Big plans in Accra

End of June Report, Accra

Glory be to God for a successful ending. Through His providence, all activities went on successfully, none of the instructors experienced ailment, and everyone is doing well and kicking. Also, we are grateful for all your support throughout the quarter.

Classes & Vacation

Classes went on successfully as the following courses were taught: The Book of Romans, Christian Leadership, 1 &2 Peter, Old Testament 5, Intertestament, The Book of James, Computing, and Communication skill, with all examinations conducted. The school vacated on 11th June 2023 and resumed on 2 July 2023 respectively.

Bachelor’s programme

Currently, we have two (2) batches pursuing the programme i.e. Bachelor One (1) and Bachelor Two (2). The second batch met on the 16th and 17th of June and studied Advanced Hermeneutics One (1) by Brother Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah. The class was very interesting enlightening everyone, on the way of interpretation.

On 22nd June, the first batch also met to study Advanced Hermeneutics Two (2) by Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah.

Campaign Plan

In our previous report, we reported about the campaign held at Twerebo and Botokora. The next plan is to revisit the towns once again to check on the impact of the gospel preached. We shall also focus on the other two towns closer to the school site thus Duaeden and Paanor. It is our greatest hope that our visit to these towns will yield fruit for the Lord.

We are also planning to have information centers built in these towns to facilitate our preaching programme.

Bear Valley Top Radio Programme

We are much impressed to have you updated on the wonderful works of God. Our listeners keep calling even when on campus and in our homes. Others also come in to request the audio to listen once again. We also added books such as Voice of the Truth with our stamp and contact, to be shared freely with anyone who is interested to read out the truth. Through these calls, some prospects have received counseling regarding the load of frustrations and challenges on their neck. Through this counseling, a man who planned suicide due to massive challenges has repented. This depicts that many love and appreciate the truth. We always pray that our radio programme will convert more souls in various places to the glory of God.

We plead with you to keep remembering us in your prayers.

Talk With Our Past Students

As part of the school’s planning activities, the staff has been meeting to find a day in November 2023 to meet with all students for the purpose to strengthen them to hold firm the doctrine of Christ which they received during their schooling. As we know that our Lord is well pleased when we keep to His instructions.

At this time, Brother Keith will be passing by and will stop over to speak more of the way of Christ and the rules of Bear Valley in America before leaving for other countries. We are looking forward to his safe arrival.

We hope the Lord will bring our brother safely to Ghana and we are praying that this programme will be successful and yield good fruits.

Posted on July 10, 2023 .