Prayers needed for Haiti

Prayers are needed for Haiti. The gangs have now taken over about 60% of the capital city of Port-au-Prince. Many congregations are meeting in private homes to avoid being overly exposed. The Haitian government is almost nonexistent. Many police officers are trying to make a difference but are outnumbered, and the gangs have more and bigger weapons. Prayers are needed for Haiti. 

Despite the breakdown in society, the work of the Lord continues. In 2010 the Lord opened a door of opportunity for the gospel to move forward, which continues today. Thousands of souls have obeyed the gospel, several denominational churches have been converted, and many new congregations have been planted. To God be the glory for all that has been accomplished. 

We now have twenty-four students enrolled at the International School of Theology. Currently, we cannot meet on the campus of IST because of gang activity in the area. Our local director stays in contact with me several times a week. He and the teachers have tried to take every precaution to ensure the safety of our students. The students and teachers have not allowed the problems to stop them from reaching out to lost souls. In 2022 they were able to baptize 137 souls into the body of Christ, and two new congregations were planted. I have not been able to travel to Haiti since January 2021. I am thankful for our men in Haiti who care for the work. Please continue to remember them in your prayers. 

Early on January 6, a group of gang members came over the school's front gate. The guard alerted our caretakers, and they escaped over the back wall. There was no damage to the facility, and for that, we are thankful. Most likely, they were looking for items that could be quickly sold. We were most grateful that Oral and Olia, the caretakers, and their two boys escaped unharmed. Continue to pray for peace in Haiti. 

Posted on January 9, 2023 .