students and they have been serious with their studies.

No graduations yet.

Total number of local instructors are 3

The students are involved in evangelism as part of their practical work.


We are grateful to the wonderful coordinators of BVBI outside and within. The financial/material supplies and prayers are highly appreciated; words are not enough to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you, may God bless and keep you all, may His mercies and steadfastness never depart from us all in Jesus name - Amen.

Thanks and remain blessed.

Bro. Patrick Makwe P.

For BVBI Enugu Study Centre.

Posted on May 5, 2023 .

Nairobi school starts strong

We are so thankful to God for His unending love and care towards all. At Nairobi school of preaching we are all doing well, students and teachers.


The school remains part-time school and operates only on Saturdays. We opened on 7/1/ 2023 with one admission to add on the 9 students we had. Brother Fredrick Ramoya began the quarter by teaching Minor Prophets 1, brother Samson followed by teaching Minor prophets 2, and brother Kennedy is teaching the books of 1,2,3 John.

Being a part-time school, students and teachers are in position of doing evangelism in their local congregations.. From January until now, we have had 8 baptisms and many classes established.


We are so thankful for the brethren who are always supporting the school physically ,financially, and in prayers. Your prayers  keep us moving day by day in the Lord.

Yours in the service,

Kennedy munubi

Omutele Samson

Posted on May 5, 2023 .

Evangelism producing results in Kenya

Dear brethren

This is to let you know that we have closed for March holidays till we will resume classes in April. This marks the end of second quarter of first year of the sixth in take students.

We still maintain the 20 students as we selected. Almost all the students are very good and active in class work with exception of one.

This time, we have had one American short course teacher - Dr. Mike Reese and three African teachers - Charles, Paul and Elias.

The number of courses had been 7: Godhead, Christian Evidences, the Gospel according to Matthew, Introduction to Hermeneutics, Pentateuch II, Homiletics II (Expository Preaching) and Writing skills (English II).

The students had done a tremendous job both in their home local congregations and at Tieng're - the congregation near the school. During weekends, they would help evangelize the lost, teach in youth meetings conducted by local churches, edify the saved and participate in all church services. 

This has resulted in 33  baptisms and restoration of 17 individual backsliders.

One of these current students went back to his community and on his evangelistic efforts, found and helped a preacher of the gospel who had planted two congregations but had insisted that those churches be called churches of God in Christ. Richard showed him from Scriptures that there is no difference between the church of God in Christ and the church of Christ as long as the doctrine of Christ is followed. He even added him other biblical names by which the believers are called ( the temple, household of faith, the bride, Christians, vineyard of the Lord and on and on). Good news is that the man took Richard to these congregations to help them correct few of the things not in line with the doctrine of Christ and in that fashion, Richard helped to restore two whole congregations to worship according to the New Testament pattern. 

Below are photos of Kenya School of Preaching students and their teachers in uniform- including Mike Reese, and baptismal photos by students. We pray that they continue with the same zeal and love of the lost during this March holiday. Thanks to all people who work hard to see that these preachers be trained here at KSOP- God bless you!

In His service, 

Elias Omollo.

Posted on May 4, 2023 .

Evangelism is the priority in Sierra Leone


Full Time and the Extended Programs


There is nothing in this world that is worth celebrating like when the Gospel is being preached and people respond to it by embracing Christ. That is why we are not ashamed to share the Gospel because it is the power of God to salvation. The family of Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute is excitedly reporting to you the activities that transpired over the past month of March. Many good things happened during the month of March, 2023. For instance, evangelistic campaigns were conducted, souls were converted and 4 congregations were established, the academic activities continued favorably, the school acquired an evangelistic Bus, etc. However, it is true that life goes along with challenges. It is with this understanding that we lost one of our committed staff, Emmanuel Focko to death. But for the details of the above activities, you are being encouraged to keep on reading as we do this under the following subheadings:


In the February report, we informed you that we were in our final year, and that the first quarter of the final year came to an end at the end of February for our full-time students. Therefore, our students were on a short break till the 5th March, 2023 when they resumed classes for their second quarter. All our 19 students in the full-time program resumed except one (Ephinatus A.S Conteh) who lost his mother at Tonkolili, the Northern part of Sierra Leone, and traveled there for the burial but couldn’t return. The school has been making so many attempts to get to him but to no avail yet. Meanwhile, all the 18 students resumed and continued with their classes.


As usual, the school directed her one week evangelistic campaign at Segbwema town. Segwema is one of those many towns in Sierra Leone that is dominated by staunch and fanatic Muslims who do not even see beyond beliefs. The town has many people that are so lost. It is located in the eastern part of Sierra Leone. Some time ago, some missionaries from Indiana, USA through the Pricilla Street Church of Christ in Freetown attempted to establish a congregation in Segbwema but could not succeed. So we decided to also carry the Gospel to those lost souls there. For the one week we spent there (March 20-26), six souls were converted. We started congregational worship there on the 26th March with an attendance of 31. We will by the special grace of God through personal evangelism and mission work nurture this congregation and many will come to Christ.

As you know, apart from the evangelism that is done by the school exclusively, we have also set up evangelistic teams. And we told you all that we target this year. Please read below what the Lord did evangelistically for the month of March. For the month of March, the Evangelism Teams were able to carry on the following activities.


The Kenema Team conducted their first gospel campaign from the 14th to the 19th of March, 2023 at Hanga community. During these six days of intensive campaign, 12 souls were converted and by the grace of God, a new congregation is now established in that community. The new congregation had its first worship on the 19th March, 2023 with 28 congregants. The team members together with the staff are now nurturing the new congregation. Continuous daily visits, Wednesday Bible Study, and weekly evangelism are done by the team members daily to better equip the new believers. The team is confident that the new congregation at Hanga has much potential for growth not only spiritually but numerically.  However, the team is still facing some challenges such as mobility, sitting accommodation for the congregants and lack of worship structure. The church is currently worshipping at a rented place owned by a Muslim. We trust God that mechanisms will be put together to erect our own worship hall.


The Kailahun Team has also effectively kick started their massive gospel campaign. The main team members currently are Alfred B.N. Tengbeh, Johnathan Joseph, Borborbelay Tengbeh, Michael Focko, and Mariam Fomba. However, during this first gospel Campaign, they were able to encourage some church members to join them in the work. The Kailahun Team conducted their first campaign from the 20th-26th March 2023 at Kossiala community. During these seven days, they were able to do door-to-door and open air preaching within the Kossiala community and the surrounding villages including Jaama, and Fullawahun. The campaign was accompanied by a film show and intensive preaching. By the special grace of God 9 souls were added to the church leading to the establishing of a new congregation. The new congregation has much potential for growth both spiritually and numerically. The team continues to nurture the new congregation and hope to convert more souls. The team has also planed of conducting a training Bible Seminar with the new congregation from 25th – 30th April, 2023, while having plans for May’s campaign at another locality.


The Evangelistic Team in Kono has also been working harder. For the month of March, the team conducted an evangelistic campaign through which a new congregation was established at Kuyor. The campaign took place from March 20-26, 2023.  During this period, 6 souls were converted. As we have been saying, Sierra Leone is highly dominated by Muslims, so to preach the Gospel here is very challenging. However, we are thankful for those that the Lord is adding to His Church. The team is currently making a follow-up to those prospects they preached to during the campaign.


The Koindu team is also alive and working hard. However, the team was hindered by the death of its vibrant Leader Emmanuel Focko. The death of Emmanuel Focko is a big blow to the team. However, a new team leader has been appointed. The team has scheduled to have its first gospel campaign on the 11th -16th April, 2023. With further encouragement and exhortation, the team members will work hard in the ministry of reconciliation.


As for the Bo, Magburaka and Freetown teams, their activities will be reported as we continue in this year. They did not conduct any evangelistic campaign so that they could establish congregations like the other teams, but they were also been able to engage in personal and door-to-door evangelism. They are also working harder.


One of my Bible teachers once stated that “The reward for hard work is more work.” I believe this statement to be true especially when I apply it to the ministry work. When one wants to sincerely work for the Lord, He creates more opportunities to be more involved in the work. There is a strong conviction in us here that the provision of the school bus for us last month is a continual indication that more work will be done. The Lord saw the pains we used to go through in seeking for a bus when we want to go for our campaigns and He saw the dire need we had of a bus, hence provided one for us through our supporters. With the daily increase of prices in Sierra Leone currently, we are joyfully writing to let you know that we have been able to acquire a Mercedes Benz Manual Sprinter that has a capacity of 18 persons. We continue to appreciate everyone that has been supporting the Lord’s work here; your generosity is duly acknowledged and the Lord knows that. May you be blessed abundantly in all aspects.


It was in our last February report that we informed you of the critical illness of one of our committed staff, church leader, and one of the evangelistic team leaders, Emmanuel Focko. You were informed that he was diagnosed of hepatitis B and Liver Cirrhosis. Sadly, on March 1, Emmanuel passed on to be with the Lord. Upon hearing the news of Emmanuel’s demise, the brethren in Guinea including Brother Francis Musa and the Bear Valley administration sympathized with us. At that time, our coordinator, Brother Steve was also here with us and showed much concerns and support. Bear Valley also wrote us through our compassionate African Director, Brother Keith.  We plead with you to keep on praying for the two surviving sons of Emmanuel and the congregation (Weima Church of Christ) where he was serving as a preacher.


We thank you so much for taking your time to read our report. Your prayers for the work here are so badly needed at this crucial time when many people do not care about God anymore. Thank you for your financial supports also, for they are really acknowledged.

Posted on May 4, 2023 .

Meet some students and alumni in Luanshya


We greet you once again from Luanshya, Zambia! Our prayers are that you and the rest of God’s family there are doing well both in your health and work. We are grateful to God for giving us this opportunity to report to you about the work at BVBI-Zambia.

We also are truly thankful to God for giving us the rare privilege of working and laboring in His Vineyard!

Continuation of the profiles of the new students

Richard Chikago

Was born on 15th October 2000 he comes to us from Lusaka, District of Lusaka Province of Zambia. His parents were divorced when he was just five years old and his sister Anna was two. He did his primary school at Chunga primary school and went on to complete high school at Nelson Mandela Secondary School in 2020.

 In 2021 he worked as a salesman for a hardware store and later worked at Eugen Filling station until August of the same year. In January 2022 he came to Luanshya Copperbelt province to do a course in Registered Nursing. He did not complete this course due to lack of financial support. It was during this period while studying that he met with our students who were doing evangelism and got baptized. He was encouraged to apply at BVBI-Zambia for studies. Richard is one of the youngest students of BVBI-Zambia and his interest to study is just great. After completion he wants to preach to all, as he put it, “who have been through a lot just like my journey.” We believe he is going to be effective in preaching the word of God.

 Rodrick Sambati

Born in 1999 in the village of chief Siachitema of Kalomo District in Southern  Province. His mother is a member of the Church of Christ but not his father. Rodrick was born in the family of four (4) two boys and two girls. Him being the first born has been raised as a shepherd because of His father’s farming skills.

He completed High school at Mubanga Secondary School on 10th November 2021. During his school days he had to support himself because His father had given him seven sheep and cattle to raise and keep for himself. Unfortunately these animals were sold by his father due to his drinking habits.

Rodrick was met by one of our former students Clive Kabika who recommended him to our school. At the time of his coming to our Institute, he was also accepted to do an engineering course in Livingstone but he chose to study the Bible first. His interest is to get back and preach at his home congregation in Ziziba. Rodrick has made steady progress while studying at BVBI-Zambia.

Ishmael Kanyangala

Was born on 28th November 1992 in the family of six, three boys and three girls; unfortunately all the girls are deceased. His father is a member of the church of Christ but his mother is not. He is coming to us from Mporokoso district in Northern Province of Zambia.

Ishmael did his primary education at Mporokoso primary school and later completed at Munyele primary School in the same district. He stopped school for sometime but later in 2014 went back to complete together with his young brother  Mike (our former student) at Mporokoso Secondary school in 2017. Ishmael has worked in a security company for two year and decided to stop in order to be trained as a preacher. He has been recommended to us by his father who also happens to be an elder in the Lord’s Church. After completion he wants to work with youths in the church in spreading the gospel beginning at his home congregation in Mporokoso 

BVBI alumni

Joseph Musonda

Having spent some time in Mansa, Luapula Province of Zambia, Joseph Musonda is now back at Chibwe Church of Christ. He is engaged in personal evangelism and, combining his efforts with the rest of the members in door knockings and Bible studies for older members. And these efforts are yielding the desired results for the growth of the Chibwe congregation. Since his return he has restored four souls to the sheepfold. To God be the glory!

Simon Nkhazi

While doing his studies with the ministry of health, Simon is actively teaching at a local congregation in Mtendere of Lusaka and we have received a great recommendation from the leadership at that local congregation. He is involved in teaching new members about the New Testament church and providing guidance to the youths.

We continue to work and pray for our former students on a regular basis.

Reuben Museka

Reuben is a resident of the district of Mpulungu of Northern Province of Zambia; Mpulungu is on the banks of Lake Tanganyika which borders the three countries namely Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. The place is practically a business area. He has made tremendous progress in his spiritual life. He is preaching in the area dominated by “Pentecostalism” but this movement has not slowed him down from sharing the true gospel to the community.

Reuben is still meeting in a classroom with the church, they used to be nine (9) of them when they meet on the first day of the week, but now the number has increased to between fifteen (15) and eighteen (18). It is a new congregation at her infancy stage with a great potential for growth.  As we all experience the wonderful effects when we pray for one another let us keep him in our prayers.  


BVBI-Zambia offers condolences to Richard Chicago one of our current students from Lusaka province on the passing of his father on 30th April 2023. We offer our love and sympathy to him and his family, and pray that God will be of great comfort to him and the rest of the family.

National Youth Conference (2023)

The gathering of the youths of the church here in Zambia is always a great success. Eight out of ten Provinces were represented with a total attendance of 2,535. This was a representation of 106 congregations in Zambia. Our former students participated actively in the spreading of the gospel and strengthening members of the church. A three day meeting ended on a very encouraging note on youth’s active participation in the running of the church. The next conference will be held in Solwezi, Northwestern Province of Zambia in 2024.  


We have recorded seventy-eight (78) baptisms altogether in the month of April and we have also recorded forty-four  (44) restorations and twenty-two  (22) souls came for prayers and other physical needs


Jesus said that when we show loving concern for others, we do it to Him. We certainly do it for Him. We are eternally grateful for the partnership that we have with you all in the Lord and the financial support that we have continued to receive from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ.

May God continue blessing you in all your endeavors!

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on May 4, 2023 .

New graduates get to work saving souls in Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the month of April-2023

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you well. We take this opportunity to share our April-2023 Report.

Students:- By the grace of God all the students from BVBI-Tirupati, A.P , India have done a wonderful job in completing their course. We conducted our graduation ceremony on April 1st, 2023. . We share with you that all the students have moved to different places to spread the word of God ( 2 Timothy 2:2). We request you to pray for the students so that they may continue to sow the seed of God in the hearts of unsaved people.

New Batch:- We humbly inform you that in the month of June a new batch will begin their studies. BVBI has been permitted to recruit 20 students. We request your prayers for the new batch of students.

Teaching faculty:-  We appreciate our hard working teaching faculty for their hardship in using their time and energy to complete their syllabus which has been prescribed by BVBI. They have taken responsibility to guide and encourage the students as they have gone into the battlefields to win lost souls .

Conversions:- In the month of April 5 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ. We request you to pray for these new souls so that they may grow in the image of His Son Jesus Christ.

Campaigning:- In the month of April we conducted a campaign at Aruru-Village on April 12th. It is 100 miles away from the BVBI-Tirupati.    We are happy to report that students and staff (about 30 people) visited this village and proclaimed the word of God. We had more than 250 people in attendance for the meeting.

Street meeting:- We conducted a street meeting at Kotara-Village on the evening of April 7th.  The entire village people was able to hear the gospel.

Benevolence:- Our BVBI students and staff were involved in the distribution of clothes to 30 widows who live in rural areas.

Gospel meetings :- In India there is hot summer in the month of May, but is the most comfortable month for evening gospel meetings . One of our students Mr.Yovel and his wife sister Sujatha invited BVBI staff and students  for the gospel meetings at their native place on 8th ,9th  and 10th ( at Karnool district which is 450KM away from Tirupati.) We request your prayers for the travel and meetings.  Another gospel meeting, Lord willing, BVBI staff and students may join for the success of the gospel meeting which will be held on May 12th and 13 th by our local church.

BVBI participation at Funeral service :-  Last Sunday after the service BVBI students and staff were able to participate at a funeral service at Poolthota-village and comfort the family members.

Youth meetings:- Lord willing on May 9th day time and 10th day time BVBI is planning to conduct a 2 day youth camp at Karnool district. We request your prayers.

We are ever grateful to you for the establishment of BVBI extension centre at Tirupati, A.P, India which is the  best platform to train the young people in India. We express our gratitude and thanks to you and all the prayer partners. We request your continual prayers.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar

Posted on May 4, 2023 .

Bear Valley Bible Institute enjoys a great reputation in Zambia

MARCH, 2023


We give glory and honor to God the father as we send this report for the activities here at BVBI-Zambia in the month of March. Our students continue to make good progress in their gaining knowledge of the kingdom of God. To Him is the glory forever and ever!!

The first quarter went so fast and we are in the second week of the second quarter. We have been trying to learn and know each of our students. It is indeed great to meet these men and to get to know them.   



Arnold Silangwa born on 11th May 1995 in the family of three, Arnold is the only male child. He has done business enterprenueship and community health work of which he has obtained a certificate; he also had the opportunity to study clinical medicine for one year. Arnold is also a qualified psychosocial counselor and has a certificate in the same field from one of the Universities.

Arnold got married in the year 2022 and has a daughter by the name of Eunice. He came to BVBI-Zambia from Mansa district of Luapula Province of Zambia. He is very studious and passionate in what he is doing. He wants to complete his studies and yearns to go back to Luapula and make a difference for God.  


Obed Silwimba is a native of Luanshya, born on 30th October 1961. Obed obtained a blasting license in mining. He got married in 1985 to Charity Lwando and together they have four children. He is the oldest member of the student body. Each intake we have students like Obed. They are regarded by their fellow students as “headman” of the village. They begin their studies on a very low pace and eventually they progress steadily with the rest of the students. The first quarter that he has spent at BVBI-Zambia has started to refine his trajectory of his preaching life. He needs prayers and encouragement as he pursues this ambition.


Levy Silungwe was born on 1st June, 1999 at Mbala General Hospital in the Northern Province of Zambia. Levy completed his high school education at Mpulungu boarding School in 2018 and obtained a grade twelve certificate. He worked as untrained teacher at Monile Private School in Kabwe central province and at Mkushi college of Education respectively for one year and half. Levy loves sports for he played football for Zambia Air force (ZAF) in Mbala Northern province. Levy has also obtained a Certificate in sports Teacher course under Northern Star Academy.

He got married in June 2022 and together with his wife has a daughter. He is a member of the congregation that he helped to start. He is regarded as one of the upcoming leaders. The brief time that he has so far spent here has shown us that he is one of our best students. He loves the work of preaching and he looks forward to graduate after two year and go back and preach. 


Brother Kennedy Mukuka taught Personal Evangelism 1, a course which has helped our students very much as we evangelizes. The next short course will be in May.


We have had a good time in spreading the gospel in Luanshya district and outside Luanshya with our students, though certain circumstances have been difficult and stressful due to heavy rains we have experienced this year, we should say for sure that our evangelism has produced much fruit as far as extending the kingdom of God is concerned.

We have made home visits and most of Christians have been very complimentary of the visits. We extended our visitations in two hospitals and during our tour questions like: Who is hurting right now? Who seems to be slipping away spiritually? Who needs to know about Jesus? challenged us as we labor and had experienced them. In deed Jesus said that when we show loving concern for others we do it for Him.


Lovness, Lucia and Ired all of the Chisenga family were added to the Lord’s Church on 5th March. Richard, Silangwa and Ishmael were added to the Lord’s Church on 17th March. What a joyful sight to see souls saved, May these precious souls walk with God till death.


We have recorded twelve (12) restorations in three districts on the Copperbelt province, from Chingola district four (4), Ndola district three (3) and Luanshya district Five (5). We have continued to do more in Evangelism by following our Master’s footsteps.    


The 2022 youth lectureship was conducted in Ndola, Copperbelt Province of Zambia. Bear Valley Bible Institute was recognized and was given time to introduce the school. The Dean of students, Cephas Mwamba ably outlined the purpose of why the school exists. He also appealed to those who would want to come and be trained to do so. Because BVBI-Zambia is the place to be! This year will not be different because the 2023 youth lectureship will be conducted in Kalomo, Southern Province of Zambia, and the same appeal will be done by the school. These events are very good platforms for advertising the school. The lectureship starts on 7th April, 2023 and ends on 9th April, 2023


We continue to be grateful to God for the privilege of helping these men prepare for the wonderful work of preaching. We are also thankful to Woodland Oaks church of Christ and all our partners in this noble work. May God richly bless all of you!


Cephas and Fred 

Posted on April 19, 2023 .

Cambodia students put their evangelism training into practice

We send our greetings to you all brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ! We give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare opportunity to work in His Kingdom. This is another good time to report what is happening at IBISR’s school SiemReap Cambodia during the month of March 2023. We really want to thank you for taking the time to read this report and look at these recent photos.

IBISR’s Academy:

Earlier this trimester, we completed the book of Prison Epistles, 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles.

Annual Seminar:

On the 8th of March, the IBISR has attended the secular workshop during the International Women’s Day (IWD) presented by my wife Ratana and myself.

It was a nice presentation and well prepared for maturing in our faith topic. This topic is absolutely beneficial for newly and the old baptized brethren. We had such a great fellowship with one another.

Application Week:

Since our students have finished some courses related to spreading the gospel to the world, it has been a couple of weeks that we have been working on the application of training our pupils to practice real evangelism by visiting our brethren in three different places. Each weekend,  Darat and I rotate in leading the students to share the words of God in three villages such as Ta Kamm, Sam Buor,  and Kouk Khnang villages.

A Weekly Virtual Chapel:

Every Friday, Wes Autrey, our coordinator, and his wife Teri Autrey give essential God’s truths in both male and female groups through virtual meetings. We are exceedingly respectful and grateful to them for dedicating a valuable moment to present God’s words through virtual meeting every Friday. From 9:30-10:00 A.M (Cambodian Time).

We always gather through an online meeting with our brothers, from Phnom Penh, Battambang, and Siem Reap every Wednesday. We rotate the teachers every week.

Piseth Rin and Darat Run. 

Co - Directors IBISR. 

Posted on April 12, 2023 .

A new congregation in Zimbabwe



Preachers are not trained in a day. Several building blocks are needed and are laid carefully till we get a quality and competent product. At the end of every month, we look back and see how far God would have taken us in this endeavor. It is our joy to report on the building blocks that we laid in the month of March. God’s favour has been upon BVBIZ and to this, we remain grateful as we do our part in the Kingdom. Furthermore, God continues to use several of you to get us this far. Because of your partnership and involvement, progress took place in several fronts as reported hereunder.


As the terms draws to a close on the 5th of April, the following subjects were taught and completed successfully:

Wisdom Literature 1 (Job-Ecclesiastes)

Islamic Studies

1 & 2 Corinthians                         

Denominational Doctrines II

1- 2 Peter, and Jude

Research Methods

1 & 2 Timothy, 1-3 John                                                       

Greek I.

Examinations are currently in progress.  Classes for next term shall resume on the 25th of April.            


The school board of Trustees held its meeting on site on the 11th of March 2023. The proceedings of the day started with a tour of the site in an effort to appraise themselves on the developments currently taking place on site including projects and infrastructure. Great appreciation to these members for their continued oversight of the school including its activities, finance and programs.


In February, BVBIZ assisted in the establishment of the Buhera congregation. Twenty-four (24) were baptized leading to the establishment of the congregation there. From the 13th-18th of March, the BVBIZ team consisting of students, teachers and 3 alumni members, that is, Brothers O.Kufa, Madamombe and Moyana, camped in the Chivi area in Masvingo, about 12km from Mashava in an effort to plant another congregation. Joining the team were Brothers I.Masvaya, D. Mugova and T.Chihanja all from Masvingo. The program consisted of evangelism during the day and then an evening service between 7-8pm.  The effort saw 23 souls being baptized during that week and a congregation subsequently established. This brings the total baptized within two months to 47 leading to the establishment of two new congregations. These two congregations brings to 14 congregations that the school has established since its establishment in 2016 with over 1300 conversions made.


The school encountered a problem down pump to its borehole. This had began to affect the new crops in the garden. However, great appreciation to brother Hailey Mlangeni of Partners for Africa for quickly chipping in by providing funds to acquire a new pump which has since been installed. Some crops had to be planted again whilst others picked up again when pumping of water started.


Crops in the school garden picked up well in the month of March. Crops that had failed to do well due to water challenges were replaced. By the ending of March, the maize and water melon crops were germinating well. Tomatoes, potatoes and cabbages were also doing well. More cabbages and tomatoes were planted again in the month of March. BVBIZ runs these horticulture projects to improve nutrition among students, provide students with life survival skills and at the same time, help the school to get extra income through sales.


In March, lessons were conducted, conventions made, a congregation started among many other notables as reported above.  We always thank God who makes this possible and for many of you who empower BVBIZ to take another step by your encouragement, suggestions, financial and material support. To all who continue one way or another, to contribute to this work, thank you. Through you, God is glorified, workers developed and God’s kingdom expanded. May God bless you all. 

Posted on April 10, 2023 .