Prayers for Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters, as well as congregations,

The war keeps destroying our cities, towns, villages and people's lives. But, on the other hand, it gives the Church an opportunity to come to the front in ministering to people. I wrote on many occasions that we were using this difficult time for humanitarian services and Gospel preaching. Hundreds of people get help and hear the preaching about Christ. Our time can be compared with the years of the Soviet Union's collapse when hungry and uncared for people used to come to the huge Palaces of Culture (Soviet community centers) with the desire to hear the  missionaries preaching the Gospel.

In my letter today I'd like to tell about the wonderful ministry started by our alumni Oleg Fofanov. Upon graduation he had preached in Konstantinivka. The church had been established there many years ago and he was happy to work there. When the full fledged war actions started he moved his family to the the Western Ukraine, to the city of Uzhgorod. It is the regional center and highly populated city close to the border with Slovakia. Last year they decided to establish a new congregation there and started assembling on Sundays. First, it had been a relatively small group of people, later many more relocated Christians joined them. We are very  saddened and keep praying for the church of Konstantinivka. Almost everyone from the church there left the city but now we have another opportunity to worship and minister in Uzhgorod.

Tragically, many Eastern cities (like Konstantinivka, Avdiivka, Bakchmut) are turning into piles of ashes daily. Before the war those places numbered the most congregations of the church of Christ. We trust God and His mercy only.

The Bila Tserkva Church of Christ.

We still distribute grocery and personal hygiene care packages. These days people come to the church building even on the days when there's no announced distribution. And some of them study the Bible with us more extensively. I'd like to ask for prayers for God's fruitfulness in Gospel preaching, that the planted seed would bring fruit.

The Bible Institute.

Last month our students had 1 and 2 Peter and Jude (Instructor Dennis Sopelnik), Hebrews (Albert Bagdasarian), Biblical Geography (Valentin Tsyopa). In the end of the month the students will have a week of evangelical practice. Usually students are taught to do street evangelism. We would place a table with Christian tracts and other literature, distribute the tracts and invitations to  the Sunday services. But during the last year our methods were changed. It got dangerous to be outside due to the missiles attacks and also because men could be given the drafting summon by the military recruitment department. One can end up being drafted even with zero military experience. So we moved all activities inside the walls of the church buildings. It seems to be safer.

We ask you to earnestly pray for the return of peace and end of the military activities. Many congregations were very generous with aids for refugees and people who found themselves homeless.

May God keep you,

Your brother,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on April 8, 2023 .