Pray for Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters!  

Happy New Year! We hope to have new achievements and new plans in this new year which the Lord gives us. We resumed classes at the Bible Institute on the 10th of January. Our students had the winter break from which they returned with refreshed spirits. Currently, the students are covering the Old Testament history of Israel, the Book of Joshua, Judges and Ruth. The teacher is Sopelnik Dennis. Also, by the end of January the students would begin studies of the books of Samuel. The schedule is drawn up in such a way that in the first year the students are studying the Old Testament with all concomitant subjects. The second year is devoted mainly to the New Testament.  

This year we have also had a new female student, her name is Victoria.  She is 22 years old, and she is from the city of Kharkiv. So, now we have two students who are from the Kharkiv church of Christ. She is not married; she has a background in arts; she also loves children. Thus, we’re trying to help different congregations not only with preachers but also with potential ladies’ and children’s classes teachers. Our experience has shown how important it is to equip both men and women in the ministry of the local congregations.  

Next month we are scheduled to have two very important seminars. One is for the Western Ukrainian churches, while the other is for the Eastern Ukrainian churches. These are great opportunities for the spiritual growth of our Christians. Our Bible Institute is connected with both events, since our instructors will be teaching at those seminars. We are very grateful to our American partners who help us to conduct these seminars. I would like to repeat that because of these events the Ukrainian church is the strongest on the European continent.  

I would like to express my gratitude to all the sponsors of the Bible Institute. The inflation is rising very quickly every year, and it becomes more and more expensive to enroll new students.  However, we don’t give up and are using every opportunity to find help for equipping the future leaders of the church. The most important thing is that thanks to our mutual efforts many of the Bible Institute graduates are laboring in the vineyard of the Lord, in Ukraine.  

May the Lord keep you; thank you for your prayers.  

With Love in Christ, the director of the Bible Institute, Sopelnik Dennis

Posted on February 14, 2022 .