Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from Cameroon and from the brethren here. We do hope this report meets you in good health. We are doing good and God continues to lead the way. The new year is in progress and so are our different ministries which are making some significant progress.
Last week in Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon -Wotutu went on well as we were observant to see how our new students are growing. We are here to encourage them to be focused because we are aware that the field is ripe but the laborers are very few. We pray that God will continue to help us, as we add workers to the field every two years through the training of preachers in Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon - Wotutu.
The freshmen are getting used to the climate in Wotutu as well as the new lifestyle and new eating habits. These changes have caused some of them to get sick, but we are handling it by His grace.
Last week, because the students have stayed together since January 2, 2023, we deemed it time to form the student government for the present. The students elected a group from among their peers to be running their affairs. This is also a way to help them learn how to practice leadership among themselves. Please pray for them as they learn to lead others. We have a slogan in Bear Valley Bible Institute Cameroon - Wotutu that says, “LEADERS DON’T POINT THE WAY, THEY SHOW THE WAY!”
When you see students dressed in Black and standing under the roof of our Bible track building, then you know that they are gathering tracts and discussing how they can reach out to souls. We think souls, and it is awesome that our students love evangelism. It is a great opportunity for them to share the love of God with some lost souls. Please pray for our daily efforts.
Last week I had a great opportunity to be invited, by those in charge of secondary schools in Cameroon, to speak at a seminar on leadership as recorded in Luke’s gospel. It was a great opportunity for me to speak the truth about leadership, as much leadership in the world is in a mess. It was also another opportunity for me to expose the church of Christ to many who are in various denominations. My God help our efforts.
The seminar lasted 8 total hours. We had several working sessions which were personal discussions and question/answer sessions. It allowed us the opportunity to discuss many Bible subjects and not just stay on the subject of leadership. It was a great opportunity for me, and I pray that the seeds of the gospel that I was able to sow in some of the people, will bear fruits one day for the glory of God.
In academia, there is always a time for testing. It is a time for testing as well as a time for them to check themselves to know how much they have been able to comprehend during classwork and preparation. Please keep our students in your prayers. We can see their zeal to grow spiritually and academically so as to be able to help the church of Christ to grow here in Cameroon.
We are still in the business of handing durable Bibles to our new converts. Brother Martin received a giant print Bible that he will be able to read, even without glasses. “THEY NEED BIBLES,” is a common call and concern. I keep receiving calls from many parts of the country with requests for Bibles.
Last week, Brother Mathew, who is one of our new students, baptized Stella into Christ. Please keep her in your prayers as she walks with Jesus. God is too good to fail!
From the 20th to the 24th of February, we will be attending the “Jim Corner Seminar,” on leadership, at the church in Douala. This will give our students the opportunity to meet other preachers. They will also be able to learn some new things there. This trip to Douala will only be possible if we have means of transportation. Our Van can no longer plough our roads because of its age and its mechanical issues. We are presently searching for a good replacement. Please pray for us as it is not easy for us with the current price of things. We will need to rent a van to transport our students to that seminar.
Thank you very much for keeping this work in your prayers and thank you for all the support you are rendering to keep it going. Your prayers and support are the wheels that move this work forward. Please do your best to share our report with others.
May God bless you, as you make a great day in His service.
Elangwe and family
By His grace, director BVBIC-Wotutu