Quarter Break is Being Maximized in Tamale



Some very significant events took place in the month of June, 2023 in the Bear Valley preaching school in Tamale. These events have given us the confidence and hope that great things lie ahead of us as an Institution. We are excited to report them to you so you can move along with us.


All properties of the Institute are well kept and properly monitored and used to the best profit of the school. The compound is well kept as well with all its facilities. The Pajero is doing very well, but needs some small maintenance work. The shocks are weak and need to be changed. The toilet facilities for the three rooms of the staff quarters have been fully completed.

Students are also on break to work on their farming activities, congregations, care for their families and personal issues.


We continue to emulate our able coordinator, Kojo Acquah Beenyi in planting profitable trees in the school garden. Some more trees were planted in the month of June, 2023. Trees like coconut, Guava and pawpaw were planted in the garden.


We reported in the month of May of the conversion of Brother Emmanuel Yobe Kombat, who was the founder of Jesus Revelation Ministries. With his assistance and that of our director (Daniel Adjei Mensah), and the staff, 13 members of his church have been converted into the Lord’s church. All sign posts of his church have been taken off with plans ahead to convert it into the Lord’s Church. They have also currently taken away instrumental music from their worship and started following the worship pattern of the New Testament Church. Brother Emmanuel has also enrolled fully into the Diploma Course and is doing very well. It is our prayer that all who have relations with him will be converted for Christ.


We praise the Lord for the life of Brother Steven Ashcraft and all the faithful men who are backing him to help push the Lord’s work in Ghana, Africa and the World at large. There was great joy in the school as three preachers/evangelists that are products of the school (Samuel Saakuu from Upper West Region, Isaac Akumoliga from Upper East and Simon Egnanpiin from Northern Region) received three brand new motor bicycles to aid their work in the field. All staff of the school were excited with this great gesture made possible by our dear Brother, Steven. The brethren who received these machines could not hide their joy and feelings. With joy, all three of them were very appreciative of the sacrificial work done for them. They were also grateful for being the ones counted worthy of such blessings. Considering the number of preachers who need motors to aid them, they considered themselves privileged to have benefited from the machines.

Brother Daniel Adjei Mensah, the Director, on his part also exhorted them to use the machines effectively to promote Christ and not self. They should see it as a great opportunity and make good use of it. Brother James Legend also admonished them to be ambassadors of Christ and the School through which they have got such a great opportunity. Albert Tamanja Malir, the preacher, on his part complemented them for being counted worthy of such a great blessing. He also reminded them of his days when he was a student in the same school, and made them aware that they were indeed privileged to have such great aid and encouragement from the school through our dear Brother, Steven.

The brothers were indeed grateful to receive the motors. These three Motors that were purchased brought the total number of motors bought to aid evangelists to five (5) in total.

We wish to humbly appreciate Brother Steven for all his efforts towards the work of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ in Northern Ghana and all other localities in the world that he is doing such things. The Lord Bless him with all he needs to remain a great blessing for the body of Christ, his family and the world.


Brother James Bisong Legend made a journey to the Upper East Region in the month of June, 2023. He visited and worshiped with the Agatusi congregation. He also met with the Bazua and Kpinkpanyoung Congregations respectively. He met with the evangelistic Team to see the way forward for their evangelistic work in the area with the challenge of the Bawku conflict that is on the increase. Several proposals were made that could help the evangelistic work of the Team. Prominent of the proposals was for them to concentrate on areas around Bolga till the situation normalized.  


The local church in Kpalsi South is progressing steadily by the grace of God. We have prepared a small place under the Mango Tree in the church land for the children to have their studies. In the month of June also, two souls were added to the church. We continue to do our part as a church, as the Lord also does His part.

We praise God.

The Lord blesses us all,

Bear Valley, Tamale

Posted on August 7, 2023 .