Bear Valley Bible Institute
Ekwendeni – Malawi
February, 2023 Report
Greetings from Malawi, the warm heart of Africa! It is a gain with great joy to share the good news accomplished in the month of February, 2023. Visitors after visitors. Last month we had our President visiting us, and this month of February, visitors again from America. We thank God for blessing us with such brothers in the brotherhood from outside Malawi.
We are excited to see students back to school again. We enrolled 30 students but because of some challenges during this time of the year only 21 managed to report for school. The exciting news is that the new congregation has been established at the school campus! Already many are willing to be baptized. Praise God!
Short course Teacher
After being visited by Dr Denny Petrillo in January, we received 2 more American brothers Charles G Ching and Chad Scott. The two brothers arrived on the 4th of February and went back on the 11th of February, 2023. Charles G Ching used to be my WBS helper/Teacher in the late 1990s. Chad is a brother in Christ as well as a nurse. Their visit was great as we were helped in both ways in our community. Chad was at Kaweche Health Centre while Charles was teaching our students “Bible Geography”. We thank God for them and wish them to come again. So far we have taught Writing skills, Bible Geography, Homiletics and now the book of Acts in session.
Church Established – School Campus
The school is at a distance of about 7km to the next meeting place and between us there is Thukutu River which is a big thing this time of the rains. Because of this we allowed students to start preaching within the villages around the school and many have promised to be baptized soon. This has made us start worshiping at the campus and last Sunday the attendance was 24. We hope the number keep adding soon.
We are always thankful for the partnership between BV international and the Hillcrest church of Christ, this partnership has made a lot to be accomplished within a short period of time. Working together as a team always brings in positive results. Together we can! Many souls are lost out there and let us join hands to conquer Satan. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!
Yours fellow servants of the Lord,
Ephron and Clergynton