Ashtown, Ghana evangelizes their area


Second Quarter Report 2024


We offer our sincere appreciation to the Almighty God for His divine guidance throughout this quarter. The following report delineates the salient events, accomplishments, and highlights of Bear Valley Bible Institute, situated in Ashtown, Kasoa, Ghana, for the second quarter of 2024.


During this quarter, three courses were delivered, with Emmanuel Larbi being the instructor. The courses were the Book of Hebrews, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and the Book of James. Fourteen students engaged actively in these enriching courses, acquiring a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Graduation Ceremony

The school had the privilege of attending the 6th Graduation Ceremony at Bear Valley Bible Institute, Accra on April 20, 2024. The ceremony featured Brother Keith Kasarjian, Director for International Schools, as the guest speaker. His insightful address undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the graduates. The event marked a significant milestone for the institute, celebrating the achievements of its students.

Director visits to Church of Christ in Pious, Ofankor – Kasoa

On June 16, 2024, the Director visited the Church of Christ in Pious, Ofankor-Kasoa, where Brother Isaac Ekow Arthur (student) , serves as the Preacher. I was pleased to see the congregation thriving, with an average attendance of 55, including 30 baptized members. Bro Isaac Arthur led the Bible class that day and I had the opportunity to exhort the brethren. It was heartening to see Brother Isaac working harmoniously with other brethren towards the growth of the Lord's church. We pray that Almighty God continues to empower him with strength and wisdom to fulfill His work.

News on Adom Estate Church of Christ, Kasoa

During this quarter, the Director visited the Adom Estate church to assess its progress. The congregation has grown to 95 members, with 65 of them being baptized. The average attendance of baptized members stands at 50. Encouragingly, the church leaders have implemented visitation programs aimed at re-engaging inactive members. These efforts have led to a renewed interest in the church, with members showing a keen desire to learn more. Sadly, the church recently mourned the loss of Bro Nicholas Tsitsi, a dedicated leader and pioneer who played a significant role in the church's establishment. May his soul rest in peace until we meet again.


On June 22, 2024, our students were privileged to attend a seminar hosted by Ashtown Church of Christ, featuring Brother Charles Nii Odotei Odoi as the guest speaker. The thought-provoking topic, "Building Leadership Capacity for the Lord's Church," resonated deeply with our students, who gained valuable insights and knowledge to enhance their leadership skills. This enriching  experience equipped them with practical tools to effectively serve and lead in their respective congregations, furthering the growth and prosperity of the Lord's church.


Rejoice with us as we celebrate the fruit of our students' labour! Through their dedicated efforts, four precious souls have been added to the Lord's church through baptism. This milestone is a testament to the impact of our students' tireless work in sharing the Gospel and nurturing individuals in their faith. We praise God for these new additions to the body of Christ and continue to pray for their spiritual growth and development.

Student Profile

Our student spotlight for this quarter shines on Brother Anthony Kwesi Eshun, a dedicated member of the Church of Christ for 20 years. At 42, he's a devoted husband and father of two lovely daughters. As a skilled plumber, he serves his community with excellence. Moreover, he's a vital part of the Church of Christ, Adom Estate in Kasoa, where he fulfills the roles of secretary and Bible teacher. Since joining Bear Valley School, Brother Tony has experienced significant growth in sermon preparation and has been inspired to deepen his studies, further equipping him to serve the Lord effectively. We're proud of his commitment to his faith and his community!


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the leadership of Bear Valley Bible Institute, USA, and the entire brotherhood for their unwavering support and guidance. Your generosity and encouragement have been invaluable to our school, and we are deeply thankful for your investment in our mission. May God abundantly bless and replenish you, returning exceedingly more than you have sown, as you continue to nurture the growth of His kingdom.

Posted on July 8, 2024 .