Posts tagged #Cebu

Visitors in Cebu, Philippines

Highlights of Year 2024 for BVBI-Phils

International Teachers

This year is a very special for the students Bear Valley Bible Institute Philippines for we were visited and taught by several international instructors from the US. In February, our students had a privilege to study the Minor Prophets with Jonathan Moore. Brother Moore has been travelling to Israel and other Biblical places for many years and his knowledge on Biblical Archaeology helped our students more on what happened during the life of the minor prophets.

We had another set of guest instructors in July as brothers Greg Pollock and Jon Lucius took turns in teaching our students the Scheme of Redemption. We have several young people from Dumaguete City auditing this course.

The following month, brother Shane Fisher and his wife Emily visited Cebu and Shane taught a course on 2 Corinthians. This is their first time visiting our Cebu and we had a good time working together.

Finally, Jerry and Paula Bates came back to Cebu and taught again for our students at BVBIP in November. Jerry taught on the course Personal Evangelism - Foundation of Missions. Our students learned a lot in this course and Jerry did a wonderful job teaching this course. We greatly appreciate the work of our fellow brothers and sisters travelling hundreds of miles teaching the word of God.

Worship Leading Seminar

I had the opportunity to conduct a 2-day Seminar on Worship Leading this December 9-10, 2024, to the students of PIBS and BVBIP. We had great a seminar and we also talked on how to improve our leadership skills and encouraging them to share these things to the men who are leading in their own congregation.


Our God has truly blessed our ministries this year and we have several people who responded well to our evangelistic efforts. We have a total of 30 baptisms this year which resulted from personal Bible studies and visitations. We pray that God will continue to bless our ministries this coming new year.

Neil Emperado

Posted on February 8, 2025 .

First ever graduation in Philippines!

Capping-off and Starting Over Again in 2024

After 4 years of hard labor in accomplishing assignments, memorizing Bible verses, creating sermon outlines and research papers, studying class notes for quizzes and exams, our first batch of students have finally reached the finished line as they tackled the remaining two courses in July and August.

We have the opportunity to study on the Scheme of Redemption (Plan of Salvation) with brothers from the US, Greg Pollock and Jon Lucius on July 15-19,2024. A few young men and women from the neighboring island of Negros joined us as they audit this course together with few preachers from the Cebu. We all have enjoyed this class as we learn deeper God’s plan to save the world. Our students were fascinated to learn the truth about the plan of salvation which started before creation. It is always a great time to learn new things studying the scripture.

In August, we have another international instructor teaching our students the 2nd epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. Shane Fisher, with his wife Emily, visited our school and he shared his knowledge regarding 2 Corinthians. Shane and Emily are both working with the World Evangelism ministry in Winona, Mississippi and they also love singing. After our daily lectures, they have taught our students new church hymns, which were composed by him and one brother. We also have a few audit students coming from Dumaguete City, Negros island and few from Cebu as well.

After capping-off the curriculum by studying the Scheme of Redemption and 2 Corinthians, we have gone full circle and started again into our curriculum for the second batch of students. I have the opportunity again to teach the history of our Bible, “How We Got the Bible.” We had a great week studying this course in September and our students who only studied these things the first time were amazed with the transmission of the Bible, from the time it was written to the time it was copied and now translated to different languages in the modern period.  We greatly appreciate the people behind the efforts to bring the Bible to what it is now.

October is a special month to our school here in Bear Valley Bible Institute – Cebu, Philippines because we have another opportunity to learn from the Director of International Studies, Keith Kasarjian. Keith has done as always, a great job in teaching the course, Sermon Preparation and Development to another batch of Bible students. Another reason why this month is special because the 6 of our students  received their certificates on graduation day in October 11, 2024. Families and friends of our graduates join us on this joyous celebration. The WORD has now been entrusted to these faithful men, now it is their turn to teach Word of Christ to more faithful men.

Posted on October 17, 2024 .

Tyler King visits Cebu, Philippines

Report for month of May 2023

Tyler King from BVBI Denver visited and taught a class to BVBI Cebu students:

The students of BVBI Cebu, Philippines had a great opportunity learning the prophetic books of Ezekiel and Daniel from Tyler King. Brother Tyler is currently working as the Director of Development with BVBI in Denver, Colorado. It was his first time visiting and teaching in Cebu and he has already made good relationships with our students. Brother Tyler did a great job teaching these 2 OT books and our students really enjoyed the class. We are looking forward to having him in Cebu and study the Bible with him again.

Ten souls baptized by one of our students:

Ronel Romano, one of our students from the Province of Negros Oriental reported ten baptisms last May 1. These souls are now added to the church in Kilaban, Negros Oriental. These were the results of their evangelism and Bible studies. We give back all the glory to God.

Posted on June 8, 2023 .

Cebu schools back in session after two-year Covid shut down

Greetings from Cebu, Philippines:

The BVBI-Philippines Cebu school is officially back after two years of not being able to meet together because of the pandemic. Our students were very excited to see each other again and resume studying the word of God. This month we studied the interesting book of Acts. We studied how the gospel spread from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, and the persecutions that went with it. We also learned the importance of continuing the mission of sharing the gospel to the lost.

During the week, seven of our students went on a short mission trip to the beautiful island of Olango to encouraged the brethren there. This church is ministered by one of our student, Jhobert Sabang and the students who went with him were Alvin Legaspe, Junven Calijan, Nino Rey Felicano, Michael Parilla, Ronel Romano and Bong Jumawan. Junven led the short devotional and the brethren in Olango were very encouraged to hear the wonderful message. Our students are planning to go back Olango, Lord willing, and share the message of salvation to the people in that island.

 We pray that our great God will bless these plans.

 In His Service,

 Neil Emperado

Director-BVBI Phils, Cebu

Posted on May 9, 2022 .

Things are going well in Philippines

The extension school in Cebu, Philippines is blessed to have Jerry Bates as our instructor this June. He taught our students Introduction to Biblical Interpretation. Jerry has been a part of the work in the Cebu, Philippines for many years but it was his first time to visit Cebu.  Our students learned a lot from him and they are excited to have him back next year.

Last Summer, two of our students, Bonifacio Labroso J.r and Rene Silva joined by some of the brethren in Cebu had an evangelistic campaign in Toledo City and it was a successful campaign. They baptized 6 souls and they were added to the Lord’s church in Toledo.

Lastly, one of the our student, Luisito Oliveros started a Bible Study Center in his area. He is now entrusting the Word to faithful people. All glory to God for these wonderful works.

God has blessed the work in this part of the world and we are excited for His plans for us in the coming months. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

God bless us all!

Neil Emperado

Director-BVBI Philippines

Posted on August 12, 2019 .

A new school in the Philippines

For more than a year we have been working on a possible new school in Cebu, Philippines and on May 14, 2018, with the help of many, it came to fruition! Under the leadership of Director, Neil Emperado, everything is off to a great start.

We had seven "for credit" students and several others who audited the course I taught on "Sermon Preparation and Delivery". Students will come to Cebu for one week every month and complete a course from the Bear Valley curriculum. 

Cebu is the second most populous province in Philippines with a population over 3 million souls. While some students are from Cebu proper, others come from nearby islands. The need for the school here is great and we are happy to partner with so many faithful brethren to make it happen. A special note of gratitude goes out to Wayne Barrier, whose idea this was. 

Much credit is due men like Reuben Emperado, who has spent his life in preaching the gospel all over central Philippines. It is because of those like him, that the church is alive and well and in need of even more preachers. As such, he is wholeheartedly behind this effort to train the next generation of preachers who will take the good news to those who need it. 

For Him,

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on May 29, 2018 .