The courses covered in the first quarter of the year 2023 were 3 giving us a total 15 covered so far.
January 2023 - Book of Romans
February 2023 - Church Planting
March 2023 - Church History
About 12 students attended classes in the quarter under review
In respect of outreach programs
1. Students had one outreach program to Chinkuli area, Chongwe District for evangelization with a view of planting a church in the area.
2. One of the students (Michael) preaches to the inmates and 14 souls were baptized in March.
3. Other students were involved in teaching the new converts, Bible classes and preaching in their congregations.
Guests received in the 1st quarter were: Brothers Donnie Estep and Keith Kasarjian in the months of February and March respectively.
Additional Instructors in the 1st quarter were: Brothers Herbert M’hango and Obert Mozha.