Hello everyone!
It is amazing to see how days are ending so quickly. We have almost 3 months before the year ends. Many good things have happened this year and we wish they could continue and the year shouldn't end so soon. However, we respect the seasons given by our good God and Lord Jesus Christ to us.
During the past 2 months lots have happened and we sometimes fail where to start because we are so excited about good news we are receiving from our former students who are doing good work in their respective homes. Within these two months 35 souls have been added to Christ and 18 more restored! We always thank God who works in us all for this course of winning souls to Christ. We also had a short course teacher from our sister school in Gweru - Zimbabwe. It was a blessing to have him teach and he too was excited to receive a warm welcome in Malawi which is rightly nicknamed as "The warmheart of Africa"!
As we all are aware that the purpose of our school is to train men become faithful preachers of the sound and health doctrine, we have covered a lot of course since we started our second semester in July, this year. Brother Ishmael Mutichu from Gweru taught the "Synoptic gospels" from the 18th through 22nd of September. This is a good thing as it does strengthen the relationship between the sister schools within central Africa and beyond.
We have had lot of preaching campaigns in August and September. The results of these campaigns is that 35 souls saved and 18 souls restored. We have brothers who are our graduates and are doing a good job of winning souls to Christ. Brothers Saliwa, Takesure, Mateyo, Shadreck just to mention but a few. The other campaign will be from the the 28th through 1st of October, 2023. This campaign will be in the district of chitipa near the boarder of Zambia and Tanzania. Our students are looking forward to going. We ask for your prayers .
We are so thankful for the support we receive from the Bear Valley Bible Institute International and also from the Hillcrest Christian family. The bold between us is beyond our imagination. We pray that God continues blessings your families as we still need your involvement in this work of training men and winning souls to Christ. As far as we have souls still not saved, we have the responsibility of reaching out to them - 2 Timothy 2:2!
"Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls
In Christ,
Ephron and Clergynton