Making progress in Ondo State, Nigeria

Dear brethren,

I ascribe all glory, honour and Majesty back to Our God in heaven above for His renewable blessings every day for His Children all over the world. We are forever grateful to the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Denver, Colorado for their support and love over the years! The Eldership with all the brethren at Bear Valley are in our hearts and prayers always for this great Spiritual sacrifice toward build lasting legacy for generations to come in Ondo State! I truly appreciate your love and vision.

Evangelism: First quarter of 2024 is very interesting and important to us here in Ondo State! We were able through the help of God to have baptized a pastor in a denominational Church who have decided to follow Jesus' word and His Church! All glory be to God Almighty, Amen. His name is Taiwo Adepetun. l have encouraged him to enroll with Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo center! He is now a student of the School. 

Today been 30th March, 2024, The School in Ondo City went out to preach the gospel again in Sabo Orimolade area in Ondo City with the hope of establishing the Lord's Church in that area! We had many prospects today! We are planning to go back again in order to organize three days Open Air preaching there! The people there were very receptive to the gospel of Christ!

In Akure center, We went to Ilu- abo again in Airport area in Akure! As l have reported last quarter, two of our new students are from that area! The Church there need more hands and we are ready to fill the gap! All the students and instructors were there to assist the Church in that area. We are grateful to be useful tools in the hands of God Almighty.

Classroom activities: In all the two centers classroom activities went as planned!

January 2024 - Brother Victor Fasonu taught the book of Revelation, while Brother Godwin Emmanuel taught Old Testament - 5 minor prophets in Akure center.

February, 2024 - Brother Rowland taught 1& 2 Thessalonians in Ondo center while Brother Oke taught Hebrews in Akure center.

March, 2024 - Brother Oke taught Hebrews in Ondo center, while Brother Rowland taught 1 & 2 Thessalonians in Akure center.

As a school, we are happy that our students are in their third year of study! Our God will see them through, Amen.

Brother Philip Iwere is a student of the school at Akure study center! He is 65 years old. He is married with Children in the Lord! He is very matured and courageous student of the Bible! He is happy learning the word of God. He very active in the Classroom and a loving personality among the students! The School is lucky to have him as a student. He is one of the faithful member of the Lord's Church at No, 13 Leo Street, Akure. After graduation, he is willing to preach the undiluted gospel of Christ.

Beloved brethren, as a school in Ondo State! We are committed toward the growth and development of the school. Once again thank you for your love and support again and again! We know opportunity to make greater exploits doesn't come easy! We are determined in our resolution to remain a pacesetter.

Thank you and remain blessed, Amen. 

Fasonu Victor


Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State

Posted on May 13, 2024 .