Every day that God gives for us is an opportunity for us to glorify, worship and serve Him. Although each day's outcome of activity was different depending on the circumstances, in all the average result has borne us fruit as you will see in the content of this report. The writing of this report is articulated as follows:
II-Teaching / Classroom
This component which contributes to the edification of the students took place during all the working days of the month with four teachers handling the following subjects:
Development of local assemblies - taught by Antoine Iffono; the Epistle of James - taught by Balla Kamano from Kissidougou;
Principles of Biblical Counseling - taught by Antoine Fassa Tolno and 1, 2 and 3 John which were taught by Niouma 2 Kamano.
The students' evaluation result of each course was successful.
Evangelism is at the center of our mission. We are happy of the fact that there is harmony amongst the staff to carry out this activity in several forms.
Firstly, we do door-to-door and personal evangelism in homes not only to convert new members, but also to edify older ones.
Secondly, the radio program is our mass evangelism broadcasting the gospel every Tuesday in defense of the faith and announcing the Lord's Church to all. This activity has a possitive impact in the Gueckedou area.
The result of all our evangelistic sessions resulted to 11 baptisms that the Lord Jesus has added to his church.
III-Building / Worship hall construction
We are glad to hear from our Coordinator and to express our gratitude that a certain American brother (unknown to us) has expressed his good will and has committed to finance the cost of a good number of worship hall roofs. In response to that good news the congregations are full of joy and even though we are presently in the wet season, some have begun to put up structures. The congregation at Damas immediately started and has now reached the roof level. We are optimistic that in the days to follow other congregations will also reach wall height.
IV-Suggestions and Recommendations
By the grace of God, the Almighty who has granted us life and health, we will do His will by serving Him according to the gifts He has accorded us.
Notwithstanding, as humans we are limited. That's why we need your spiritual /prayers and material support. We also have need for Bibles for the new converts as well as some means of transport - motorbikes to facilitate our movements. Your moral and technical support is as well expected.
Lastly, but not least we need your prayers for our brother, Francis' evangelism plan to be commenced soon in the Kissidougou area which is less evangelized. Pray that the plan be realized with great success to the glory of God
We thank God first of all for his great love to give us breath and health and to serve him. We also thank the Bear Valley Bible Institute Administration for the spiritual, moral, material and financial support in order to train evangelists to save souls and to build the church of the Lord in Guinea. We say thanks to our kind and able Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft for his love and effort for contributing to the growth of the church of Christ in West Africa and especially in Guinea. We also thank the cheerful donor for his willingness to help the congregations to make permanent metal roofs. Barry Baggott and Ken Stanley are to be thanked for their commitment to God's work in Guinea.
Finally, we thank all who contribute in any way to the growth of the church in Guinea.
May God bless each one accordingly.
In Jesus name.