Owerri, Nigeria students making a difference in the Lord's church


It is with gratitude to God that we are privileged to be found useful in the  service of helping to mold great men for the service of God and humanity. 

We encountered several challenges this quater ranging from security to economic challenges but it didn't deter us in our resolve to  be consistent in our efforts to maintain  high standard in making sure we produce disciplined and productive  Bible teachers.

It is unfortunate that 3 of our students have been out of class since this quater, one had domestic accident that led to fracture, the second one is suffering from partial stroke while the third is suffering from unconfirmed ailment as the cause of the sickness is yet to be ascertained after going for several medical tests.  We keep praying for them for God's healing mercies.

Due to prevailing security situation, we still have lessons sometimes weekdays and Sunday evenings depending on situation on ground. Not minding the challenges now, the students are dedicated and in high spirit.

Presently we have 12 students. Although the high cost of petrol and its scarcity in the country is taking its toll on the students as the cost of transportation has skyrocketed they still attend lectures. So far we have concluded course 116 and the students are doing well. Next month we will commence with course 117


Based on our  discovery of disunity and lack of love and cooperation among preachers and congregations here in Imo State which is occasioned by lack of well trained teachers, preachers and leaders in congregations which have adversely affected evangelism, we visited several places last quater to see how we can foster unity among brethren and congregations,  the visits yeilded results às we hosted the first preachers and church leaders Bible summit in May  with the Theme:- PROTECTING THE CHURCH FROM DESTRUCTIVE ELEMENTS.  This being  the first in  series of seminars, workshops, lectureships and gospel meetings that we are  embarking  on. This is because when you go and evangelise and win souls into disunited congregations, the convert will leave.

Also we are happy to inform you that the school played a very vital role in restoring peace in Umueze Mbutu congregation which had  crisis between the preacher and two factions in the church leading to non members coming to mediate. To the glory of God sanity has been restored and the preacher and few others in the congregation will soon be our students as they promised.

We have also started arrangements for our anniversary lectureships which we intend hosting God willing from 29th September to October 1st. We are still working on how to be of help to  brethren from far   locations from owerri city requesting if arrangements can be made to come to their locations and give them lectures, this solely depends on the number of interested students. 


One of our instructors dropped due to circumstances he didn't reveal to us,  we had to quickly get a replacement in the person of OGBONNA ONYEKACHI VINCENT, a graduate of School of Biblical Studies, Jos who is highly cerebral and dedicated 

We still remain eternally grateful to God,  the parent body and the school authorities for giving us the privilege of having a study center in Owerri Imo  state.

We will continue to create  awareness as we have started advertising for new admissions. 

 We believe and trust God to make a way for all who are interested but having distance as barrier to benefit from the school. 

We reaffirm our promise to maintain a high standard  and surely we will make the school proud.

Yours because of Christ 

Chinedu Akandu 


Posted on July 6, 2023 .