Alumni campaign in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. We hope this report finds you in good health. Our God is good! He is good all the time! The students from the Bear Valley Bible Institute are out on mission work this weekend. The staff and graduates of the Bear Valley schools in Cameroon, through the alumni association, were to converge in a young congregation in the city of Douala called Ngodi Bakoko. This is where one of our graduates, Njume Kelvin, is serving as the preacher. He is also a teacher in some of the circular schools there. As I now write this report, we have all returned home to our different locations safe and sound.

The mission started in Wotutu as some of our graduates were around to collect Mission Printing Bible tracts. 25 specific boxes of tracts were selected, before we all headed off to Ngodi Bakoko Douala for their quarterly alumni evangelistic meeting. Our alumni are still very connected to the work of the school as some have visited and encouraged the current students during chapel. Several of our graduates are also around during missionary visits as they come around to be of help in the work.

The Bear Valley school started in Wotutu under the name of Cameroon Bible Institute. The name was later changed to Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon – Wotutu. The school started in 2011 and we graduated our first batch in 2012. As of now, we have graduated 142. During the evangelistic meeting that just ended, of which I was a part, there were 65 out of the 142 graduates present. We have lost some of them naturally by death, some were busy with other commitments, and some could not make it because in these hard times, some cannot afford transportation to the location. Please keep our graduates in your prayers as they go through many challenges to keep up in their ministries.


We have agreed for the first ever convention, for all of our graduates, to meet in Wotutu for a two-day lectureship in the month of November.

There will be another alumni evangelistic meeting in Tombel in October. Meetings like this are very good, as they give us ample opportunity to evaluate, encourage and motivate our graduates, as they remain steadfast in the ministry of Christ.


Thank you very much for your love for the work here. Your prayers and your support are greatly appreciated. God is watching, and will reward in due season. Please do your best to share this report with others.

Make a great day.

Elangwe and family

By His grace, director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on July 15, 2024 .