Students Persevere in Lima, Peru

Dear brothers,
Receive our cordial greetings.

After a period of two months we write these lines again to inform you about the progress of the institute in Lima – Peru. The Lord has been good to us by blessing us with good health and opportunities to serve Him, in addition to opening the generous hands of our sponsors who are committed to the permanence of the program. We pray that God allows everything to move forward with his blessing.

The last two months have served to share with our students the courses: 1) Gospel of John and his epistles and 2) Galatians. It has truly been a very edifying and instructive two months. The courses were taught by Brother Abraham Alata and myself (Juan Abanto). Currently we are sharing classes with our students virtually. Financial limitations, health problems, work activities, congregational responsibilities have somehow been the scenarios that have prompted us to opt for this modality. All students are struggling to assimilate the injuries and meet the requirements of each course.

One of our teachers (Andrés Núñez) was involved in a medical evangelistic campaign in the month of June in a city in the north of the country about eight hours away, along with a large group of ministers, evangelists and missionaries from the States, the The result of this missionary work has resulted in 12 baptisms, naturally this is a new great challenge for this young congregation established in the city of Chimbote. What I am trying to say is that, either directly or indirectly, our teachers are in some way or another involved in the work of the Lord in each of their congregations of which they are members, and also in missionary work.

We are close to having the second Retreat of Preachers and Leaders in our country and with the favor of God we will be participating in this event in which we hope to leave some mark in the lives of those who are going to participate in this event and also stimulate the brothers to consider the BVBI – Peru as a training center for the brotherhood.

Continue enjoying the Christian life, your brothers in Christ from Lima – Peru.
Your servant in Christ, Juan Abanto

Posted on July 9, 2024 .