New school in Nigeria is off to a great start


Bear valley bible institute, Owerri  imo state was inaugurated on Saturday 1st of October 2022.

Classes began on 8th of October 2022 .

The school started with 22 students that passed the entrance examination,  among the students are 2 serving elders, 2 medical doctors,  2 academic doctors.

Presently we have 14 regular students, 6 students left to continue their education in the university while 2 left because of work transfer.

So far we have taken 3 courses and the students are doing well.

During the entrance examination a 12 year old boy walked in and requested to take the exam, after interviewing him we decided to allow him take the exam and surprisingly he scored over 75%. We decided to allow him to come for lectures to avoid discouraging and dampening his spirit.


Our first students outreach was supposed to be held in partnership with the church at Obosima on the 17th of December but was cancelled due to security reasons as there was sporadic shooting from midnight till late morning in Owerri. It is rescheduled to hold sometime in January 2023.

Also we have observed that most preachers here are not properly trained thereby creating some doctrinal issues here and there. This has posed a certain level of challenge which we must surmount,  I was privileged to speak to a gathering of some preachers in imo state on the challenges facing the church and how to protect the church from destructive teachings. They agreed to partner with the school to organize workshops,  seminars, and lectureships to tackle some of the issues that are threatening the sanctity and unity of the church.


We are hoping to have 11 new students by January if they all pass the entrance examination. 

We are grateful to the parent body and the school authorities for giving us the privilege of having a study center in imo state,  

Imo is big, through the awareness of what we are doing is growing! We have several people interested in studying with but are far from us.  I trust God will make a way for all who are interested to benefit from the school. 

Even though we are just starting,  we promise to maintain a high standard  and surely we will make the school proud.

Yours because of Christ 

Chinedu Akandu 


Posted on January 9, 2023 .