Dear beloved Coordinator,
On behalf of the staff of instructors of Bear Valley MOUNDOU-TCHAD, on behalf of the students of the second promotion of Bear Valley MOUNDOU-TCHAD, and on behalf of the assembly of the Church of Christ on Campus, receive my best wishes for health, peace, and joy for yourself, and for your biological and spiritual family for the year 2025 and the years to come! If possible, please convey these same wishes to the Creekside congregation and the great family of the Bear Valley BIBLE INSTITUTE of Denver.
Mr. Coordinator, the purpose of this report is to update you on the activities and operation of our Bible training center. Indeed, our new students actually started classes on January 6, 2025. The classes are going very well. We have two weeks of classes left before going on an internship. The internship will begin next Saturday, February 15.
Speaking of evangelism, there were two outings on the weekends and God added a soul to his Church through the work of our new students. May God strengthen our new sister in Jesus Christ! We have planned a two-day evangelism seminar (on weekends) in a locality located 27 kilometers from Kelo (132 km from Moundou) when we return from vacation, but transportation is a challenge because the village is not on the main road. This outing is very important for the establishment of an assembly of the Church of Christ in this village. Pray a lot for us.
Mr. Coordinator, allow me to also speak about the former students (the 7 graduates), trained in Chad. I had a meeting today, February 3, with the seven graduates and the teaching staff. I informed the graduates of the importance of reporting their work and their participation in the Alumni activities. I made the same remark to the instructors. I will keep you informed, in real time, of the progress of the work of these brothers.
Such, Mr. Coordinator, is some useful information for the moment. May God bless you abundantly in Jesus for his ministry!
Fraternally in Christ, Datoudji