Progress in Nigeria





The month of February has come and gone. We are grateful to God Almighty for his abundant grace and mercy. We are also thankful to the great Bear Valley family for their constant support. The burden of rebuilding the school is heavy both on material resources and human resources. However, it is the case that with God all things are possible. When gratitude is expressed, it is not to be taken as mere words of expression. We really mean it. We will make sure that monies provided for the running of the school will be religiously applied. The truth is, there is work to be done and there is work on every hand.


Year 1 Class

The following are the teachers and their courses.

1.     Teachers: Mr. Orji Onyeanulam: Life of Christ and Acts of the Apostles.

2.     Teacher: Mr. Nwokemba O. Meshack: Literature in English 1 and Igbo Language.

3.     Teacher: Mr. Anayo Ohama: Christian Evidence and Denominational Doctrines/Godhead.

4.     Teacher: Mr. Innocent Nwandiche: How We Got Bible and Hermeneutics.

5.     Teacher: Mr. Michael Okogbua: Pentateuch and General Epistle

6.     Teacher: Mr. Blessing N. Esiaba: English 1 and Practicum

7.     Teacher: Mr. Akokwu B. O.: Homiletics and Church Planting

8.     Teacher: Mr. Chiwendu Onyema: Research Writing (Methodology) and Prison Epistle.

Year 2 Class

1.     Teachers: Mr. Orji Onyeanulam: O. T. History and World Comparative Religion

2.     Teacher: Mr. Nwokemba O. Meshack: Literature in English II and Igbo Language 2

3.     Teacher: Mr. Anayo Ohama: Hermeneutics and Ministerial Counselling.

4.     Teacher: Mr. Innocent Nwandiche: Scheme of Redemption and English II.

5.     Teacher: Mr. Michael Okogbua: O. T. Wisdom Literature and Systematic Theology

6.     Teacher: Mr. Blessing N. Esiaba: Practicum

7.     Teacher: Mr. Bernard O. Akokwu: Major Prophets and The N. T. Church

8.     Teacher: Mr. Chiwendu Onyema: Research Writing (Long Essay) and Personal Evangelism.

From the foregoing, as gleaned from the timetable for next month’s examination. The above courses were taught. There was no space to accommodate the course on Godhead as an independent course. The course is merged with Denominational Doctrines. There is the existence of English, Literature in English, Practicum and Igbo language and so on.


The student hostel needs careful attention. The hostel has capacity but would need tiling, window work, plastering and painting of some parts. There is a need to gather the iron bed frames and fix them and direct the students on how to use them properly. Cleanliness is next to godliness. The foregoing idea must be instilled in the students.


The nature of student evangelism as I have observed it is different. They usually go weekends and preach on Sunday mornings in either their home congregation or somewhere else. Moreover, the students are invited by different congregations on invitation. Sometimes, they are invited during class days. Thus, for the month of February the report is as exemplified by one of the students’ reports.

“In the following programmes, events and meetings, aside from normal routine, I participated fully during every church service. On Sunday, second of February, 2025. I handled sermons using the topic “WORK CHOP” text was 2 Thess 3:10 at Nenu church of Christ, a topic that thrilled hundreds of people and moved over 98% into positive action. Moreover, on the 16th of February, I presented a sober reflecting mild speech on the topic “purify thy heart” during Lord’s Supper.”

This is the way and manner of the evangelism for now. We hope that this will change in the near future. Subsequently, the students will embark on weekend evangelism. They will go to one village and establish studies. This will continue through the semester. It is believed that this method would help the students improve in their ability to conduct studies and manage prospects relationships. Door-to-door evangelism is key.



The 12th and 13th of February saw the influx of many brethren into NIATS. The theme of the lectureship was, “Repositioning the Church for the Contemporary Challenges.” Series of paper presentations were made and brethren were duly edified. The 14th of February was the culmination of the programme. About 16 students graduated. It was a great reunion as many brethren trooped in for the first time in a long time. It is hoped that next year will be even better.


The sisters from the congregations around Southeastern Nigeria and beyond usually have their annual lectureship every 27 to 1st of March. Theme of the lectureship was “Our Potential, Our Divine Purpose.” The lectureship was well attended and the record was about a thousand in attendance. On Friday, the 28th of February, we had about 8 baptisms while on the 1st of March we had 19 baptisms. There were a total of 27 baptisms. It was a rewarding experience and the participants were excited about the new looks of NIATS and hope to see more improvement the next time they visit.


It is interesting that the director of the school lives on campus. The presence of the Director and the Dean of Students have further added security to the students and serves as an encouragement to them.


1.  Number of Students: Sixteen (16) Year 1 (10) Year 2- six (6)

2.  Number of Graduates: sixteen.

3.  Number of Campaigns: None.

4.  Number of Baptisms: 27 baptisms.

5.  Number of any New Churches Planted: None.

6.  Number of any Churches Restored: None.

7.  Number of Teachers: Eight (8)

8.  Number of Restorations: None.


The journey is still long but there is hope. Next week is the week of examination, we pray that God will be with the students all the way. Gratitude goes to the international director of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Keith Kasarjian for all the support. The Assistant international Director, Chad Wagner and all the Bear Valley Family for the partnership and awesome support. Until all have heard!

Posted on March 10, 2025 .