New School in Mozambique Celebrates a Successful Beginning


Instituto Biblico Bear Valley Mozambique is a new school in Chimoio Mozambique in Southern Africa. Excitement has been part of us with the mere idea of having a school in this part of Africa. We give glory to God for the efforts and collective input with the likes of Keith Kasarjian, Mathew Muchingami, Theophilus Tanhera, Owen Tirivaviri Marange and many others. Eventually Mozambique has first of its kind a Bible School. The new school is located in Chimoio in the Manica Province of Mozambique. It is an extended school model that has weekend classes. The staff complement is currently five.

The school has since been in progress since the fourth of January 2025 with nineteen students. To date they have done and finished two courses with one in progress. We welcome new relations to date with possible others to come.   


1.0 Mozambique

Mozambique is an underdeveloped third world country on the Indian Ocean coast in the east of the Southern African region. It stretches from the southern part of Tanzania and borders with the southern part of Malawi and southeast of Zambia, the Eastern part of Zimbabwe and also borders with South Africa and Kingdom of Eswatini on its south. The country has ten provinces with a total population of 33 million people. It is one of the two Portuguese speaking countries in Southern Africa. The other one being Angola. These two countries were former colonies of Portugal. All the other countries that it borders with are English speaking, making it an Island in the Southern region. While all of the countries that it borders with have several native languages they use, Mozambique’s many vernacular languages were destroyed by the Portuguese colonial system. Even some that its populations shared with other bordering tribes making it truly an Island.

Both Portuguese colonies attained their independence from the Portuguese colonial rule in the mid-seventies. However, the liberation movements that took over leadership in both former Portuguese colonies enjoyed less than a decade of peace in their countries. These countries were soon torn into pieces by civil strife that haunted them for two decades. These wars impoverished the big part of the populations and ripped important institutions like the schools to the ground. To date both countries have very low literacy rates as a result of these wars. Their health institutions standards are low and need a lot to be desired. The infrastructure needs a lot of attention just like many other African countries. Sanitation is at its worst as the nation failed to recover from the Portuguese sabotage after the liberation war.

The conditions and state above made Mozambique really a solitary child. The church has been there for a while but lacks the vibrant spirit and growth. A good example is the Province of Manica which borders with Manicaland in Zimbabwe with the highest number of churches. Its first recorded church was established by Campion Mugweni of Zimbabwe with his team in 1989. Yet, for over three decades there are only five congregations in a Province with a population of around 9million. Trained preachers who are serving do not go beyond ten in the whole country. The Manica Province in particular has two known preachers from Mutare School of Preaching in Zimbabwe and only one of them is still faithful and serving.

History has it that attempts have been made by different groups to start preacher training schools but none of these attempts left traces of their existence. One is said to have been built in Maputo but thought to have been sold with a circulating story that the rebels grabbed it during the civil war. There are also other groups that have made other attempts but have no traces of ever having trained preachers. We hope there will be future breakthrough with others.

We have every reason to say thank you YHWH the Most High God for this breakthrough. In the same vein we continue to ask for prayers from the brethren that we may complete what has been started in us by God. This tender shoot starts at a harsh period with other trying conditions such as the recent post-election violence that rocked other parts of the country and destroyed many lives.

The Intake

Another excitement proceeds from the size of intake we started with. We had 19 students to start with in the school. Seventeen of these are men while two are females and wives to two of the male students. Our students are from Manica town, Messica, and Chimoio. Messica has the highest number of students. Many of the student commute coming to school. Many of them are employed in different government departments that include education, health, and other departments. Two are heads in circular schools. Three are teachers and another is an administrative clerk in school and a nurse. The others are employed and self-employed in different sectors.  Many of them that are married have been coming with their wives to classes and the school has been planning their separate lessons in the near future.

The Staff

The current staff complement stands at five with the Director – Owen Tirivaviri Marange and three part-time lecturers; Theophilus Tanhera, Owen Simone Ruraca and Tatenda Tizora and Mrs Ruraca who is handling some other works and keeping our records. The three, Owen Tirivaviri Marange, Theophilus Tanhera and Tatenda Tizora are from Zimbabwe. Owen Simone Ruraca and Eunice his wife are preachers in Messica in Mozambique. All of the staff are graduates from Mutare School of Preaching in Mutare, Zimbabwe. Owen Tirivaviri Marange is finishing on his Master of Science in Peace Leadership and Governance with Zimbabwe Open University. He is also a preacher at Hillview Church of Christ in Mutare Zimbabwe. Theophilus Tanhera is yet to embark of his Doctorate in New Testament studies with a University in South Africa. He is a deacon at Hillside Church of Christ in Dangamvura, Mutare, Zimbabwe. Owen Simone Ruraca and Tatenda Tizora are pursuing their Honors in Biblical Studies.

The school in Progress

The school had its orientation on the fourth of January. We had a big turn up with other many potential students in the future. This event was also graced by elders from Manica congregation, leaders from Messica and others from Mutare in Zimbabwe. One of the figures present was an elder and preacher who is the founder of the work in the Manica Province of Mozambique – Campion Mugweni.

To date the students are on their third course on their curriculum. They all have been participating in different worship activities at their respective congregations, and we are yet to design forms they will use so that we can formalize the data.  

The school has also started a vegetable garden in the compound. This is a project which is meant to assist the school financially and create visibility within the community. According to the baseline survey by brother Tizora, the type of vegetable we started with is easy to maintain and on demand in the local communities. The students will be responsible for the maintenance of this garden. We look forward to introducing more projects that will teach life skills and a variety income generating activities. 

6.0 The Visitor from Bear Valley in Denver

We were happy having a visitor from Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver. Keith Kasajian is Director of International Studies. We received him on the 28th of January at the Zimbabwean Robert Mugabe Airport. We travelled by road to Chimoio past Mutare. We want to thank the LORD for the safe passage mixed with challenges and learning experiences. We arrived at the school in Chimoio the same day at dusk. Keith met the staff and students with some other church members. The following day he had an opportunity to visit the MSOP campus and meet the staff and students there. In the afternoon of the 29th of January he was in Harare to meet Howard Suwari and Gideon Madyira who both Bear Valley staff members. Keith left for South Africa on the 30th.

7.0 Relations

We call upon different church-oriented organizations to come on board and be part of the efforts of producing preachers in Mozambique. To date we have the PACT missionaries as one of our new partners. The PACT missionaries have donated an incubator to the school. We celebrate this move and look forward to its use toward to the development of the school in many ways. Of significance in our needs is the move toward staff development which is our currently our priority number one on hierarchy of needs.


There is a lot of excitement on both the students and the staff at Instituto Biblico Bear Valley in Mozambique. The school started in January 2025 with an intake of 19 students and four teaching staff and one non-teaching staff. We were happy to receive Keith Karsajian in the month of January. PACT missionaries have joined hands with us by donating an incubator meant to generate additional income for other needs in the school.

Posted on March 8, 2025 .