A new school doing well


Bear valley Bible Institute, Owerri  Imo Itate was inaugurated on Saturday 1st of October 2022.

Classes began on 8th of October 2022 .

Following the inauguration of the school in october last year, we have been consistent in our efforts to maintain a high standard to make sure we produce disciplined and productive bible teachers. The new year started on a good note with two students that dropped coming back.

Unfortunately the current security situation in Imo state has forced us to have lessons sometimes weekdays and Sunday evenings depending on situation on ground. And the days we lost because of the general elections was regained by general consensus of the students. Even though the security situation is not really normal,  the students are dedicated and in high spirit.

Presently we have 16 students, even with the currency and petrol scarcity and high cost of transportation, they strive to attend lectures. So far we have taken 6 courses and the students are doing well.


We discovered that there is so much disunity and lack of cooperation among preachers and congregations here. This arose from not having well trained teachers and leaders in Imo state. They do not come together for gospel meetings or evangelism, so I decided to visit from place to place and bring the preachers together in the name of the school.  I am glad to inform us that the first preachers bible summit to treat some doctrinal issues troubling them will be held by the school on the last Saturday of April 29th 2023.   This will be the first in the series of seminars, workshops, lectureships that we will embark on.

Due to the publicity the school has recieved,  we have brethren from some locations that are far from Owerri City requesting if arrangements can be made to come to their locations and give them lectures,  this I told them that I will get back to them, on this I suggest if I can get approval,  I can work it out the instructors while they all come to owerri during examination days. 

We still remain eternally grateful God, the parent body and the school authorities for giving us the privilege of having a study center in Owerri, Imo state. In over 45 years this is the first bible school in the state. The state is big and we will continue to create  awareness

 We believe and trust God to make a way for all who are interested but having distance as barrier to benefit from the school.  We reaffirm our promise to maintain a high standard  and surely we will make the school proud.

Yours because of Christ 

Chinedu Akandu 


Posted on April 8, 2023 .