Posts tagged #Tanzania

Graduation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Dear brethren,

We are good and continue with the work of God in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

We have 29 students in Dar es Salaam right now. Temeke has 15 students and Temeke has 14 students for the Saturday program. We also have 14 attending our Monday classes. Our teachers are still progressing: Iddy, Kihwele, Justine and Essau Ruheta.

Evangelism is doing well through classes in cooperation with their teachers.

Thanks to Brother Chad Wagner for coming here to Dar es Salaam in December. He attended our graduation ceremony and conducted a very huge evangelism workshop with more than one hundred participants.

Apart from that, we are also excited about our new location for Temeke class shifting to another nice place. Around this February, we will start using this place which will house our program much better than our current arrangement. 

May God bless you more and more for what you are doing here Dar es Salaam!

Posted on February 10, 2025 .

A great year in Arusha!

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

I hope that your year is off to a great start!  Today I’d like to offer you some highlights from the past year and an update on the special request that was made last month.  

2024 By the Numbers

Bible Training

  • 21 Total Undergraduate students at ACSOP 

  • 6 Bachelor’s Degrees Earned

  • 12 Total Graduate students 

  • 4 Master’s Degrees Earned  

  • 6 Total Cy Stafford School of Leadership students 

  • 4 Graduate of the Cy Stafford School of Leadership (Alpha Class)

  • 3 Kisongo Bible School students 


  • 483 Baptisms   

  • 4 New Congregations

  • 2 Restored Churches 

  • 302 Restorations  

  • 107 Seminars

  • 1 Lectureship


  • 216 campers at Tanzania Christian Camp

  • 19 Baptisms

  • 75 Campers at Future Preachers Training Camp

So many wonderful things happened in the Lord’s service in Tanzania this year, but I have to say that one of my favorite moments was seeing the first graduating class of the Cy Stafford School of Leadership.  Our team has been working toward that goal for several years now, and it is thrilling to see it beginning to produce.  I’m proud that two of our very first graduates are the co-directors of ACSOP, Charles and Ahimidiwe.  They’ve had the opportunity to learn and model leadership at the same time, and their involvement demonstrates the confidence that we have in the new program.

Thank you for being a part of the team through your prayers, support, participation, and encouragement. May God bless you!

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator

Posted on January 8, 2025 .

Leadership Conference in Arusha

Not long ago, the Andrew Connally School of Preaching hosted its annual lectureship, the Tanzania Leadership Conference.  This is a major event for us each year and it well attended by Christian leaders around East Africa.  Let me share with you the observations from one of the directors, Ahimidiwe Kimaro:


“I am so grateful to our almighty God for granting us a successful conference. The Tanzania Leadership Conference Is a leadership meeting which is set up for teaching, motivating, encouraging and helping preachers to know each other. This year’s topic was timely and sensitive. The theme was “Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living” and    describes a lot of the existence of life. We dove deep into the wisdom from the Psalms and applyed it in our daily life. It was great moment to see the great preachers teaching the big crowd that gathered for learning.

This year conference included many teachers from various churches. We were happy having brother Denny Petrillo who is the former president of Bear Valley Bible Institute. Denny has not been in Tanzania for over twelve years, and everyone was happy to see him. One of his lesson was “Contentment Despite Bad Times” from  Psalms 34:17-20.  This powerful text reads, ‘The righteous cried, and Jehovah heard, And delivered them out of all their troubles. Jehovah is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, And saveth such as are of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous; But Jehovah delivereth him out of them all. He keepeth all his bones: Not one of them is broken.’ This is one of the passage that really impacted me from the conference.

    “This year we had a growth of the participants compared with any other year. We had participants from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda Zambia U.S.A and Democratic 0f Congo. The number of participant’s ware one hundred and eighty. The participants enjoyed lessons much more due to good arrangement and good preparation from teachers as well.

 “The ACSOP student alumni meeting took place at the same time, and we thank brother Denny for the encouraging speech. Much more were done by these folks sharing experience and work Ideas. It turns out that the attendance of alumni was also increased from forty two last year to sixty seven this year. Please continue to pray for this work that God can open more doors to His word to be preached, thank you very much for reading and supporting this work.”

Let me add that I am very thankful to those who supported and participated in the conference from the local support staff who worked so hard to facilitate the event to the speakers who traveled so far.  I pray that God was pleased and glorified through this event.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator

Posted on December 17, 2024 .

Evangelistic Successes from Students in Arusha, Tanzania

Hello, core workers!

Greetings from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching! Along with these greetings, we are glad to give you a report on the school following the beginning of the third quarter of this year, with classes starting on August 19th. I want to remind you that after the first and second-year students completed their second quarter of studies for this year on May 31st, they all went on break. All 15 first-year students and 6 second-year students returned to school on Saturday, August 17th. During their break, they engaged in evangelism practice within their home congregations, which led to the establishment of 68 new classes, the baptism of 36 people, the restoration of 19 backsliders, the founding of 5 new congregations, and the holding of 13 outdoor meetings. We, as a school, commend our students for the excellent work they have done in saving souls during their break, which has greatly contributed to the growth of those congregations both numerically and spiritually.

During that break, the entire faculty of ACSOP was divided and traveled to various locations within and outside our country to visit our second-year students, who are expected to graduate on November 22nd of this year. During these visits, we also sought out new students to join ACSOP next year in the English-speaking class.
After completing these visits, we traveled to Busia, Uganda, to join various preachers from across East Africa for joint evangelism efforts. While there, we also announced the availability of positions for new students to apply to ACSOP next year. During this evangelism, we witnessed the baptism of 5 people and the establishment of many new classes.

In conclusion, in this third quarter of studies at ACSOP, the following courses are being taught, starting with the first year:

August 19–23: Godhead, Peter K.

August 26–30: Christian Evidence, Peter K.

September 2–6: Matthew (Life of Christ 1) - Desdery, 

Exodus – Deuteronomy - Josephat, and Public Speaking 1, Losotwa M.

Short Courses: September 23–October 2: Acts and Joshua–Ruth.

August 19–23: Life of Christ 2 (Mark) by Desdery M.

August 26–30: Life of Christ 1 (Matthew)—Joseph M.

September 2–6: Public Speaking 3 (Advanced Homiletics): Losotwa M., 

Galatians - Ahimidiwe K., and Bible Geography.

Short Courses: September 23 – October 2:

September 23–27: Marriage and Family Life

September 30 – October 2: Foundation of Missions (study of missions in the New Testament).

October 3–6: Tanzania Leadership Conference.

We continue to express our gratitude to all the brethren in Christ who have been with us, supporting us physically and spiritually in making this noble work of God possible. May God continue to bless you richly, both physically and spiritually. Amen!

Michael, ACSOP, Dean of Academics

Posted on September 6, 2024 .

Putting their education into action in Arusha, Tanzania

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them,All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Tim.3:14,16). The Apostle Paul is writing to the young man Timothy, to assure him of the great work that God has started in him. Timothy has to been imparted with the knowledge that he learned from those who are faithful to the Lord in his life. This is the same thing we do here at Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Imparting life who will go out full of zeal and will for the sake of the Kingdom.

The school started on the second week of February having 22 students, and has been closed for break this past Friday,

We were able to do the following things through God’s help.

 1.     The total number of 28 courses (14 in English and 14 in Swahili) were taught.

2.     Two campaigns were conducted.

3.     Seventy-five Bible class were taught

4.     Two courses of the Cy Stafford School of Leadership went on these past two weeks.

These and many other good things are continuing in the Kingdom, just because you chose to support and pray for this good work. Thank you so much.


Please continue to pray for our students as they have returned to their homes and work with their local congregations. We are expecting them to bring changes and help their home congregations at this time. We are excited to start visiting them at their homes starting next month, to see how they are helping the church through what they have received.

Thank you so much for all that you mean and do in His Kingdom.

Your servant in His Kingdom

Till all have heard

Charles Mwanga


Posted on June 6, 2024 .

Tanzanian directors visit the United States

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

Recently, Charles Mwanga and Ahimidiwe Kimaro, the local directors of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (BVBII-Arusha), had the chance to visit America.  Below are Ahimidiwe’s reflections on the trip:

ACSOP Directors trip to US.

“I thank God for been with us in all the time that we had in America and taking us back home safe. Also I will not forget brothers who have been a big help for us and took us where we were supposed to be.

Our intention in traveling to the US was to give thanks to the churches, brothers and sister, for the fact that they have been supporting ACSOP and evangelism efforts without even knowing any local people. This is an encouragement for me when you are trusted that much. I know there some we could not reach due to the time limit but perhaps God will provide another time one day and bring our gratitude to you. Philippians 1:3–8 (NKJV): “3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; 7 just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of grace. 8 For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ.”

We were able to reach many churches, schools and many leaders of the church. in different states. For instance, Mission Group at Freed-Hardeman University, Huntingdon church, leaders at Shady Grove church in Missouri, South Green St. church Kentucky, Hoover Church, Maysville church, elders and other leaders of Union Grove at Cleveland, Tn, West Side church in  Salem,  Virginia, Burn Flat church, 2nd and Adams church in Oklahoma, College Station elders and deacons in Texas, Keller TX, Tyler TX, Henderson TX, Longview, TX Faulkner University and many other brothers and sisters around places we visited.

Its hard to me to believe how these brothers were happy and appreciative to see us in their congregation. The positive minds and true love motivated these brothers and churches to show hospitality to us all. Some have used their extra time to make sure we are comfortable there. I have learned many things on this trip, one of it is try to your level best to trust others even if out of their sight. Some of these brothers have a great faith on us and the ACSOP although they have never been there or see any local people by sending money over. That is a great faith.

Special thanks to some of our brothers who made this possible, Sidney Aultman and His family, (Hoover church elders) Daniel Gaines and his family, John Hall and his family, Michael Pruett from Huntngdon church, Brad Whinery and his wife. May God bless you for your extra time to Lord’s work in Tanzania.

In His Work.

Ahimidiwe Kimaro

Posted on May 10, 2024 .

Tanzanian school celebrates graduation

A.C.S.O.P  Weekly Update

NOVEMBER ,18 . 2023.


I would like to give thanks to God and every one that is reading this report. I would like to share with you a short blessing that God blessed us with through you. The eighteenth of this month was a great day after over five hundred people showed up for the graduation of our successful graduates. This year we had twenty one graduates students from the Andrew connally school of preaching. Apart from that we had seven graduates from sister school which  under the church also, Kisongo Bible school and Arusha Bible school. We thank brother Sidney Aulman who came representing the Hoover church and all brothers and sisters who are dearly supporting this school. we thank brother Sid for His great speech as key not speaker. Please read the small quote from the reception schedule which was spoken by school director. 

 On behalf of the staff and faculty of the Andrew Connally School of preaching, we would like to express our appreciation for your attendance at this year’s graduation ceremony. As this group of graduates makes the transition from the safety of the classroom to the battlefield for souls we ask that you join us in praying for their continued faithfulness and diligence in the Lord’s Kingdom. The task before them is the most noble and yet the most difficult. We also want to take the opportunity to offer our gratitude to the hundreds of brethren that have sacrificed their time and their money to fund every aspect of this school. We operate 100% by the         contributions of brethren who love and care about the Kingdom. We thank God for their selflessness.


One of the graduate is an elder from Temeke church in dar Es Salaam. church is benefited by her leaders inquiring  more  knowledge from the respected school. The elder from Temeke in one of the elders that help the school to go next level in Dar es Salaam. When I was interviewing him I realised there is a great change from him and he confessed that there many good new things he learned from school.

Also we enjoyed having one of the graduate from Bear Valley Bible Institute. As the planned Bear Valley B. Institute and Andrew Connaly have exchanging students program.  In this case Naomi Racine gradated and was an exciting moment for her. 

Please in your daily prayers remember us and this work,  thank you very much for reading and supporting this work.

In His Work.

Ahimidiwe Kimaro

 Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on December 11, 2023 .

41 baptisms in Tanzania

About school is doing well. Classes are still continuing  with our 4 teachers Iddy Nyabusani, Justine Rwaha, Zuberi Mwakyami and Essau Ruheta.

Still we have 3 classes,every Saturday for Temeke (11 students) na Mbagala (5) with that of Monday (10). Total number of students in classes until September were 19. 7 students of Saturday are attending Monday classes. From July until September 2023, 11 students completed courses and waiting for their graduation to be held on 12 November if God will.

Evengelism is conducting every corner of Dar es Salaam, 41 new Christians were baptized through teachers and students at Bear Valley Bible Instute Dar es Salaam in 3 months 

We have started a 4th church of Bonyokwa (30 adults christians) the new congregation, through Bear Valley school. Others are Vikindu, Mwanambaya and Tabata.

12 Students from Tanzania Bible School ( certificate  level)are yet registered to join Bear Valley January 2024 after their graduation this year.  We invite you joining us in prayers for the work God in Dar es Salaam and invite you to the graduation ceremony 12 Nov 2023.

Otherwise with thank you and Bear Valley Management International for not forgetting us in every steps. May God bless  you and your families you People of God for your encouragement in every aspect.Amen

Ombeni Mwambata

Dar es Salaam

Posted on October 9, 2023 .

Eric Lyons from Apologetics Press visits Arusha school

A.C.S.O.P  Weekly Update

March,  2023.


I hope all is well with you all. Please let me share with you a great blessing that God granted to ACSOP this month. Three short causes were taking place in this March, whereby brother Garry Fallis taught in the  Master’s program on Advanced Hermeneutics, and church planting, then brother Eric Lyons taught under graduate on Christian evidences.

Brother Eric Lyons is talented teacher, who for the first time came to join us at ACSOP. This was great blessings to have such a good teacher from Apologetics Press. I can remember his first passage he mentioned in the class. 1.Peter 3:15 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; Because of the importance of this class, and because both classes were to take the same course in the same time, we combined both classes. So, brother Eric had his class translated by brother Losotwa Michael.  Brother Michael was ready for dealing with Swahili class translation

Every student was very happy and excited due to good class and the way he taught his class.

Apart from teaching at ACSOP brother Eric Lyions, was welcomed at Kisongo church who were blessed to hear him preach on “church’ responsibility to God”.

What I realized from brother Eric was his desire to teach. He is well devoted to teach and his desire to come many times to teach at ACSOP.

I want to take this chance to thank him and all brothers that they are ready to give out their time and money to come to ACSOP. Eric has become a great inspiration to us. May our Lord give him more time and ability to serve Him.

Please continue to pray for this work that God can open more doors to His word to be preached. Thank you very much for reading and supporting this work.

In His Work.

Ahimidiwe Kimaro

Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on May 7, 2023 .

Evangelism in Arusha

A.C.S.O.P  Weekly Update

FEBRUARY, 24th, 2023.


Let me hand to you a little summary of what has happened this week on evangelism matters. As some 0f you might know the ACSO has being used in community and surrounding churches as evangelism tools. Many souls have been added to Christ through the efforts made from the team of ACSOP. The ACSOP evangelism team is made up from the students, faculty members, school staff and some evangelists. As you may remember the school is training its students to become effective preachers, evangelists and good teachers in Christian community. Always it should be known that our Lord Jesus taught his disciples that they may teach others also. Likewise, apostle Paul did the same thing to Timothy, and managed to reach world through teaching others. (And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 3 You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 5 And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6 The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops. 7 Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things. 2 Timothy 2:2-7)   

Last Monday the ACSOP was able to meet all ministers from surrounding congregations to discuss new plan to use ACSOP well for evangelism efforts. And the new plans implemented is having campaigns to every one congregation every moth. This will be implemented on weekends due to limitation of time and funds. Every preacher was happy with the fact that every church need help. Everyone wished that if the school had enough funds this could be done for every weekend. Including four ACSOP faculty, twenty-five preachers attended in that meeting.

This was a great chance for the preachers to be involved in the plans of ACSOP. Every preacher was happy and see that is important to the school decisions on evangelism plans. One of the old preachers said, the school is  taking step ahead and he suggested that this kind of meting should be done at least once a year to evaluate the campaigns conducted.

Please in your daily prayers remember us and this work,  thank you very much for reading and supporting this work.

In His Work.

Ahimidiwe Kimaro

 Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania


Posted on March 13, 2023 .

Arusha, Tanzania school welcomes 32 students to new term

It is our hope that you are all well and doing well with your daily life in God's vineyard. We here at ACSOP are fine and continue with our daily work duties. We thank God for all the good things he gives us every day. Moreover, we would like to inform you that we opened the school on February 6 and have been able to register 11 new students. Also, all 21 second-year students have been able to report to school on time. Therefore, for this first semester of studies, we have a total of 32 students here at the school. And we have started teaching lessons for each class as follows: Starting with the first year, Desdery teaches Genesis, Josephat teaches How We Got the Bible, Ahimidiwe teaches Biblical Interpretation 1 (Introduction to Hermeneutics), Michael teaches Writing Skills 1, and Charles teaches Spiritual Disciplines / Cost of Discipleship.

After five weeks of teaching these long courses to this first-year class, we will have two short courses for this semester that will be taught on the following dates: March 13–17, Eric Lyons from the United States will come to teach Christian evidence. Josephat will also teach Personal Evangelism: 1-on-1 Bible Studies from March 20 to 24.

For the second year in this first semester, Josephat is teaching a long course on Godhead, Charles is teaching Galatians, Michael is teaching Greek I and Desdery is teaching Revelation.

After five weeks of teaching these long courses for this second-year class, we will have three short courses, which will be taught from March 6–24. Where Francis Wecheza from Uganda will come to teach Personal Evangelism 2 (Church Planting) from March 6–10, Bernard Kulanaga from Mbeya will come to teach Christian Evidences on March 13–17, and Ahimidiwe will teach Leadership on March 20–24.

After these long and short courses are taught by March 27, we will start our second semester of long courses, which will conclude on April 25, followed by short courses that will start on May 1st–19th. After that, all our students will go on vacation until the first week of August, when we will open again and continue with our studies.

Lastly, I'd like to end today's report by saying how thankful we are to all our brothers and sisters who give us funds and pray as we do this very good work of teaching people about the Bible. May God truly bless you, and I thank you very much.

Posted on February 28, 2023 .

Inaugural graduation in Dar es Salaam upcoming

I have to gave you report of work relating to School activities here at Dar es Salaam. We are continue well with academic activities with 3 classes. Mbagala has 11 students and Temeke has 12 students and 7 students for the Monday class. Total students now are 23.

We are still have 4 teachers as normal were Iddy Nyabusani, Zuberi Mwakyami, Essau Ruheta, and Justin Rwaha were teaching. In cooperation teachers and students conducted evangelism campaigns and 9 baptisms were reported.

We are working also for preparation of graduation ceremony of 13 students on 27/10/2022 here at Temeke.

Thank you to everyone who makes this school possible - it is accomplishing much for the Kingdom! We need to pray for each other for the work of God.


Ombeni Mwambata

Director - BV Dar es Salaam

Posted on October 28, 2022 .

Leadership conference in Arusha

We appreciate you reading our report. Back to the Bible, on one occasion  Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Mt. 5:16). The best I can tell, there's no limitation to this. In other words, shining forth a good example is not restricted to the church building, Sunday service, or when just around church members. Truth be told, where it's most important to let our lights shine is at home, on the job, at school, and even on social media sites. True Christianity radiates from within and is on display everywhere and all the time. I have mentioned all of these because most of the time, I do feel more comfortable after encouraging others.

On the other hand, on September 19 – 24, the ASCOP students had reminders of the house-to-house evangelism campaign at Kwa Moromba near Arusha city. This campaign led to the establishment of a total number of 207 new Bible classes, 5 baptisms, and 2 old Bible classes resumed. This is one of the successful campaigns contacted by our students recently. Best plans are being undertaken to ensure all the classes are followed after that campaign.   Also, normal  ACSOP weekly evangelism is continuing. Let’s remember these fellows and the ACSOP in our regular prayers, for the good they are doing in the kingdom of our dear God.

More also on October 6 – 9, the ACSOP held the Tanzania Leadership Conference, having the theme “Church in Action.”    25 Tanzania congregations were represented, 2 represented Kenya, and 1 represented Uganda. A total number of 101 people excluded ACSOP staff and faculty attended.  Each and everyone who attended appreciated all the teaching and effort which made that conference happen.

So also, the regular classes’ studies are going well here at ACSOP. Since September 26, we have started our fourth quarter and last of this year and we are going to wind up on November 25, then graduation on the 26th.

I wish you a great weekend!

Losotwa Michael       

Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, TZ

Posted on October 28, 2022 .

BV team member now FHU Missionary in Residence

Grace and Peace to you friends.

I hope this report finds you doing well. Things have been VERY busy since my last report, so I'm looking forward to catching you up. In fact, I might should call this one a "Not Quite So Short Report", haha! I've just recently returned from spending much of the summer in Tanzania, so let me begin by sharing with you some highlights of that trip.

The major agenda of this trip is what we call the "Good Will Tour". We try to visit the home congregations of each of our students during their two years of training at ACSOP. This helps us to maintain good relationships with those congregations and better understand the circumstances from which our students are coming. It also is a chance to recruit more students as well as identify ways that the mission can be a resource to help these congregations. This trip also provided an opportunity to check on congregations that have received help in the past to see how they are progressing. As a liaison between many of these congregations and their supporters, it is vital that I get around to make personal visits with them.

It is exciting to see how the church is spreading and thriving in all corners of the country! World Video Bible School was generous enough to donate a projector and three hard drives loaded down with biblical materials.

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching was very privileged to have the opportunity to host Dr. Jim Gardner of Freed-Hardeman University. Dr. Gardner gave us a preview of his upcoming book, sharing some of the material in a seminar on the foundations of the Christian faith. The seminar was well attended and well reviewed by the Tanzanians who were present. He also stayed over to share more material with the Kisongo congregation during their regular Sunday services.

Speaking of Freed-Hardeman University, they are giving us an exciting opportunity this school year. FHU has invited me to spend time on campus this school year promoting missions among the student body. This will allow me the chance to encourage young people to consider entering the mission field in East Africa or elsewhere. This also grants me time to help train these mission-minded students with lessons that I have learned in service to the Lord's kingdom. The best part is that I'll still be free on weekends to visit with churches in America about what's happening in Tanzania. Reach out to me if you would like to schedule a visit. I would love to make that happen!

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions

Posted on August 6, 2022 .

18 baptized in Dar es Salaam

We are continuing well with academic activities here at Bear Valley Bible Institute Dar es Salaam.

At Temeke, the Book of "Revelation of John" is being taken this month. At Mbagala "Christian evidences" and the Monday class is "Church planting"

The number of students now remains 23. This is due to 13 student yet completed courses from both centers Temeke and Mbagala. The number of Teachers is 4 as well. Who facilitated 3 classes, 2 classes in Saturdays and one Mondays

School evangelistic campaign produced good at Vikindu, Mwanambaya na Tabata where churches are already planted. Mwanambaya is latest work with 28 are gathered every Sunday. Thank you for support from Brother Chad in Tabata. Mwanambaya also need some support of Chairs, building and washing equipment related to Lord's supper utensils bibles etc.

According to teachers and students evangelism work, January to June 18 people were baptized. One seminar was conducted related to "How Missionary works cooperate with Churches" another seminar will be at Aug 8th on "How Bible Colleges cooperate with Churches on evangelism"

We have 13 students completed diploma course and we expect to have their graduation Nov 2022 from both centers Temeke and Mbagala. We will discuss more about how we can make their Graduation ceremony.

30th April 2022 we had meeting with all students at Temeke, it was normal meeting. Students are thankful a lot on how they enjoy studies at school.

To the moments we work more on finding new students to fill the gap of those who are leaving school by graduation. Last week I met with 15 students who stopped studies, and 10 promised to come back in August. And we are conducting campaign to all congregations in Dar to send us student from August

God Bless you,lets pray God each other for his work before us

Posted on August 3, 2022 .

Door-to-Door and Soul-to-Soul Campaign in Arusha


This month of March is one of the busy months for the ACSOP staff, especially those who serve as instructors in under and post-graduate programs. We had a master’s class (New Testament Theology & Homiletics) on March 7 – 18 which was taught by Jerry Bates. In that class we had 13 students attend while more than 5 missed because of various reasons. 

The first quarter of studies here in ACSOP for undergraduate students is impressive. Our teachers are working harder and harder to impart to these fellows the knowledge of God’s word. They are doing exactly what Paul’s letter to Timothy instructs, "The things which you have heard from me...entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also" (2 Tim. 2:2). The first-year students are showing a great improvement in their studies. Different from the last 3 weeks in which we had some who were struggling to cope with their studies but now the majority of them are catching up.  As we speak now we have a total number of 24 students in that class whom we think are the best men we would like to have in ACSOP because of their great effort in their studies and Christ-like manners.      

 We greatly thank our dearest brother Daniel Gaines for his arrival from the US to Tanzania to teach a short course on Denominational Doctrines, which he did from March 28 through April 1.  Before teaching that short course, he was also able to lead our 13 second-year students in the door-to-door, soul-to-soul evangelism campaign from Monday of 21st March through Friday 25th at the Meserani area in Arusha. Through that effort, the following is the report of what they were able to accomplish. Forty new classes were created, five different topics were taught; 

1.      Authority of the Bible 

2.      Church of Christ 

3.      Salvation (this includes Hearing, Believing, Repentance, Confession, and Baptism)

4.      God’s final judgment. 

5.      Difference between Old Testament and New Testament.

This was of the most successful campaigns because;

1.      Biblical teachings were taught to many.

2.      Tracks were distributed to many people.

3.      Many questions were answered biblically.

4.      The true church (church of Christ) was known to many people. 

Besides the above token, on the 4th of April, the ACSOP will begin the 2nd quarter for both first and second-year classes before they depart for the holiday on May 28 – August 6, 2022. Let’s remember these faithful fellows in our daily prayers, giving thanks to God for the great heart of loving the Lord and for coming here to study the Word so that they can go back to their homes to teach others.

In His Service,

Losotwa Michael

Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching 

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, TZ

Posted on April 6, 2022 .

A great year in Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends.

As we begin an exciting new year, let's take a moment to appreciate an overview of some things that God accomplished in Tanzania last year:


  • 478 Precious souls baptized into Christ

  • 305 Erring brothers and sisters restored to the faith

  • 30 Total students at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching

  • 16 Graduates from our Bachelor program

  • 1 Master graduate

  • 15 New congregations planted in East Africa

  • 1 Congregation restored

  • 1 New Bible School established

  • 2 Camps hosted at ACSOP

In addition to all of this, construction of the Cy Stafford School of Leadership was completed. What a year! We're looking forward to an even better year this year, and we're thankful that you are a part of it.

Daniel Gaines

Posted on January 17, 2022 .

New classrooms in Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends,

After a few wonderful months in Tanzania, our family headed home. When we arrived in Nashville, the church van from the South Green Street Church of Christ was waiting to bring us home, where several of their members had stocked the house with a bill of groceries. This was especially appreciated as we developed a case of COVID while enroute and had to quarantine. We appreciate all of your prayers and support during all of this.

Right now the ACSOP students are back in session and Keith Kasarjian is there teaching a short course. Here's a picture of his class enjoying the new classroom:

Arusha 1.jpg

Speaking of facilities, you can expect a future update to include the beautiful renovations to the library as well as progress on the water project at the school.

Also, let me introduce you to our brand new website: . Explore it a bit, and feel free to link it on your church websites under works you support.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator

Posted on August 23, 2021 .

Thanks from Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends.

Today's report comes to you from one of our faculty members and director of the Arusha Bible School, Desdery Massawe:

"Hello brethren, I hope all you are doing well and the work of the Lord is going well all over the world. Although some challenges are still there, nothing will stop the gospel of Christ to be preached. As Paul says, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Could oppression, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Even as it is written, "For your sake we are killed all day long. We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter." No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:35-39


"Now we are in second quarter of the year. All sessions are in the right track. Losotwa Michael is teaching “Research Writing” first year and “Greek I I second year, Ahimidiwe Kimaro is teaching Public speaking I first year and Biblical interpretations second year. .Josephat Massawe is teaching Old Testament 2 Exodus-Deuteronomy first year and Old Testament 4 major prophets second year. Charles Heberth is teaching Life of Christ I first year and The book of Hebrew second year, Desdery Massawe is teaching The book of Acts first year and the Epistles of John second year. All teachers are prepared well to make sure all students will acquire good and enough knowledge concerning the word of the Lord and be able to teach others.

"Arusha Bible School everything is going well and we are expecting four students to graduate this year, some of them are denomination pastors so we love the opportunity to teach them more accurately.

Student Highlight

"Shedrack Efrem Mkombwe is among of the best students in second year. He was born in April 1987 at the village known as Iguluba in the Iringa region. He is the first born in their family. He married Maria Kabula in 2017 and now they have one kid. He was baptized in 2011 at Ipogolo church of Christ in Iringa town. He moved from Iringa to Kyela, Mbeya and also there is working with the church and his fellow workers Mwantimwa and Mwampogolo. He is a hard worker. After graduating the school he will be a good evangelist for the church at Kyela.

"We would like to thank God and all who make these to be possible. May God bless you all."

I join with Desdery in wishing that God's blessings are with you. We appreciate you being a part of the work in Tanzania. I also want to solicit your prayers for our family and for others who will be traveling to Tanzania in the coming months. May God provide safe travel, good health, and effective efforts throughout it all.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

An update from Arusha

Hello everyone,

It’s my hope that things are going well with each one of us, and that we are all working hard in the kingdom of our dear Lord Jesus Christ. Also, I hope that the gospel is being preached and taught by the faithful servants in all parts of the world despite the fact the COVID19 pandemic is a big challenge in the whole world nowadays. This is only possible because of the ability that our God supplies through His faithful sons, that is you and I.

Here in ACSOP we can see things going well. We started our first quarter on February 8, 2021. We have enrolled 14 more students for the first year; these are the men from Tanzania and Kenya. We started teaching them the book of Genesis, taught by Desdery Massawe, “How We Got the Bible” taught by Josephat Massawe. “Biblical Interpretation (Introduction to Hermeneutics)” taught by Ahimidiwe Kimaro. “Writing Skills I” taught by Losotwa Michael, and “Spiritual Disciplines” taught by Charles Hebert. At the end of that first quarter, two short courses followed beginning with 1Corinthians taught by David Hall from the US and Denominational doctrine taught by John Hall from the US also.

God willing next week, we will start our second quarter for this year. We, teachers, are working hard to mold and strengthen these fellows by imparting to them the skills of the word of God. The 16 second-year students are in the first quarter of their last year of being in ACSOP for studies. They are expecting to graduate on November 25 of this year. We really appreciate this great effort because of your prayers, and your great financial support that you gave to make these things happen. May our God of our Lord Jesus Christ supply all your needs as you do to us. Amen.

Your servant in Christ Jesus,

Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics,

Andrew Connally School of Preaching

Posted on April 5, 2021 .