Accra Monthly Report, August 2023
Glory be to God for another month ending in success. We are always grateful to our God that He began with us and ended in peace. Our Lord has done greater things in us as He provides with our needs in times of crisis yet in all things He encourages us to hold firmly to Him in the doctrine and our way of life. To report to you the challenge of health challenges as our brother Gyan-Mante is challenged with mild stroke, Kojo with consistent health challenges, and Sammy. We glorify God for how far He has brought us and we are praying for healing and good strength.
Regular class
All the instructors are endeavoring to complete their courses with their exams and quizzes followed by the school’s campaign program.
Master’s Program
As with their normal class, they met for two (2) weeks with Brother Jerry Bate on the course, World Religion. Eleven students participated in the program.
Doryumu follow-up
As we reported in our previous report for our next campaign location, Duayedeng, Paanor, and its environs, we saw the need for another place in Doryumu to embark on follow-up evangelism to strengthen the church and to restore some of the fallen brethren which commenced on 14th to 20th August 2023. Our past student, Philip Abruquah is the Evangelist for this church. Our students both rescent and past students, the Legon University campus church, Nsawam Road congregation, and the host brethren together, did work on campaigning both day and night preaching for one week. The campaign was successfully completed and the Lord added to the church with six baptisms.
We thank God for this successful occasion in strengthening us throughout the week. We pray that the new members will be strong in the Lord until He comes.
Bear Valley Top Radio Program
We are always proud to be preachers of the gospel of Christ and supporting the program with our funds. As we always report to you, the radio program keeps yielding fruit. Almost every week after preaching, we have numerous calls and private calls for further studies. As we reported in our previous reports, we are also invited to different places to help in teaching and counseling most listeners on some of the topics that were not clearly understood by them (listeners) and other social matters bothering them. This program has further sent messages on the advertisement of the school to brethren who are showing interest in attending the school. We have three prospects who are willing to pick forms to register for the academic year.
This month we had one baptism in addition which took place at Nsawam Road church.
Mode of funding the program
We are grateful to our Lord who has endowed us with understanding in the ministry. The staff of the school is doing well to sacrifice some amount from their monthly allowance, an amount of four hundred cedis each to pay the monthly installment of three thousand cedis for the ongoing preaching work.
We are using this medium to inform you of the wonderful work the Lord is doing in this program.
We will be also grateful to receive your contribution to this programme.
We request that you pray with us.