Dearest in Christ,
Greetings from Cameroon and in Wotutu to be precise. I hope things are good with you as we pray daily. We are doing good, and we thank God for the grace and energy given to us to do what is entrusted in our hands.
Last week in Bear Valley was hectic as we were taking a short course in the Gospel of John while my wife was busy with the student preacher’s wives, teaching them during this end of quarter study period for the women’s program.
As I type this report, all of our students are in the mission field in different locations far and near through muddy roads and fear of the unknown. The gospel calls, and our students and staff are answering it. I was teaching the gospel of John. It is a very interesting book to study as a short course. It was great, as we all continue to learn from the book.
On the other hand, inside our worship hall, my wife was busy teaching the students’ wives on, “LESSON PREPARATIONS AND DELIVERY,” AND ALSO “THE ROLE OF A PREACHER’S WIFE IN A LOCAL CONGREGATION.” It was very rich, for the future of the church.
We lost a minister of the gospel that graduated from Bear Valley Bible Institute Wotutu. Minister Nguty Victor graduated in the class of 2016 and was doing very well in his home congregation of Nguty Town. The church in Nguty has lost a great man who was described as a bulldozer in the church around his area. That vacuum is there, and we pray that God will help us to fill the gap.
The entire Bear Valley family in Cameroon came out in their numbers to bid him farewell. A very large number of our graduates and others, assembled to celebrate the life of minister Nguty Victor. Please pray for the widow and her children. I was given the opportunity during the funeral program to speak on testimonies, I cried out about how much minister Nguty loved the church.
Thanks very much for all you are doing for the work here. Please pray for the work we did in Tchad as the news that is getting to us shows that more beautiful things are still happening there. Make a great day.
Elangwe and family
By the grace of God, director BVBIC-Wotutu