A great start for a new school

Greetings from Taraba State Nigeria, with hope that this will find you growing well in all spiritual affairs in the Lord’s vineyard.

Our first quarter ended last week Saturday successfully. Therefore, on behalf of the board members, instructors and the students of Bear Valley Bible Institute Taraba State, may use this medium to register our appreciation to the entire family of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Denver, Colorado.

I also appreciate the effort of the instructors for making the quarter hitch-free, and also for taking classes on Fridays and Saturdays which helped us to complete the quarter at a good time.

To date, there have been 6 courses taught, 102 Bible studies were conducted, 4 baptisms were recorded, 3 restorations, and 1 congregation revived. To God be the glory!

Elkannah Madaki

Director, Bear Valley - Taraba State

Posted on July 11, 2022 .