Tamale school students and staff visit and encourage congregations


There were a series of successful events that took place at the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tamale campus in the month of April, 2022. These events were successful by the direction and guidance of the Almighty God, who made both the heavens and the earth. We praise His name forever.



The doors for the Kpalsi South congregation building were fixed and painted in the month of April by the support and help of God’s servant Steven Ashcraft, who made the funds available. We continue to pray that the good Lord bless him and his family and all the people who consistently make things possible sacrificially for the body of Christ across the world especially, Northern Ghana. We in the Kpalsi South Congregation are grateful for all the kind gestures shown to us.

We are currently working on ways to do the outside and inside plastering of the building. For now, we are able to move in and start worshiping as we work on the other things that are left to be done. We give God the glory for how far He has brought us. We continue to do our door to door Evangelism as we schedule to do some mini public preaching and events with the view of persuading people with the Gospel of Christ.



We have successfully harvested our corn from the garden we did. It produced very well and the ground-nuts are almost ready for harvest. It has worked successfully and we are ready for a garden takeoff. 

The rains have also started and we have cultivated ground-nut and some vegetables on the school land. We are hoping to harvest them in a few months’ time and cultivate maize again. We are determined to do all year-round farming on the school land in an effort to leverage some of the feeding expenses if possible. We believe the Lord blesses the steps of a good man and He will bless our efforts. 



Samuel Saakuu Baaru, born on the 4th of March 1978 in a traditional home in the Lawra municipality in the Upper West Region is the person we profiled for the month of April, 2022. 

He is the first born boy of his parents. Being a traditional home, he was to inherit all the idols and properties of the family. To the dismay of his parents, he disappointed Mr. Baaru and the family in 1991 when he got baptized into the church. Three months after his baptism, the leader, Anthony Ferah left for the Bible school in Accra, and at that time all faithful Christians were women with a few casual male members.

Brother Saakuu was taken through some leadership training by nearby congregations like the Wa and the Tumu congregations and was asked to lead the congregation in the absence of the preacher till he completed his program. 

When the preacher returned, Samual Saakuu enrolled for project Timothy. He was an SHS graduate at that time, which was the year 1998.  After completing project Timothy, the District Assembly sponsored him from 2001 to 2004 to go and do an NVTI grade one and two courses. He also completed and graduated from Methodist University College in the year 2011. He went further to do his National service with MOFA (Ministry of Food and Agriculture). He applied again for voluntary service with MOFA after his national service, where he was sent to Ullo (A city in the Upper West Region)

While he was on voluntary service, he had a job appointment with OLAM Ghana LTD (A Cotton and Food Processing Company) as a cotton production officer.  Through that work together with his desire to serve the Lord, which he did, he went around and helped establish the Kogri Congregation, the Ullo, and Genvuori congregations around the Lawra area. He is currently working with the Kogri Congregation as well as working with the Ghana Culture. 



 Sogon 1 and 2: Brother Albert Tamanja embarked on a visitation journey to Sogon number 1 and 2. He took the opportunity to encourage these congregations to work hard to serve the Lord and to also encourage the youth to take up their responsibility by enrolling into the Bible school to help with the work of our Lord. He stressed the importance of working for the Lord. He spent quality time with both congregations to strengthen them. They appreciated his presence and expressed the importance of the school having a good relationship with them by visiting them consistently.  

Lawara: Brother James B. Legend in the month of April made a visitation journey to the Upper West Region in the effort to create opportunity for the recruitment process of our next batch of students. On this journey, he visited the Lawra town congregation as well as the Tovuori area where Brother Samuel Saakuu lives. There were discussions on the need to establish a new congregation at Tovouri. He further went to the Nadoli and Busie congregations as well as the Jirapa area where he met with Brother Donzie Thomas. 

Yua: On a similar purpose in the month of April, Brother James B. Legend made a visitation journey to the Yua congregation in the Pormoligu Segrigu municipality in the Upper East Region. The Yua Congregation has a membership of 21, out of which only three are men. They have no trained preacher, as they struggle to worship our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with the help of Baaba Akolgo James. Baaba James is in his 70s and has no formal education and cannot read, nor write, and yet is the one that leads the Congregation. He is very zealous and enthusiastic about serving the Lord.  Baaba James is the Father of Baaba Elijah who graduated from Bear Valley Tamale Campus some years ago and also benefited from one of the two motorcycles that were bought to aid some of the preachers in Northern Ghana. By the grace of God and with the help of Brother James Legend of (BVBI Tamale) and Baaba Elijah, Brother Baaba James is able to successfully lead this congregation for two years now. Baaba James Appealed for help from the school to come and assist them to evangelize the community and also help them with a trained preacher to make the work more effective in the area. He appreciated the school coming to encourage them through Brother James Legend.

Indeed, visitation is very essential for the future and the growth of our schools, especially in Northern Ghana.

We thank the Lord and all brethren who are making these activities possible by sacrificially making the funds available to support. 

 God Bless everyone.

Bear Valley, Tamale.

Posted on June 2, 2022 .