Ukraine Based Bible Institute Works Among Adversity

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters,

I would like to share some news from Ukraine, as well as updates from several churches and the Bible Institute.

Situation in Ukraine

The overall situation in the country remains tense. Russian forces are gradually advancing in Eastern Ukraine, capturing more territories. They primarily use long-range missiles and aerial bombs, making it challenging for the Ukrainian army to hold their positions. Currently, Ukraine lacks the capability to shoot down aircraft from long distances. General mobilization continues in Ukraine, and all men must register for military service.

Impact on the Church in Bila Tserkva

From the church in Bila Tserkva, which we attended before moving to Germany, another brother has been drafted. His name is Oleg. He has left behind his wife and ten-year-old son and will now defend the homeland. Unfortunately, the war is affecting every family, and this reality has touched all churches deeply. Oleg's commitment and sacrifice are a poignant reminder of the struggles many are facing.

Bible Institute Graduation

In May, the Bible Institute held its graduation ceremony. This year, three students graduated. They are students of war. They began their education when the war started and finished during its continuation. We conducted our graduation ceremony online, as we could not physically be together. This year's graduates are Viktoria, Oleksandr, and Vyacheslav.

- Viktoria: She, along with her husband, is working in the Church of Christ in Chernivtsi. Their dedication to their ministry has been unwavering despite the challenges posed by the ongoing conflict.

- Alexander and Vyacheslav: both actively help in the ministry of the church in Dnipro. Their efforts help the church to grow. They are still young, but their support is very important in this difficult time.

Our Family's Situation

Our family remains in Germany, where we attend a church in Leipzig. We are also actively involved in organizing and conducting meetings for displaced persons, providing them with spiritual and emotional support as they navigate their new realities far from home.

Gratitude for Support

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to every brother, sister, and church for your continued financial support for the institute. Your generosity enables us to continue our mission and support our community during these trying times. Your prayers and contributions are making a significant impact.

May God keep you safe and bless you abundantly.

With respect and gratitude,

Denys Sopelnyk

Posted on July 9, 2024 .