By His grace we, the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute, did come to the close of the year 2024. Yes, God kept us alive, in good health despite some challenges and in active mood of gospel services which include in and outdoor activities of lectures, trainings and evangelism during the month of December. All went well to the glory of God and we are glad to report and share some details of these events.
We had brother Francis Lavaley who took the students on the course "the Life of Christ" with the books of Matthew and Mark.
Then brother Antoine Fassa Tolno continued with the last part of "Christian Evidence" part III. All 15 students were in attendance and in good shape.
Classes were closed on 20 December for the year end season.
Evangelism and Church Leaders Seminar:
Once again in response to our invitation, brother Mike Udam travelled from Nigeria to Gueckedou which again was one of his evangelistic mission plans to Sierra Leone and Guinea.
In Guinea, especially around the Gueckedou area, some 30 brethren, church leaders, and evangelists from various congregations attended. We have been motivated and encouraged not only for what is our usual routine activity of preaching and growing congregations, but to also associate and conduct seminars in our various congregations on a routine schedule.
This exercise along with other activities are gear toward strengthening church leaders, evangelists and congregants.
It was a 1 day, but intensive and successful seminar.
Our first meeting for preliminary discussions is scheduled to hold in early February.
There were various evangelistic missions of follow ups to help and build up congregations especially the newly planted at the villages of Katcho and Yiffo where we had some baptisms.
Mostly, it was our team leaders that were involved in these follow up works.
On the other hand, there was 1 evangelistic campaign conducted in the Kissidougou area, the village of Gbangbadou with 1 soul converted. Brother Balla Kamano who planned the campaign is the leader and evangelist in the central town of Kissidougou.
There were in total 6 conversions of all the said evangelistic missions.
The year 2024 has ended and we are grateful to you the Bear Valley Bible Institute administration in the US for all the support rendered to us at the Bible lnstitute again in December and in Guinea during the year 2024.
This is a partnership that we have enjoyed for another 12 months and therefore fulfilled our duty of training and evangelism.
As stated in our internal statistics report for December, the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute graduated 9 evangelists, planted 7 congregations, restored 2 others and in all baptised 143 souls not counting seminars and other related activities in 2024.
We are also grateful to our Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft through whom a lot other evangelistic works and worship hall roofings are being done.
Special appreciations to the 9th Ave and the Niceville churches through Halley Dobbs and Ken Stanley respectively as well as the French World Outreach through brother Barry Baggott for their great contributions of various sorts.
May God bless all of you and keep us safe and strong to the glory of His name.
Until then, we remain grateful to you all.