Peru school learns more about planting churches

Greetings dear brothers and sisters.

We are halfway through the course, thank God we have Abraham Alata and Andrés Nuñes in charge of the courses this bimester (The Deity and Planting Churches). They have written a brief review on the progress of their respective course, which I will share so that you can read what they themselves have written about it:

Abraham Alata on the course "Divinity":
The course on Divinity has fallen into my responsibility, which will be taught for the space of 2 months during 8 Saturdays 4 hours every Saturday from the months of May to June. During the first month we have been talking about theology as the study of God, how can one know God, general revelation and special revelation. During the month of June the following topics will be covered: the Trinity and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Additional reading material has been handed out. The evaluation of the students consists of quizzes every Saturday, memory verses, a final exam, participation, notebook notes, and the reading of the distributed material. There are 8 students in my course, 5 in person and 3 online. There is a student who has been coming sporadically.

Andres Nuñez on the course "Planting Churches":
Duration time: 2 months (May and June)
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The brothers who are participating in the course are 7 . Since May 2023, I have the pleasant opportunity to continue teaching my classes as a teacher at the Bear Valley Bible Institute Peru School. On this occasion with the course "Planting Churches" motivating students with great enthusiasm, to know, learn, and know how to Plant a new Church. At first, during its development, they were very struck by the fact that evangelism is the main base, then discipleship, and in the end the church is fully established in the chosen place, but with a missionary vision.
The course consists of three main points that are:
I. EVANGELIZE (With strategies that work) TO EVERYONE (John 3:1:21; Luke 5:1-11). How to evangelize?
II. DISCIPLE (Up to the highest level, Life Transformation) (2 Timothy 2:2). How far to teach.
III. PLANTING CHURCHES (With a global missionary vision) Reproduction of churches (Acts 9:31). What kind of churches? With World Missionary Vision.
Up to this moment the brothers are understanding that lately and until now many mistakes are being made in establishing new churches in another place, since campaigns are carried out for several days, souls are won, then they are abandoned to their fate, because nobody is left to teach them and if someone is alone it is for a few days, then they are still alone.

In the end the work always remains unfinished and the work was in vain. So the students are seeing and learning what is most important for the new church established in any part of the country to be more solid, strong and committed to the Lord. The students are very eager to participate in the evangelism, campaigns, in any activity carried out by other churches, they feel that desire to attend and support the work of the Lord.

Thank you for taking a little time to read about the progress of classes at BVBI-PERU.

Your server Juan Abanto.

Posted on July 10, 2023 .