Cholera Spreads Widely
“Worst outbreak in two decades… every district in Malawi affected”
Rather than having a pitched tent that quarantines those infected with the coronavirus, there are now tents at hospitals where cholera patients stay in crowded conditions as they fight against the disease. Thankfully, we have only had one student mimic the symptoms, and he has fully recovered.
The students are wary of how many sicknesses are spreading during rainy season and staying at the school as much as possible.
Our Honored Guests
Four, faithful men came from near and far to bless the school this month
Two local teachers and two directors of schools equipped the students with increased Bible knowledge one week at a time.
Beginning with a survey class covering Exodus through Deuteronomy, a local teacher led the way. He was followed by another Malawian who has studied at various schools and taught in one other preaching school. Galatians was his topic for the week.
Next up was Denny Petrillo, president of Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver and their extension schools, who spent a week teaching “How We Got the Bible”. As one of the newest Bear Valley extension schools, we were blessed to have Denny come to see the campus and teach in the men’s program.
Denny did everything a guest teacher does, and then he went the extra mile. Not only did he teach for 7 hours each day, grade homework in the evenings, and review his lesson for the next day, but he also preached and taught Bible class on Sunday at the worship services, participated in an impromptu Q&A, and allowed Dale to ask as many questions as he wanted on any topic as the thoughts came to his mind.
Denny was the first guest to stay in our home for a week in 3 years. What a huge encouragement to our family!
The Malawian director of another preaching school in the country finished strongly with Hermeneutics…understanding Scripture.
A sneak peek…
We are going to host a Bible bowl-type event entitled “Race of the Testaments” intended to generate a healthy competition between the youth, their dads, and possibly even their moms (to be determined). The questions will come from the book of Ephesians.
The youth are getting a head start as Leann launched their first meeting to evaluate interest last Sunday afternoon. All seven literate children want to participate. Leann will continue to coach the youth while giving them Bible study tools. Their parents have already learned in their respective classes at the school. The adults will be on their own.
Rising Prices
The price of maize has increased 33% here in Lilongwe in the past 4 months. We are seeking new and creative ways to salvage family budgets. Please pray for us as we are trying to make wise and sustainable financial decisions.
In Him,
Dale Kastner