End of January 2024 Operating Report, BVBI Accra
It is with much joy for a new year. Glory be to God our Lord and Saviour for ushering us into a new academic year 2024/2025. The administration, teaching, non-teaching staff, and the student body, all thank God for His merciful love, protecting, and providing for our needs throughout the past years. Furthermore, we thank our brothers, Steven, and Keith, the administration of Bear Valley and supporting brethren in the US, individuals, and local churches in Ghana for their prayers, support, and the advertisement of the school. God bless everyone.
This quarter’s courses and instructors include: Old Testament 1 (Pentateuch) - E. O. Larbi, Hermeneutics – Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah, Cost of Discipleship – Kojo Acquah Beenyi, How We God the Bible – Shadrach Oppong Sika, Computing & Elementary Greek – Samuel Sasu Ntim, Research and Writing – George Osafo Anim.
Short courses with Instructors: Personal Evangelism – Emmanuel Gyasi-Quansah, Scheme of Redemption – Kojo Acquah Beenyi.
Campaign and Other Schedules
These include the students and evangelism team of Southern Ghana for all evangelistic activities. Targeted areas for church planting: Paanor, Akotuakrom, Medie-Kotoku Road.
Follow ups: Pakro road, Ankwa Doboro, Fotobi, and Akwamu
Tracts sharing campaign: Nsawam and Amasaman Marketplaces
Trip: Blackman Animal Husbandry, and Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park
Teaching Practice and Mentoring: Doboro, Kasoa SCC, Teshie Main
As reported in our previous reports, almost every time admission is open to every member who may wish to school upon our regular advertisements. Currently, we have admitted Seven (7) students. Recruitment campaign is ongoing through visiting the local churches and seminars.
Classes have begun with their instructors as mentioned above. All the students are participating well.
Tract Sharing Campaign at Nsawam Market
Mondays and Thursdays are market days for this town. As part of our evangelism activities, the school and the campaign team have decided to share tracts during these days.
As we prepared for this evangelism, we prayed to God for His guidance in the crowd for a successful event.
We took three boxes of the tract with the title Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth and other mini booklets. The marketplace was big enough that we could not cover a quarter until the tracts were finished. The activity was so interesting that some of the market women devoted their time for us to share the gospel with them. Some were astonished that our message was new to them. Most questions were asked on tithing “Is it Biblical to pay tithe” and “What is the truth church of the Bible and the direction if they want to visit them.”
Having accomplished the mission, we have decided to speak to the administration on our next tract-sharing campaign, we shall mount speakers and horns and preach while others walk through sharing the tracts and dialogue with individuals.
Furthermore, we found an old woman who introduced herself as one of the members of the church but was unable to find the location of the church. We tried to locate her house and introduced her to Brother Moses Edison who was a past student and an evangelist at Ayigbe Town church to fellowship with them. A sad moment was when some of the members confessed their withdrawal from the church. We had time to dialogue with them to have a change of mind to restore.
Some of the campaign team members and Sammy went out to survey areas to plant churches. We went to Paanor which is to our New School Building Project. We spoke with the chief of the town about the upcoming campaign and gave us the right hand to start the work. He introduced to us a piece of land at a cost of C50,000.00 near the road when we were ready to plant the church.
We also went to Akotuakrom in the Eastern Region where we found four (4) members of the church who complained about the cost of proximity. They were happy to hear about our mission in the town. However, we have decided to plant the church in this town in March 2024. We also introduce the school to the man who has been a member for two (2) years to think about coming to study the word to handle the church in his town.
Brother Silas Adjei has recently completed his courses and waiting on graduation. Silas is 27 years old, he is single, and a preacher at the Medie Ketewa congregation. Silas is a hardworking young man who loves missionary work. He is part of the campaign team of the school. This man always attends the Top Radio campaign with E.O. Larbi on Tuesdays. He reads the Twi Bile during the radio programme. He also helps the office of the school.
We thank God for His protection throughout the Month. Keep praying with us.
Report by E. O. Larbi.