Report Of Bear Valley Bible Institute Weekend School, Ondo State October to December 2022.
What a glorious and eventful year in 2022 for the School here in Ondo State. We blessed God for His grace upon all the Instructors and students for their resilience, and love to teach, and study God's Word with the School. We are thankful to God for His safety, protection, and divine intervention throughout the 2022 academic session, Glory, honor, and Majesty to our God in heaven above, Amen. We are grateful to God for the vision, love, Sacrifice, and support that was given by Bear Valley Bible, Institute, Denver, Colorado, USA. We also extend our gracious thanks to the Church at Bear Valley Church, particularly the Eldership for their resourcefulness. Thank you, All.
Evangelism Report: From October to December 2022, the School embarked on evangelistic activities in the two centers in Ondo State. First, in the Ondo City center, we carried out evangelistic work in the Igba area of Ondo City in October and November 2022. At Ondo center, we were able to baptize a denominational pastor. We are working on him and his Church. Personally, l was invited to speak at Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ikorodu center, Lagos State, and Ekiti State in October and December 2022 respectively. As a school, we did house-to-house on two occasions with Open-air preaching on November, 18-20, 2022. It was three days of open-air preaching and mass evangelism in the Igba area including an area called Federal housing Estate, Igba, Ondo city. We are planning to commence worship as the Church fully in 2023 because three Christian families were living in this area already. We need your prayers!
In the Akure center, the students and the instructors were fully involved in evangelistic activities in Alade at Idanre. I am happy to inform you that we were able to establish the Church with the help of Leo Church of Christ at Alade town in Idanre local government area of Ondo State. The Leo Church with the help of a family was able to construct a meeting place for worship there! This is good news! In the year 2022, we were able (both instructors and students from the two centers) with the help of God to have baptized 40 new members to the glory of God!
Classroom activities: from October to December 2022, we had 4 courses altogether. In the Ondo center, brother Philemon taught "Prison Epistles" in October, while in the Akure center, brother Akilapa taught "Christian Evidence". In November 2022, brother Akilapa came to the Ondo center to teach "Christian Evidence", while brother Philemon Ohaebuka goes to the Akure center to teach "Prison Epistles". In December 2022, brother Victor Fasonu taught "Leadership" as a course at Ondo Center, while brother Damilola Oke taught "New Testament Church" at Akure center. We are thankful for His grace so far.
Brother Joseph Oluwabamiwo is one of the older students in the Ondo study center. He is around 65 years old. He is well behaved elderly brother among the students. He is ready to learn in the classroom. He is very gentle and polite in all things. All the instructors love him. He is willing to gain more knowledge to work closely with the preacher in his local church where he worships God. We are grateful to God to have him in the school.
Financial report: from October to December 2020, we received support from the school. Thank you, Bear Valley sponsors for your love and support! We appreciate your leadership.
Miscellaneous: we are grateful for the help received from the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver for standing by us for the growth and development of the School in Ondo State.
We are grateful to God for helping us to end the 2022 academic year in peace and the joy of the Lord! As a school in Ondo State, we are very focused and determined to continue to maintain Bible standards for the School.
Fasonu Victor, Coordinator,
Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ondo State