We need to be grateful to the Almighty Father for seeing us through the just-ended year 2022 for His blessing in diverse ways. We want to express our gratitude to our sponsors who have continued to stretch their hands by means of sending money, books, and other materials to support the work here. May the good Lord continue to bless you and your effort to train people to help in the preaching of the gospel. Happy New year to you all.
Currently, we have fourteen (14) students. They are doing very well by combining their work schedule with classes. We are expecting two additional students to begin the course soon. In addition to that, we are going out for the second time to advertise for more students in February.
Our planned public preaching came on successfully. It was from October 25 – 30th and all the preaching was done by the students. On Sunday, October 30 the worship activities were led by the students as well. According to the preacher for the congregation (one of the students) two (2) souls were baptized over there.
Three courses have been read. The course on the church of Christ 2 (worship) was taught by Kwabena Gyan-Mante, and Marriage Family Life and World Religion by Bro. Paul Larbi Young.
In all 20 souls have been baptized and five were restored by the effort of the students.
Report by Kwabena Gyan-Mante