26 more baptisms in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

June, July 2024 Report


It is amazing to see how time goes so quickly. It is already half a year done. We are happy to see the students back at the campus. They were on one month vocation preaching in their home congregations and reports from their church leaders, and members are exciting news to the school – 26 souls saved and 8 more restored! We thank God for the progress the students are making using the knowledge they have been given to the wisely.


We are happy that we are almost about to finish our 2 years of teaching before graduation takes place in October. We resumed classes on the 1st of July with Minor Prophets 2. It was amazing to see the Church of Christ in Minor Prophets and many prophecies about Christ being told. We are looking forward to short course teachers coming; Brothers Wongani, Blessings, and Donnie.

 *June Preaching Results by Students* 

We thank God to have students from all the regions of Malawi. It is very exciting to hear news from all of these regions and how the students are helping in changing the lives of many people as they preach in their home congregations. After going through the student’s reports, we noticed the numbers of the souls saved through baptism, totaling 26 and 8 more restored. God is good!

 *Preaching Campaign* 

We planned a preaching campaign in the Kasungu area in September 2024, where Brothers Mark, the assistant of the director of BV international schools, was supposed to be with us. Unfortunately, he is not coming, but we will still go ahead with the plan. Pray for this to be successful.

We always appreciate Bear Valley International and the Hillcrest church for the support. Your prayers and kindness mean a lot to us. We always pray that God continues blessing your families. _Think Souls_ !

Yours fellow servants,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on July 15, 2024 .