Sowing the seed in Zimbabwe



The month of February progressed well without much hindrance except for the dry spell which has impacted negatively on our crops. The Covid positive cases have drastically reduced and life seems to be going back to normal, though slowly. In the month, classes, construction of the teacher’s house and evangelism progressed well. These and more are covered hereunder.


The following subjects have so far been taught and completed; African Traditional Religion, Church Growth, Advanced Hermeneutics, Major Prophets, Biblical Counseling (including HIV & Covid Care & Counseling), Sign Language, Pastoral Epistles and James. Outstanding subjects include Hebrews, Romans, horticulture and Strategic Management for Churches. One notable subject that was taught is African Traditional Religion (ATR). An old man from the area, a Mr Jeche was invited to identify, explain and shed more light on issues in ATR. His experience in these issues was critical and greatly helped students beyond expectation.



More effort and resources had been put towards the maize and beans projects. Both the teachers and the students did their best in making sure that the school will have a good harvest this year. However, a length dry spell in February has resulted in the maize and beans crop to start wilting. Parts of the crops are already a write-off. This is an unfortunate development though it has not dampened the school’s resolve of lowering the school’s food budget, provision of life skills to students and provision of extra income into the school.  


BVBIZ always welcomes opportunities for students to put theory into practice. Evangelism effort continued in the month at Redcliff, Plasworth and Lot 64. Evangelism was done on Saturdays and then services are attended on Sundays.


More progress continued to be registered in the month. Plastering, fixing of a rough floor, beam filling, electrical wiring, fixing of window frames and window seals were done successfully. Plumping work began on the 27th of February and is expected to be completed by the second week of March. A report on this will be made in the next report. 


BVBIZ greatly appreciates donations in whatever form coming from far and wide.  In the month, we received a bag of maize from the Nyatsine family of Macheke. We also received two desktops and a separate CPU from Jefta Mugweni. The school greatly appreciates these two donations.


In February, progress was registered in terms of the curriculum, teacher’s house and evangelism despite the dry spell that has affected our crops. BVBIZ continues to thank you all for your partnership and support. To God be the glory!

Posted on March 14, 2022 .